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What Is The Last Film You Watched? (Older Films)

Mr. Breathmask

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Snow White and the Huntsman

The first half of the movie was alright , I liked the designs of the dark forest, the creatures...etc.. Then the film devolves to the typical "medieval battle" that you've seen in countless movies

I'm very disappointed in Kristen Stewart. I really want to like her as an actress, but she was terrible in this


I found it half decent. Dare I say it had me more involved than Avengers

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There's plenty of crap on cable just like there's plenty of crap on the networks. There's plenty of good shows in both places as well

Jason, could you be a little more pointed? :-). Our weatherman would get dogged for saying there's gonna be a chance of clouds and a chance of sun. Well. Really!?

I want to see SW. But am having second thoughts

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Our weatherman would get dogged for saying there's gonna be a chance of clouds and a chance of sun. Well. Really!?

Indeed. If all you had to do was say, "there is a 50% of it raining today: It either will or it won't," we'd all be weather...people.

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weathermen are often criticized unfairly. Unlike the rest of their coworkers who get to tell the news of "past" events. The weatherman must give a forecast of possible future events. Weather is often hard to predict because of atmospheric and geological conditions. At least here in the south they are very good. They warn us and protect us from the severe storms and tornados that frequent this region. You can bet when the number of deaths are high from a tornado that many many more lives were saved because of the weatherman.

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The Mummy - with music from Jerry Goldsmith

Film was not great, too much wooden dialogue. Music was S.U.P.E.R.B.

It's a fun movie! Even its atrocious sequel. Very good cast.

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Saving Private Ryan was the last film I saw. There's great stuff in it, but I'm still left as cold as an iceberg. The "solemn letter reading" guy completely kills the mood after the beginning and at the end for me.

I wanted to love it, but I'm left here puzzled. I don't know, I had reasonably high expectations. The opening battle and the preparation and development of the last battle got there, for example.

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I'm less bothered about these scenes that about how they're done. If Lincoln goes that route of slow-and-meaningful-but-boring camera movements plus that kind of music and a long sight of that flag as a finishing touch it might just suck. Or I might fall asleep at the cinema.

The music sounds really nice outside the film but in the film it doesn't add much. You ought to start that end credits music at the graveyard, Johnny.

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Has anyone else seen Moonrise Kingdom, let alone like Wes Anderson?

It's sitting at a strong 94% on RT (we all know how irrefutable these ratings are) with a 98% among top critics. It's easily my favorite film of the year thus far. If you're looking for something to drown out your hatred for Prometheus, this is it.

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Has anyone else seen Moonrise Kingdom, let alone like Wes Anderson?

It's sitting at a strong 94% on RT (we all know how irrefutable these ratings are) with a 98% among top critics. It's easily my favorite film of the year thus far. If you're looking for something to drown out your hatred for Prometheus, this is it.

I'm curious about this weekend. I'll probably check it out this weekend if I can.

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I LOVED Oldboy! What a crazy flick!

I agree it should never be remade. At one point Will Smith was attached to star!! :folder:

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Yeah, with Spielberg behind the camera lol.

I really didn't like how things turned out, felt ridiculously over-the-top for the sake of it. Apparently the original manga is much more tame. I thought it was shot really well though, and it had some cringe-worthy violence.

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and Chinese find eating hairless new born rats a delicacy. doesn't mean you should eat it.

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I don't do those. I'm not a fan of chinese buffets.

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well eating something alive that hasn't been cleaned is not only gross it's dangerous. but it's your digestive system you're playing with, let us know how the beak and eye lens taste, and the bowels and excrement too. Actually you can keep that part of the experience to itself. I recommend you eat deer brains and english cow brains, they're delicacies too. Nothing bad can happen from that.

Oh yeah, eat some shark fin soup, and have you tried blue whale, that's a cultural gem in one particular country that defies boundries when it comes to endanger species.

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Who says it isn't clean? It's not like I'm digging it out of the sand and chewing away. Plus I'm not gonna swallow a beak, that'll probably tear me a new one. The U.S. is great because we're multicultural and have a variety of different foods to sample from here. When it comes to our traditional stuff like burgers and hot dogs, it's my least favorite food.

Give me SE Asian, Hispanic, and Middle Eastern over it any day of the week.

Wanna know what my favorite meat is, Joey? Cow tongue. Like Chaac says, brains are pretty good too, but can be too dry.

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Like Chaac says, brains are pretty good too, but can be too dry.

OMG! It's true! Zombie apocalypse is nigh! :o
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I was really into it all the way up until the mystery started to reveal itself. What the fuck did I just watch? And apparently Spike Lee is directing an American remake? Just... no.

One of the best reveals of all time. The opening of the book, the pages being turned slowly at first, then faster and faster; the synth score building in the background, the electronic brass getting heavy as the revelation begins to sink in. It blew me away at the time, that shot on the book is one of my favourite movie moments ever. Pure cinema.

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Yea. And the dude ate a live octopus!

A 63-year-old Korean woman was chowing down on an undercooked squid when she began to feel a "pricking and foreign body sensation." Wisely, she spat out the squid, along with its internal organs, but she could still feel "small, squirming" organisms in her mouth. By "in her mouth," we don't mean she should hit some Listerine. We mean right in the mucus membrane of her tongue, inner cheek and gums. She took herself to hospital where doctors confirmed the presence of 12 small, white, bug-like organisms which they thought were parasites. However, researchers later ascertained that she had bitten into the squid's sperm bag and the little guys celebrated their freedom by attempting to impregnate parts of the woman's mouth. Eep!



That takes "love at first bite" to a whole nother level.

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Brains are good. I like brains.

Joey you're not supposed to eat the beak. You aren't supposed to eat shark or blue whale either.

if he's eating it alive then he is starting with it whole. People all over the world eat shark but a certain segment of the earths population eat just the fin which they cut off the live shark and then release it to die a terrible death, another segment of the population, a large country eats blue whales. I think both are wrong.

eating brains of any animal is a very dangerous situation. Lots of diseases are caught by eating brains, wonderful debilitating, life destroying diseases. ah Chilled monkey brains.

Not many films at the theatre that I want to see. I think we'll redbox it today.

I can watch the grey, and I think the new ghost rider looks like it will be stupid fun. Or something called Absentia. Girl with the dragon tatoo, we'll see whats available.

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Wanna know what my favorite meat is, Joey? Cow tongue. Like Chaac says, brains are pretty good too, but can be too dry.

Cow tongue is actually a delicacy around here

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Sibelius: A Finnish biopic of our esteemed national composer laureate. Awful script which results in bad pacing and panicky flash through what seems every important point of the composer's life and inept direction which transforms the more than capable Finnish front row actors into wooden, pompous self important caricatures left me for the most part feeling that Sibelius' music, which was used a lot throughout the film, was the best part of the whole thing. I wish they had not tried to capture every historical event, turn and moment of the composer's life but would have figured out a good frame story in which to place his personal history or the key moments and relationships. The story lacked an intimate human touch which would have made us more interested in the composer's persona but the actors are so caught up playing historical figures that the acting screams the importance of every moment. On top of this the whole artistic elite and national romantics and luminaries of the time are paraded through the film in a constant flow, further adding a sense of pomposity to the already self-important film.

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I raided Redbox while they still had what I wanted, got the Grey, John Carter, Girl with Dragon Tattoo, We Bought a Zoo, and Ghost Rider 2. All on blu, got 5 movies to watch in about 32 hours.

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I liked 3 of those movies

which 3? and did you dislike the other two or did you see them at all?
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I liked Dragon Tattoo (I assume you're talking about the Fincher version; I've never seen the Swedish), John Carter, and The Grey. Never seen We Bought A Zoo or Ghost Rider 2 (or 1 for that matter)

The Grey was flawed but interesting

John Carter was mindless popcorn summer fun that I found very enjoyable

Dragon Tattoo is a very good film

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Thanks, I figure Tattoo and Ghost Rider will be late night viewings strictly by me. Dave has no interest in Tattoo and probably will pass on Cage's film.

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