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Quite a Bit of New Music!


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Greetings everyone!

During the winter and spring of 2012, I had the privilege of composing for the Norwegian dance company FRIKAR, a group of extremely acrobatic modern folk dancers. For this particular production, they were joined by four Chinese kung fu monks, equally impressive in their daunting display of grace, virtuosity and control.

I actually had to write two versions of this music simultaneously: A 60 minute (and then some!) stage (and touring) version, scored for string trio and percussion, as well as ca. 30 minutes of orchestral selections (arranged in several suites)devised to accompany a TV version of the performance.

The TV version aired on Norwegian television last night, and included some really stellar performances by the Norwegian Radio Orchestra.

I do hope you'll enjoy!

<a href=http://tv.nrk.no/program/mkmf33000012/moeter#t=5m46s>

(The music as employed in the film is actually taken from both versions of the score, and follows a slightly different logic than I intended, and a few items have been abridged for choreographic purposes. But there are already some plans to make the full orchestral suites commercially available)

Best wishes,

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I am so touched by your very generous response; it means a lot to me! Thank you all so much! And I hope to be able to offer the full orchestral suites in the near future!

This project was, for all its rewards, quite taxing, and nothing is more encouraging or gratifying to me than such a warm and friendly reception!

Thank you!

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Hmm.. I just noticed that the link doesn't seem to work.. Anyone care to enlighten me as to how I can make it nice and clickable?

As the only human left on the planet after yesterday's apocalypse, I can field this one for you Marcus!


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Thank you Omen II, Miguel and Jarbas!

(And Miguel: The Cello Sonata along with a couple of other works of mine, is being recorded in January for a CD release in 2013. I am so glad you like it!)

Merry Christmas!


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