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What Is The Last Film You Watched? (Older Films)

Mr. Breathmask

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saw that Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter was shown to the crew of the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier. 1800 sailors got to see a sneak preview hosted by the star of Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter himself Benjamin Walker.


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forest for the trees?

I loved Rex Reed's review for the awful looking moonrise kingdom.


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Well, Reed's review is certainly as tendentious as anything by Armond White. Worst review ever? Pretty much anything that's more a review of the artist than the product itself misses the mark in my book. I'm not sure J. Hoberman gets a pass for turning superciliousness into an artform.

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I have not read any reviews by this critic but I would take it that this is his usual style of writing. It would be more illuminating if he was to find something positive about the film even if he didn't like it overall and not make it indeed a full blown rant against the film makers. He comes off as a petulant child who can't understand why other people do not share his pre-eminent opinion of the world.

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I have not read any reviews by this critic but I would take it that this is his usual style of writing. It would be more illuminating if he was to find something positive about the film even if he didn't like it overall and not make it indeed a full blown rant against the film makers. He comes off as a petulant child who can't understand why other people do not share his pre-eminent opinion of the world.

But this Jerry-Springer style is, for all its psychological implications about the writer, more fun to read than most scholarly written pagelong exercises in 'balanced' film criticism.

Why do you see that?


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I watched Super 8 on Blu with the kids(range from 4 weeks to 14 years) and they just loved it. And also scared the shit out of them.

So the world still have some hope, a warm goodhearted film can still move the little ones. Not every film must be brainless action packed transformer-piratesofcaribbean-bad acted crap.

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That could quite possibly be the worst review I've ever read.

oh please, it's a terrifically written review, you just don't agree with it, and the Darling express was awful.

Rex Reed has been writing reviews a long time and his style is fine, his writing skills without question, his taste is more open to interpretation.

John Carter of Mars, pretty good movie, and an okay MG score.

Loved the ending,

write a book
to Ned aka Edgar Rice Borroughs
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The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)

There's just something magical and simple about this film that makes it a joy to revisit over and over again. Basil Wrathbone is a deliciously evil Gisbourne, Claude Rains is a fun, hammy Sheriff, and Olivia de Havilland and Errol Flynn are a magnetic screen couple. Korngold's score isn't just a valuable asset to the film, but a character onto itself. A great Golden Age film.

And I think this movie epitomizes what is so great about the early Technicolor films. Gone With the Wind and The Wizard of Oz get most of that credit, but not enough goes to Robin Hood.

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That could quite possibly be the worst review I've ever read.

oh please, it's a terrifically written review, you just don't agree with it, and the Darling express was awful.

Rex Reed has been writing reviews a long time and his style is fine, his writing skills without question, his taste is more open to interpretation.

I don't agree with it, no, but that's beside the point. Maybe it's just me, but I like my reviews to be emotionally balanced with some thought, not a huge rant without any real cohesion. If you're having a one-off discussion with a couple friends, sure something like this would be just fine, but the OCD writer in me likes to have an intro, supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion.

If you think The Darjeeling Express was awful, that's fine too, but one of the worst films ever made? Surely you have more sense than that.

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star trek 2009 is one, found another really stupid moment. Kirk tumbles over the cliff falling a great distance, and yet is able to get up and run at full speed as the giant alien bug falls towards him. really neither kirk or the creature are injured in the great fall.

the movie is just insulting.

thank goodness the cast give engaging performances that transcend the retarded screenplay.

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Well it's still better than any other movie in that franchise.

not in this universe. You're sadly mistaken.
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this one, alpha quadrant. Give me Wrath of Khan anyday, and if for no other reasons I can't remember any lens flares.

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I agree with Joe. The script is an insult to my intelligence.

Nicholas Meyer wrote 3 great scripts for the franchise. I love that he never treated the audience like a bunch of 4 year olds. that he put references to literature and history in his Trek movies.

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one did have a Shakaspear quote for a title.

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Is it bad that I enjoyed Prometheus more?

I don't know how that is possible!
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I was never big on Ridley's Alien. I think I saw it only once or twice before I watched it tonight. I had seen all the others much more. I don't know, there's just something about it that doesn't grab me.

Seeing it though made me realize all the similarities in Prometheus. It would have been cooler if it was the same planet.

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I just saw Prometheus and I really liked it....but I don't think it comes close to Alien. I was actually okay with everything in Prometheus until the very last scene, which I thought was superstupid.

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Is it bad that I enjoyed Prometheus more?

I was wondering who was going to be the first one to say that. Of course, it had to be you.

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I suppose Prometheus could just be more his type of film; I can see someone liking it better, although I'd have to say Alien would be the "better" film. But I rather liked Prometheus, and it's striking me that many of the criticisms can be attributed to either 1) things left intentionally open-ended for sake of discussion; 2) things left intentionally open-ended to be picked up in the sequel (the sequel may also address why this was a different planet); or 3) things that people didn't pick up on because they didn't pay enough attention. Of course, the trailer also implied a film much more explicitly like Alien, when this was certainly a different animal.

There were some standout, well-done sequences I thought: the opening, culminating with the actual title screen; the sequence introducing David while the others are in cryosleep; the surgery (which I think could prove to be an iconic scene from the film, and definitely had me squirming in my seat); and David's discovery of the bridge. There were also some nice visual devices, like the probes and the holographic records. I really like Gregson-Williams's theme, and there were moments of rather good atmospheric music on Streitenfeld's part as well.

The thing that I had most to complain about right off is that the very last scene should've been after the credits or not at all. And speaking of after the credits, I heard that there was actually a post-credits thing with Weyland, but it wasn't on the print I saw. Did anyone see it with their showing?

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French Horn theme....WOT??? Great stuff

Well, it was written by Williams, after all.

Ah, where is it from??

It was a joke, because it was written by Harry Gregson Williams.

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If Prometheus had turned out incredible and universally adored, Koray would've said he wasn't too keen on it.

I'm not that hipster ;)

Prometheus is not a perfect film, far from it. It's not even great. I thought it was good, but had the potential to be great if it had a better script. Alien just didn't entertain me like Prometheus did. Is it the better film? Absolutely, there aren't any real flaws I could point out. Though it did bother me that Ripley didn't close the doors when they went in looking for the face hugger. I mean, she wasn't going to let it on the ship in the first place, and now she's not taking the precaution to ensure it doesn't get out of the medical bay?

I already know my vote will go to Aliens in the other thread. I might watch it tonight.

I don't know, Quint, I'm pretty sure Koray would love Alien if Criterion had released it. ;)

The Blu looks and sounds great. No problems there.

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And speaking of after the credits, I heard that there was actually a post-credits thing with Weyland, but it wasn't on the print I saw. Did anyone see it with their showing?

This might be what you're looking for.

Okay, interesting. Haven't followed the rabbit hole too far, but apparently something to do with Also Sprach Zarathustra. I would guess that they're already paving the way for the sequel; I'm not sure what else to make of it at this point.

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The Blu looks and sounds great. No problems there.

I wasn't referring to the picture quality, Koray. I know the quality is great. In fact, for a 1979 movie, the quality is beyond great.

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