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Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (JJ Abrams 2015)


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Stefancos, it seems Lucas had the idea for years to finally say everything there is to know about Force Ghosts.

All is there, in the three last episode of the last season of Clone Wars.

These three episodes where a pure delight :)

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I understand, the three episodes where the only one I saw, I'm not interested in cartoons :)

Basically, to be a Force Ghost, you have to be chosen by the Force itself.

In the Clone Wars, Yoda is guided by Qui-Gon to a mysterious and hidden planet, from where the midi-chlorians originates.

Yoda is then guided by the Force, that appears to him under the form of Five Force Priestesses (representing respectively serenity, joy, anger, confusion, and sadness and existing in a state between the living Force and the cosmic Force). They ask him to achieve some very hard skills...

After Yoda managed the skills (not without efforts), the Force Priestesses say to him that after some other training he will now be able to retain his physical identity after his death.

Amen. ;)

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You're all confusing canon with consistency. Yes all the Star Trek films and shows* are the same level of canon but are they all consistent? Are they free of all mistakes and contradictions?

No. It would be hard to achieve that bring made over decades by different creative teams. If you need 100% consistency in your adult sci-fi, they made a show for you called Babylon 5.

* Some would argue The Animated Series is also canon, and that's the sixth series. That's where we get Robert April, widely acknowledged as Pike's predecessor as Captain of the original Enterprise.

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As of April 25, 2014, the only previously published materials that are considered canon are the six Star Wars films and the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series and film, while the Expanded Universe is no longer considered canon and was re-termed as the "Legends" brand. Most Star Wars material released after April 25, 2014—with some exceptions—is composed in collaboration with the Lucasfilm Story Group, making it part of the "new canon."

Source: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Canon

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So it is considered as canon that the Force originated from a planet?

The midi-chlorians only.

I'm not an expert of the Force thing you know... I've just learned, like you, that Lucas as developed the concept of the "Living Force", and the one of the "Cosmic Force".

Between me and you, Lucas has not invented anything. He just put easy names on concepts developed in Astrophysics and some religions :-)

But be honnest, it's very interesting :)

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My knowledge and understanding of the Force was qualified by what Yoda told Luke on Dagobah. I never needed any explanation beyond that. If you're going to use midichlorians and their home world, then I want to see a force diagram with all the numbers filled in.

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My knowledge and understanding of the Force was qualified by what Yoda told Luke on Dagobah.

The speech of Yoda in ESB about the Living Force is still wonderful and contains no contradiction with the Midi-Chlorians concept.

The prequels have just named the Force "cell" that gives a Jedi his power.

Now, let's talk about the Higgs boson. :)

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The prequels have turned a mystical thing into science!

I want to hear the scientific explanation not some mumbojumbo about mystical energy fields. They have to be able to measure the phenomenon!

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I agree it probably is for the best they jettisoned his ideas. But what were those ideas, exactly?


Talking about that, I think Disney should do remakes of the prequels. Not changing any fact, but maybe changing the time period for each movies, the scenes, the dialogues.

TPM by example should have focused more on Qui-Gon, Sidious and Count Dooku instead of Anakin as a (totally without any interest) little boy.

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I agree it probably is for the best they jettisoned his ideas. But what were those ideas, exactly?

It wouldn't make a difference even if we did know what those ideas were.

The next trilogy is cast in stone (and by stone, I mean an incredibly flexible stone).

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Re: midichlorians. I am not bothered by microorganisms influenced by the force. That would make sense. I am bothered by them being quatificable in that way and that having some sort of relevance at all to a Jedi's power.

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Thing is, Lucas came up with idea for the midichlorians in 1977, but didn't think there was enough time to mention them in the first movie. And because he surrounded himself with yes men for the prequels, he made time.

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Along the same lines as the Midi-Chlorians, I had a real issue with that Chosen One/Prophecy horseshit. Not just because that's become a cliche or because the Original Trilogy never had any kind of crap like that, but because they actually tell Anakin he's the Chosen One and that he's supposed to bring balance, according to some prophecy. What? By telling him that he's supposed to do this in the future, aren't they screwing up the space-time continuum? Sure goes against everything we've heard about not polluting the time line, doesn't it? The Jedi fucked themselves! If the Force had been talking to him like the prophets and Sisko on Deep Space Nine, it wouldn't have been so baffling. But I think it was a real bonehead move.

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The Chosen One prophecy obviously was intended to be one of the pieces that built Anakin's ego and led to his fall: pride. He had the midichlorians on paper qualifying him scientifically for all the power and responsibility, he had a birthright nobody could claim, and a fuzzy paternal line that was awkwardly handled then forgotten. The other Jedi feared him and held him back, and he ultimately snapped.

I'm not apologizing for the prequels, just analyzing them based on the information presented. To the Emperor and Darth Vader, balance had been achieved by eliminating the Jedi and ruling the galaxy as a Sith powered Galactic Empire. The chosen one won. Only in the last ten minutes of Jedi does Anakin upend thirty years of misery and fulfill the prophecy by defeating evil and dying a redeemed man... Though we're supposed to think he gets the ghost of a 25 year old.

If Lucas had the idea of a chosen one all along, fine. But if he invented it as a way to have directly inspired or foretold the final moments of Jedi, it's not illogical.

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I see Disney Worlds adds that show Darth vader as one of the mascots at the park. I wonder how they can justify using a mass murdering psychopath as a mascot in a family park

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A couple weeks ago, it was raining at Disneyland and I almost met Darth Vader and two Stormtroopers because they had canceled the Jedi Training Academy show where children swing sticks at him. Anyway, they closed off the line and I wasn't able to get my picture taken with him! He looked awesome, too.

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I see Disney Worlds adds that show Darth vader as one of the mascots at the park. I wonder how they can justify using a mass murdering psychopath as a mascot in a family park

Easy. He's the iconic face of the franchise. Mark Hamill has gotten old and scary looking, but Darth Vader is eternal.

Oh, mass murdering? How many people do we directly see Darth Vader kill in the original trilogy? A few X-Wing pilots, two crummy admirals, and the Emperor. I think that's it. Even after the first movie, though, Darth Vader was an icon. Mass murder is just part of his mystique. Luke Skywalker had more movie blood on his hands after using the Force, and he won a medal for it. Fuck Luke Skywalker.

So Ben tells Luke that Vader helped hunt down the Jedi Knights, but we never see it. We also learn later that Ben is a liar.

OK, in the prequels, Darth Anakin kills the Jedi runts. So what? He wasn't wearing the armor yet and by then, the armor had enjoyed decades of fame.

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Showing Anakin murdering children might be the stupidest decision George Lucas made in all of the prequels. It's completely distasteful for a children's fantasy film and it destroys any sympathy that the character might have otherwise generated.

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Anakin is officially Darth Vader when he brutally murders a bunch of innocent babies and approximately 38 defenseless alien dudes in a compound (okay, to be fair, they were all enemies of the state), then chokes his pregnant wife! He's a FUCKER!

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That's the point. He's already been knighted as Darth Vader by then. At that moment, we're supposed to lose all sympathy for the character. We're now supposed to root for Obi-Wan.

Jesus Christ, I can't believe I'm having an argument about how wrong it is for Disney to use a mass murderer for a mascot with A MAN WHO USES THE SAME MASS MURDERER AS HIS ONLY FACE FOR SHOWING HIMSELF TO US.

This is Darth Vader. A fictional character who killed other fictional characters. Disney paid what, four billion dollars for him and his friends? They can definitely use him as a mascot.

Nobody in the course of human history, before today, has ever tried to boycott the Star Wars movies or the acquisition of Darth Vader paraphernalia on the grounds that it celebrates a murderer. This is Darth Vader, not Hitler or Stalin. No wait, a Family Guy or South Park park would have them.

Disney uses all of their villains as mascots. Darth Vader just joins Maleficent (baby curser, kingdom curser), Cruella Deville (puppy killer, and PETA will tell you that puppies are more valuable than people), Joe Paterno (enabler), Captain Hook (child abductor), and Scar (regicide) as a mascot to bring people into the parks and sell shit.

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To be fair, while he doesn't look as good in the ads they've done where the suit looks like a knockoff, the actual version they have in Disneyland is fucking awesome. I mean, I'd shit myself if I was this child:


He clearly was murdered shortly after this photo was taken.

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they should at least give him one of those Masters Replica light up lightsaber

I agree. This is Disney. They ought to give him more that just a lightsaber you could buy at Wal Mart.

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it kind of ruins the magic to see him walk along mickey Mouse

Well, I guess it's the same as Kingdom Hearts with Disney and Final Fantasy characters

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they should at least give him one of those Masters Replica light up lightsaber

I agree. This is Disney. They ought to give him more that just a lightsaber you could buy at Wal Mart.

Actually, you can buy them in the gift shop.

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