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The Complete engraved full score to EDWARD SCISSORHANDS officially released!!!


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Well it says on the publisher site:

Omni Music Publishing has included all the details that were adjusted, re-written and re-orchestrated at the scoring stage — this is THE definitive edition! I am hoping that there will be more volumes of film scores treated as thoroughly as this one. — Steve Bartek, Elfman orchestrator

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And it is really terrific news! Another step toward respectablility for film music as something worth serious study and thought. :)

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The full orchestral score is now available to be purchased for $75.00 in the US & Canada. For more details, including how to order, visit www.OmniMusicPublishing.com

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They will never do this for modern John's scores.

The entire Amazon would need to be harvested just for enough paper to contain the notes of Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

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They will never do this for modern John's scores.

The entire Amazon would need to be harvested just for enough paper to contain the notes of Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

good point. = ) nice thing about the edward scissorhands score is, this'll be something to do while recovering.

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Imagine all the alternate though, the entire world would have to be harvested to include all the permutations of cues. ;)

I don't understand why Crystal skull in particular would have the most alternates and would require much paper.

Why not Star Wars? or Hook?

In terms of length I would think that maybe Hook is the largest score (from the Williams output)..

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My copy shipped today, I'm excited to check this out! I was reading on Scott Glascow's post about it that the style is supposed to be somewhat based on the Dover edition study scores, cool stuff.

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I am simply amazed!!! Seeing a full score of a movie being officially released in engraved form is a dream coming true. I hope they will do it more frequently from now on!!

However, this is not the first time in the history of film sheet music: Prokofiev's Ivan the Terrible is available from Sikorski (I have it), and I think there is also something out by Shostakovich. But it is certainly the first time for a modern age score.

Too bad it is available only in U.S. and Canada!! It would not be even too expensive, but I cannot order it from Europe!

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Imagine all the alternate though, the entire world would have to be harvested to include all the permutations of cues. ;)

Not true. Remember, the full engraved scores for the theatrical cuts of all three films already exist for concert performane, and are just waiting to be published officially. Although I imagine each is a rather hefty tome.

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I've read in Scott Glasgow's post in facebook, that there are other scores that are ready to go (meaning they are already engraved), if this sells good! :)

The complete Raiders of Lost Ark is also engraved ( not meaning of course that it would be easy to get the rights and publish it)

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Well, in principle all the scores which were played "live to projection" should be completely engraved, right? This would include also "E.T.", all the LOTR's, "The Matrix"...

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In US &Canada only! WTF!!!! Grrrr.....

Why not a downloadable pdf for half the price, available worldwide!?

Anyway I would die for full scores of Goldsmiths "Star Trek - The Motion Picture" and Horners "Wrath of Khan".

Oh well...

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In US &Canada only! WTF!!!! Grrrr.....

They didn't have the rights to sell outside of US and Canada.

(yes, it's very unfortunate)

As it happens with most products, the rest of the world and USA are 2 different markets.

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from a guy at FSM:

"Just FYI, there are other complete and fully engraved scores ready to go if this one sells well. So if you're at all interested, you should buy it!"

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News of the publisher (source:FSM Message Board)

There's no plan for digital versions.
Concerning worldwide, getting the rights for that were too expensive, especially since I'm paying for all this myself. Just want to test the waters before making it available outside US & Canada.
The interest has been impressive, but so far the sales have been surprisingly poor, considering how many people seem to want this material.
Unless there's more interest, there will be no financial way to afford gaining worldwide permission to sell this material.

By the way, did anyone receive his copy?


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News of the publisher (source:FSM Message Board)

There's no plan for digital versions.

Concerning worldwide, getting the rights for that were too expensive, especially since I'm paying for all this myself. Just want to test the waters before making it available outside US & Canada.

The interest has been impressive, but so far the sales have been surprisingly poor, considering how many people seem to want this material.

Unless there's more interest, there will be no financial way to afford gaining worldwide permission to sell this material.

By the way, did anyone receive his copy?


If I may ask, does anyone know who is the editor? Anyway, perhaps starting with "Edward Scissorhands" was not the best thing, although maybe it was his only option. I mean, I do not think that the interest in complete engraved film scores can be judged by how much this one will sell. I for sure would be interested (but I cannot order it because I live outside U.S. and Canada), but I can imagine that many people who would buy, e.g., Star Wars, would not be equally interested in this.

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Wow, great news, one of my favorite scores. Just curious, so being 'engraved', does that mean they just took the handwritten score from elfman/bartek and put it through software to clean it up, so it's legible, like hand written to typed? Does anybody know a place online where I can see a pic of what an 'engraved' sheet looks like. I'm just what you actually get for the 75$. I've seen some 'published scores' before, but they are basically arrangements, and produced so the cues can be performed to an audience. Not really an exact representation of the original.

But what a treat for a truly fantastic score, i wish (and still hope) this score gets more attention. There are so many rip offs of it, I can hear it's influence all over the place.

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these are exactly the original orchestrations.

you can see a sample in the link in my first post.

In concur.

Looking at the preview page of ICE DANCE. Its def. the real thing.

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Ah, i didn't see the example link, yeah those look great! Wow, i wish they would do these for the Indy movies, i would be all over that.

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My copy came today = ) If anyone has any questions feel free to ask. Very good quality. The binding IS very much like the Dover scores.

Lucky you! Just a curiosity: are the systems "optimized" (staves for instruments which are not playing in a certain system are removed), or like in the Signature Edition scores (all staves are kept in each page)?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Are the pages as thick as a dover edition, and what is the color of the page... kind of faded newsprint like the dover editions or is it more pure white?

Thanks for answering the questions ShowUStheHOOK!

I also would like to point out, if anyone dosen't know that at Marco Beltrami's website, he has full cues of some of his sheet music up. Some are handwritten like the ones for Hellboy and some, like for I,Robot have been generated using a notation program. These are interesting because they contain perormance notes (they look to be the actual recording scores used in studio).

Here's the direct link to the I,Robot cue up...


For some films, like Hellboy, there are mutliple score cues available...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Are the pages as thick as a dover edition, and what is the color of the page... kind of faded newsprint like the dover editions or is it more pure white?

Thanks for answering the questions ShowUStheHOOK!

I also would like to point out, if anyone dosen't know that at Marco Beltrami's website, he has full cues of some of his sheet music up. Some are handwritten like the ones for Hellboy and some, like for I,Robot have been generated using a notation program. These are interesting because they contain perormance notes (they look to be the actual recording scores used in studio).

Here's the direct link to the I,Robot cue up...


For some films, like Hellboy, there are mutliple score cues available...


THe pages are white. I don't have many dover editions of scores, and the one I have is not near me, so it would be hard to compare print right now. At parts its kind of small and can be tedious but not impossible to read. But for the most part its not a bad font size.

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  • 4 months later...

For sheet music collectors, this was somewhat comparable to the release of the Star Wars 4-disc boxed set in '93 (holy crap—twenty years ago!). It's the first time something like this has been done in this way, and (one would hope) it heralds a new angle in the market—seeing more expanded and complete printed sheet sets widely released, just like film score releases have improve so vastly over the last two decades.

If I may ask, does anyone know who is the editor? Anyway, perhaps starting with "Edward Scissorhands" was not the best thing, although maybe it was his only option. I mean, I do not think that the interest in complete engraved film scores can be judged by how much this one will sell. I for sure would be interested (but I cannot order it because I live outside U.S. and Canada), but I can imagine that many people who would buy, e.g., Star Wars, would not be equally interested in this.

I agree with this. They'd have gotten a much better idea about the market potential with a more popular score than what they put out with this. Not necessarily a JW classic like E.T., for instance (which would sell out overnight, but that wouldn't be indicative of how other scores would move). However, something like Back to the Future or one of the Star Trek films, or if you wanted to go with Danny Elfman, something like Batman or Spider-Man, perhaps, would serve as much better litmus tests.

Take myself, for instance. I'd be willing to pay $75 for the engraved, full orchestral sheet music for any one of those movies I mentioned above. But Edward Scissorhands. . . ? I wasn't really interested. If I'd spent the money, it would be purely an investment in the future possibility of more and better music from people like this. As it was, I passed. Hopefully the sales they got were encouraging enough to push them to try more of the same.

- Uni

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