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Pet Peeves


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Groups of people that walk side by side and take up the entire sidewalk.

Or blocking an escalator to the subway...when you hear the train arriving

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people who don't clean the snow off their cars and leave it to fly off as they drive.

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a sheet of ice flew off a boxtruck here early this month sliced off part of the top off the car in front of me, the driver ducked or else his head might have been hitting my windshield.

I have a problem when you visit a fast food place and the order taker just stares at you, no greating, no welcome to insert name.

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I believe not cleaning snow or ice from a car roof has become a crime here. Of course, it's a bad idea to follow a big rig so closely in winter that you don't have room to avoid catastrophe.


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As a cyclist I tend to avoid pavements unless it's a joint cycle/pedestrian thing like heading out of town here and even then if it gets cramped give way to pedestrians or if they're ahead of me tinkle the bell. Never jump a red though where I cycle there rarely are lights and I don't have the balls to go down an one-way wrong way.

Indeed, today near the rail crossing I stopped to let four cars past from the opposite direction. Two of which thanked me.

Pet peeve from the saddle is those cyclists who do all the above plus no helmets and lights, especially after dark. Bike lanes with people swarming all over them and being cursed at for having the audacity to politely ask for way.

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Bike lanes with people swarming all over them and being cursed at for having the audacity to politely ask for way.

Yes, this! There's a bright red or green cycle lane with giant pictures of a bicycle painted all the way along it, with a massive wide pavement right next to it, and guess which one is being used by pedestrians?

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Bike lanes with people swarming all over them and being cursed at for having the audacity to politely ask for way.

Yes, this! There's a bright red or green cycle lane with giant pictures of a bicycle painted all the way along it, with a massive wide pavement right next to it, and guess which one is being used by pedestrians?

my main example is a bridge we had built a few years ago linking estates and a secondary school and local college over the train station into town. As the town was part of a trial scheme for cycling I guess they felt the need to make it a segregated bridge -bike lane/pedestrian lane. Gotten to the point I stop cycling on school days into town as you get idiot kids six abreast and no room to get around. More trouble than it's worth.

There's also two very seperate lanes (a grass verge goes down the middle for pete's sake), the pedestrian one is wide whereas the cycling one is a little narrow and yet it's the bike lane you find women/girls with prams and prams nowadays seem to be the size of a tank.

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What gives cyclists the right to cycle on pavements, and/or cycle down (or is that up?) one-way streets, the wrong way??????!!!!!!!!!

Divine right! Issued to us by God himself, your car driving Atheist filth!

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I fear more being hit by a cyclist one day than a car. I can't hear them and I had a few near misses.

Another pet peeve specific to going to KFC. When the guy in front of you orders 4 large barrels of chicken and using up all the supply, and you have to wait 20 minutes till they cook some more

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another pet peeve for me is going out to eat with friends and instead of talking everyone is looking at the phones. personally I leave mine in the car, I don't mix food and fones

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Well, a lot of the key features of modern discourse don't work so well in face-to-face verbal conversation. Sometimes people will just look at you strangely if you say the word "Lol" out loud. But on the internet they'll know exactly what you're getting at. Even more so with "Rotflmfao".

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another pet peeve for me is going out to eat with friends and instead of talking everyone is looking at the phones. personally I leave mine in the car, I don't mix food and fones

My friends and I do this thing where we stack our phones in the middle and the first to grab theirs pays the bill.

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You have to pay to use public toilets in the UK? How long has that been going on?

Pretty much all my life from what I remember. Twenty-plus years. Very few in London are free. I think some of the logic is to cut down on tramps and other unsavouries.

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