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What are you drinking tonight?

Mr. Brown

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I used to work at Best Buy, and Black Friday was like the day everyone never wanted to come. Then I started working at a bank, and quickly learned that there's a Black Friday every month on the 1st ;)

I haven't stepped inside my own bank since I opened my account 5 years ago or however long it was. I don't understand it.

I recall January 2nd of this year being a pretty bad since it was the day after a holiday, a payday (Thursday), and folks checking on their SSI and Pension. It was like the perfect storm.


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water, it's still cold from the tap but that will end this week most likely

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Drinking some Carlsberg for the first time. Still better than Heineken.

Then I'll be cruising through a bottle of E&J VSOP with some friends tonight, celebrating the fact that I'll never have to go to college ever fucking again.

*cue ridiculous smileys* :znaika::beerchug:

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Eh, Carlsberg has passed into the realm of 'Well, OK ... if there's NOTHING else' beers for me. Fine as a 'training' beer when you start drinking, but not much appeal when you're older.

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That's what I thought, but then somehow I saw posts from "Mr. Shark" in the last page for a minute. Though now they all seem to be under Sharkey, so maybe I was just losing it...

I'll just wait till it changes to Prometheus 2.

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Had Corona last night, like a little bitch. Only because I wanted to be able to drink all night.

12 of them gave me a buzz, but the draft beers at the bar were the heroes of the night.

Oh, and the two 40-year-old cougars who chatted me up.

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Oh, and the two 40-year-old cougars who chatted me up.

Did you give them the D?

They left shortly after telling them how old I was. Hurt my feelings a little bit, until I dove into another drink.

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Ayinger Altbairisch Dunkel, Hook Norton Double Stout and Stone Ruination IPA.

Really, Gloin? I guess the peachiness in its flavour isn't to everyone's taste ...

It was totally bizarre to me at the time, though that was quite a while ago (probably close to a decade) and I hadn't much experience of styles of beer out of the common macrobrewed way. Perhaps I'd find it more agreeable nowadays. I do still find fruit beer to be rather a dubious species, though...

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