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The Thomas Newman Thread


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Just...bringing this baby up on top. I expect it will be used more in the next few months.

Newman is an outstanding composer and if anyone if qualified to step into John Williams' shoes it is him. I vastly prefer that he does it rather then Gia or Zimmer.

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He's a very talented composer and one of the most unique 'Murica has to offer at the moment.

However, I'd like to hear a more disciplined side of his craft. His orchestral writing is extremely strong but criminally underused as well.


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You know (with 99% certainty) that he was hand-picked by John Williams for this.

This is probably as close as a modern human can get to being picked by Marcus Aurelius to rule the Roman empire!

I mean shit, already I can feel in my loins that I will take Thomas Snoo--Newman more seriously because of this.

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You know (with 99% certainty) that he was hand-picked by John Williams for this.

This is probably as close as a modern human can get to being picked by Marcus Aurelius to rule the Roman empire!

I mean shit, already I can feel in my loins that I will take Thomas Snoo--Newman more seriously because of this.

I have a somewhat different feeling in my loins that I can't explain.

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Click your name in the upper right corner of the desktop view, My Settings, 'Ignore' Preferences, uncheck the box that says "Ignore all signatures when reading topics and personal messages", Save Changes

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There are only two scores that mostly focus on his "orchestra" side and they're both fantastic.


Which two are you referring to?

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There are only two scores that mostly focus on his "orchestra" side and they're both fantastic.


Which two are you referring to?

This one and this one.

Click your name in the upper right corner of the desktop view, My Settings, 'Ignore' Preferences, uncheck the box that says "Ignore all signatures when reading topics and personal messages", Save Changes

Thanks Jay!


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So has Spielberg ever worked with Newman? Maybe as a producer or something?


Looks like the Amazing Stories episode "Santa '85", story and exec produced by Steven Spielberg, score by Thomas Newman - is it.

That score was released here:


I have that CD but don't remember the score at all. Been meaning to dig out those anthology CDs recently, actually.

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Jason. Can you please stop being such a pedantic little prick!

I'm actually trying to start a conversation.

Whats a point of a messageboard if we just fucking Google everything?

I'm serious. You have done this several times with me and i'm just about fucking tired of it.

So no more bitchy comments about my spelling errors, and no more of this. I am warning you. I have just about had it!

Act like a fucking Moderator or leave me alone!

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There are only two scores that mostly focus on his "orchestra" side and they're both fantastic.


Which two are you referring to?
This one and this one.

Click your name in the upper right corner of the desktop view, My Settings, 'Ignore' Preferences, uncheck the box that says "Ignore all signatures when reading topics and personal messages", Save Changes

Thanks Jay!


On my cell...You couldn't just name them could you? -_-

But in al seriousness, those two are great scores. But what defines "focuses on his orchestral side"? Shawshank is primarily orchestral. Or do you mean in a more traditional sense, with use of the full ensemble?

Either way, I just hope this film allows him to broaden his horizons a bit.

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Jason. Can you please stop being such a pedantic little prick!

I'm actually trying to start a conversation.

Whats a point of a messageboard if we just fucking Google everything?

I'm serious. You have done this several times with me and i'm just about fucking tired of it.

So no more bitchy comments about my spelling errors, and no more of this. I am warning you. I have just about had it!

Act like a fucking Moderator or leave me alone!

You've gone full nutters, bro. He named them.

He edited his post.

Before you ever bitched too! I think he was just posting in sequence to get it in quickly. Link first, then the text.

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I imagine Spielberg's probably had dinner with various members of the Newman clan on more than one occasion

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Jason,. for quite a while now you have been particularly pedantic towards me in "pointing out" my spelling errors, or with that stupid "Let me Google that for you" link. It is NOT appreciated. Especially since Alvar and TGP have followed your example in mocking me.

You yourself pointed out last week that the posts pointing out "spelling errors" were getting out of hand. But you are the one who started that nice little tradition.

Act like a Moderator please, and not as "one of the gang". You arent!

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But in al seriousness, those two are great scores. But what defines "focuses on his orchestral side"? Shawshank is primarily orchestral. Or do you mean in a more traditional sense, with use of the full ensemble?

What I'm saying is that Newman is a very eclectic composer and likes to experiment with stuff. Which is great. But I wish he employed a more limited palette every now and then and then developed his (great) ideas within that palette. The frustrating thing is that he's an excellent orchestral composer, with a very unique voice and I'd like to hear him write something purely in that idiom. Just because I like it.


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I wonder if at any point in 2002 or 2005 another composer was considered for Minority Report / Catch Me If You Can / War of the Worlds / Munich. That'd be an interesting question for an interviewer to ask Williams or Spielberg.

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Jason,. for quite a while now you have been particularly pedantic towards me in "pointing out" my spelling errors, or with that stupid "Let me Google that for you" link. It is NOT appreciated. Especially since Alvar and TGP have followed your example in mocking me.

You yourself pointed out last week that the posts pointing out "spelling errors" were getting out of hand. But you are the one who started that nice little tradition.

Act like a Moderator please, and not as "one of the gang". You arent!

I don't mock you, and you know it. Don't pull me in.

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No, I don't remember that!


What's interesting about that score is the earliest cues Williams wrote didn't even have reel/part numbers assigned yet, so the cue numbers like "scene 38" instead of like a "4m2" type number. So he must have begun working on it before Spielberg had even assembled a cut of the full film. 2005 was a crazy year.

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What I'm saying is that Newman is a very eclectic composer and likes to experiment with stuff. Which is great. But I wish he employed a more limited palette every now and then and then developed his (great) ideas within that palette. The frustrating thing is that he's an excellent orchestral composer, with a very unique voice and I'd like to hear him write something purely in that idiom. Just because I like it.


I think another GOOD GERMAN would be very much appreciated...at least here on the german front. :) Though i think Spielberg will mandate his MAIN THEME, on thing he usually gets in one way or another. This will be no SALTON SEA.

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He edited his post.

Before you ever bitched too! I think he was just posting in sequence to get it in quickly. Link first, then the text.

If this is indeed the case then I apologize to Jason.

I knew you were a Trekkie.

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