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Spanish Tintin Teaser features new footage and new bit of Williams score!


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It's impossible to get a feel for any score from 36 seconds worth of material

Th 36 seconds sound soulless.

For those confused about the definition (Chaac):

Main Entry: soul·less

Pronunciation: \ˈsōl-ləs\

Function: adjective

Date: 15th century

: having no soul or no greatness or warmth of mind or feeling

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Honestly, I get KM's point (or some underlying part of it, at least), though. Using only generic filler music in a trailer is one thing. Supplementing that generic filler with Williams' own brand of generic filler is something else. If Williams' style is less likely to appeal to the aesthetic that draws contemporary audiences, why include any of his music in the trailer at all? Presumably one would feature his antediluvian ditherings only if they were somehow perceived as unusually distinguished or exceptionally marketable. The concern is that if this is what passes for ear candy from the score, then Kingdom of the Crystal Skull + warmed over Hook seems like an increasingly accurate estimate of what to expect.

This is precisely what I was gonna say :) Though with dumber words - not longer than two syllables each, obviously.

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I thought Gunnar from the FSM forums had a good viewpoint concerning the use (or lack thereof) of Williams music in the trailers

I could imagine that this trailer is so fast-cut that the pieces Williams composed wouldn't really fit to the whole trailer, and microediting very distinct tracks together at such a fast rate wouldn't get you anywhere. It's much easier to start with a bit of thematic material, and then go for the fast-paced, thumping, but eventually dramatically nondescriptive trailer music.

I wouldn't read anything into it, let alone extrapolate from a few seconds of a theme to the whole score.


If you haven't seen the spanish trailer yet, I found this site that still has it up!!!


Some scenes from the comics I recognized:

-Tintin smashing the mansion basement wall with the support beam

-The Unicorn being overtaken by Rackham's pirate ship

Also this isn't from the book, but now it appears TIntin and Haddock are chasing Sacharine in their motorcyle when Haddock has the rocket launcher

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OK to remove some of my "negativity" which some people here seem to take too seriously (I'm looking at you Miss Padme)

First off I'm one of the more supportive board members of Williams 2000's writing style, while others bash it continually.

I love AotC, RotS and KotCS , and I'm sure I'll like Tintin

I am basically worried about 2 things for Tintin:

The OST presentation (Williams produced +Sony Classical = possible disaster)

Why there's not more Williams music in the last trailer

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Sure thing:

What's the name...of this young man?

Everybody knows him. He's Tintin!

Look at that: the Unicorn! Milou, this model hides a clue to one of the greatest treasures in history.

The Secret of the Unicorn

Thanks! I'm Tintin, by the way

Haddock. Archibald Haddock.

How's your thirst for adventure, Captain?


Find them...find them both.

If Saccarine finds the ship before we do, it's over!

We're saved! It's a divine sign!

Captain, you're doing great!


Did you hit something?

Yeah, something....

Hang on, Tintin

I think that's pretty much it

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OK, I think that this movie might have a lot more action than other comparable but live-action movies. In the case of live action movies, you are always slightly more limited in what you can do (even with CGI).

When it comes to animated movies (or whatever this is called), there are practically no limits at all...

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I'm not sure why anyone would want to box themselves into a fixed position on the score based on 30 some seconds of music. I'm excited to hear the music in the movie and on the OST, I'll reserve judgement until I have an actual foundation to stand on.

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I'm not sure why anyone would want to box themselves into a fixed position on the score based on 30 some seconds of music. I'm excited to hear the music in the movie and on the OST, I'll reserve judgement until I have an actual foundation to stand on.

Who has boxed themselves into a fixed position on the score?

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This is why Tintin music hasn't been featured very prominently in the trailers. Here's a comment about the War Horse trailer:

It’s not the film, I think it’s the editing and the godawful treacly music. They should use something from Biyan Tyler like Summon the Worms, which has been used in the Narnia and Indiana Jones trailers. Tyler score was one of the best things about Battle Los Angeles."


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This is why Tintin music hasn't been featured very prominently in the trailers. Here's a comment about the War Horse trailer:

It’s not the film, I think it’s the editing and the godawful treacly music. They should use something from Biyan Tyler like Summon the Worms, which has been used in the Narnia and Indiana Jones trailers. Tyler score was one of the best things about Battle Los Angeles."


Well, it was said by a "tasteless moron" so... what can you expect?

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I'm not sure if this has been posted already or not, but the english version of the trailer we only had in spanish has been released:


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No! The english version has not been posted - thanks so much!

If anyone hasn't seen it, its a pretty good trailer (most links in this thread are dead - for some reason paramount or whoever kept taking it down)

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It’s not the film, I think it’s the editing and the godawful treacly music. They should use something from Biyan Tyler like Summon the Worms, which has been used in the Narnia and Indiana Jones trailers. Tyler score was one of the best things about Battle Los Angeles."

I tell you, comments like this make me realize that even I have the potential to be a horrible human being. Lucky for the authors of the comments, I do not have the powers of an absolute monarch.

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It's in "Sir Francis and the Unicorn"

Not fully.

You mean the shoirt piece form your "Tintin Score Snippets" video? it should be in there....

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