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Pet Peeves


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What would you say are your pet peeves? Those big or little annoyances that just put you over the edge and never fail to annoy the crap out of you.

I walked into the bathroom today at work and there was a dude in the handicap stall. No one at our office is handicapped, but everyone always uses it anyway. This may seem okay, but it just never sits right with me. How much room, exactly, do you need to take a dump? What if there was a guest/visitor that needed to use it? Use the regular stall.

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Well if we're going to talk about bathrooms, then what the hell is the deal with stalls? Are we barbarians? It's definitely a mild form of torture. We might as well just crap in a sandbox together. Every time I go anywhere that has individual little rooms, I make a note of it. Pure class.

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I could go on and on when it comes to driving. People that don't drive the speed limit. Rubbernecking. People that don't use their turn signal. People that brake for no reason. People that tailgate you even though you're already going 20 miles over the limit, etc.

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People who don't show courtesy by moving over into the passing lane to permit traffic to merge onto the freeway.

Or at the very least speed up or slow down to compensate and allow some room. Sometimes I feel people are intentionally matching my merging speed and staying parallel in order to get into an accident.


Gaper delays make me question human existence. I once got stuck in traffic for 2 hours on a major highway due to an accident on the other side of the road.

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People want to see if the wreck involved anyone they know, so they can be "first" to break the news. And they irrationally fear that if they go past at the normal (speeding) rate of travel, the cops will stop helping the wreck and pursue.

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People who don't use their headlights when it's precipitating or foggy or getting dark. I don't care if you have perfect eyes and can still see just fine. I can't see you. I don't want to have to second guess if the road is clear because I'm looking for headlights, and you're too cool to use them.

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People who don't show courtesy by moving over into the passing lane to permit traffic to merge onto the freeway.

Or at the very least speed up or slow down to compensate and allow some room. Sometimes I feel people are intentionally matching my merging speed and staying parallel in order to get into an accident.


Gaper delays make me question human existence. I once got stuck in traffic for 2 hours on a major highway due to an accident on the other side of the road.

That's the kind of thing that makes you consider arming your car with missiles.

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Journalists in print and broadcast using the word "alleged" even when it's unnecessary and other stupid phrases like "in the wake of" or "firestorm of controversy" or "a raft of issues".

One of the weirdest phrases involves the use of the word "saw", like when people say "the year 2013 saw the end of..." Many writers say this without thinking about the words themselves. There's no way a year can "see" anything because years don't have eyes.

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People who bitch too much.

Journalists in print and broadcast using the word "alleged" even when it's unnecessary.

In the civilized world we have a concept of "innocent until proven guilty." It's a shame that modern journalists (of all people) are the last to try to continue this concept.

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People who bitch too much.

Journalists in print and broadcast using the word "alleged" even when it's unnecessary.

In the civilized world we have a concept of "innocent until proven guilty." It's a shame that modern journalists (of all people) are the last to try to continue this concept.

I'm not disputing the use of "alleged" when referring to a specific individual accused of a crime. For example, "the alleged robber". What annoys me is referring to the crime itself as "alleged", eg. "the alleged robbery". Why is this necessary? If nobody is disputing that a robbery took place, then why called it alleged? No one is going to sue the news outlet for saying a robbery took place as no one is being defamed.

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If your house is robbed, do you ever say to your neighbours "my house was allegedly robbed last night"?

As for writing stories, the police report that says there's evidence of a break-in and things are missing is a point that should be reported as a fact. Not a wishy-washy "we'll have to wait until a court proves that the place was robbed". There's no risk of defamation here. The media only has to say "alleged" in reference to the accused culprit while the case is still being tabled in court.

As for whether or not I was there, I'm rarely present when car accidents take place, but no one ever says "a car allegedly crashed". Who's making the allegations? It's pretty obvious that there's a car wreck blocking traffic.

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People who don't acknowledge you when you wait behind parked cars to let them pass first.

People who don't acknowledge you when you hold a shop door open for them. Usually met with my loud response, "YEAH, THANK YOU FOR HOLDING THE DOOR OPEN, CHEERS."

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People who don't acknowledge you when you wait behind parked cars to let them pass first.

People who don't acknowledge you when you hold a shop door open for them. Usually met with my loud response, "YEAH, THANK YOU FOR HOLDING THE DOOR OPEN, CHEERS."

Maybe they're shy.

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Shy people don't tend to have obnoxious faces which you want to punch.

Of course, I do! I am Prince Hamdane ben Mohammed Al Maktoum, third of his name. Now, you will clean my shoes, dog, or I'll have you beheaded.

I bet you don't let your wife listen to film music.

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Where do I start? These are some of the things that get on my tits, many of them commuting-related:

  • People that put their feet up on the seats in trains. Seriously, do you do that at home?
  • People that barge onto the train as soon as the doors open without letting people off first.
  • People with pull-along suitcases who decide to stop dead as soon as they reach the top or bottom of the escalators on the Tube, thereby causing everyone behind to pile into them while they adjust their bag.
  • People that use their mobile phones in the quiet carriage. It doesn't bother me at all in the rest of the train, but why do you think the rules apply to everyone else except you?
  • People on long distance trains that can't sit still for two minutes without having to wander off to the buffet car, the toilet or god knows where else. Just read a book or look out the window for goodness sake.
  • Always having my water bottle confiscated or being made to take the cap off whenever I go to a football match in case I "throw it at someone", "it contains vodka" or "it might contain battery acid" (all genuine excuses given to me by stewards at various times).
  • Articles in the paper about brats who have been sent home from school for wearing the wrong shoes / being naughty / not eating vegetables or whatever and instead of their parents giving them a good smack and apologising to the school they run off to the papers to complain. Invariably the article is accompanied by a photo of the brat (usually called something appalling like Bailey, Kai, Tegan or Something with -Mae on the end) looking glum with their equally glum mother. Take it up with the school if you've got a problem, you muppets.
  • Overuse of the adjectives "robust" and "iconic". I bought a pair of London 2012 wristbands for the Olympics and they were described as "iconic." Really? REALLY?

Nightscape, you've opened Pandora's box here.


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Nightscape, you've opened Pandora's box here.


We all need to vent sometimes. Get it out. Get it all out.

Will do! Here's some more:

  • Littering. Honestly, am I the only person whose parents taught them to put their rubbish in a bin or take it home with them? Millions are spent each year in this country clearing up after the selfish and the lazy.
  • The annoying way everything has to 'belong to the people' these days. I read a sign at the station saying something like, "We are refurbishing your escalator. Sorry for any inconvenience." Hang on a minute, my escalator? Since when? I don't remember buying a moving staircase at a London Underground station. It's almost as if they are suggesting I broke the thing.
  • Goal music. For the uninitiated, that's when certain football clubs play little bits of songs after the home team scores a goal to 'help the fans celebrate.' If you need music to celebrate your team scoring a goal, please just leave the ground now and don't come to the football ever again. Please.
  • Cyclist-hating car drivers who justify their stance by saying "Cyclists don't pay road tax so shouldn't be on the road!" Neither do you pay road tax, moron, it was abolished by Winston Churchill in the 1930's. Maintenance of the roads in the UK is paid for out of general taxation to which every taxpayer contributes. For the record, I am both a car driver and a cyclist.
  • Cyclists who run red lights and motorists who use mobile phones when driving, and vice versa.
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I hate it when someone waits until you're almost on top of them to turn in front of you.

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oh they had plenty of time to turn earlier.

and women and male women at four way stop signs. OMG that will drive someone insane.

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