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Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available


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One of the craziest bits of news we've had in awhile (I guess since Bridge of Spies). I thought it was a joke post when I saw it on another forum.


Damn I feel bad for Desplat right now, he seemed excited about this....hope he wasn't fired and that it was more of a scheduling thing (ETA reread and looks like the latter was the case, at least "officially"). And now Gia's got 3 months to write and record his Star Wars score...guess we'll see what he's made of.


Starting to wonder if the movie could get delayed.

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Starting a new thread for this news to make sure it gets the visibility it deserves. Jay can of course merge this with the existing score thread, or delete it altogether if he so chooses.


EDIT: Oh no, I think this thread is destined to be locked... 

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........WOW! And we all joked about Williams replacing him a few months back!


That's massive news. Does anyone else buy the scheduling conflict excuse?


Seems like the surest sign yet about who is being groomed to take over the series one day.

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And mine has ratcheted up considerably. (EDIT: That's in response to Sharkus's post.)




Maybe Giacchino will have an opportunity to expand on the five-year mission theme? :wub:


I know it's a war film, but there must be a few more romantic/graceful moments...

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8 minutes ago, crumbs said:

........WOW! And we all joked about Williams replacing him a few months back!


That's massive news. Does anyone else buy the scheduling conflict excuse?


Seems like the surest sign yet about who is being groomed to take over the series one day.


I definitely thinks this is the case. Gia is kinda being given the keys to the kingdom. This is his try out so to say. If he doesn't fuck it up, once the maestro retires, it will be Gia scoring the real Star Wars films. 


I can't believe his clout in a way. The Jurassic World franchise - over 1.5 billion. Pixar in his pocket pretty much. Now Star Wars. A movie in MCU (who's to say he might not replace Silvestri for Avengers). And a massive Disney animation movie with Zootopia.

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I wouldn't be upset to see another composer take over Jurassic World; his score was nothing special or particularly memorable, and you could tell he was exhausted writing it (off the back of Tomorrowland and Inside Out without a break).


Will it be the same situation here?

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11 minutes ago, TheUlyssesian said:


I definitely thinks this is the case. Gia is kinda being given the keys to the kingdom. This is his try out so to say. If he doesn't fuck it up, once the maestro retires, it will be Gia scoring the real Star Wars films. 


I hope so! His Trek works, among others, have convinced me that he's the right man for the job. 

6 minutes ago, crumbs said:

I wouldn't be upset to see another composer take over Jurassic World; his score was nothing special or particularly memorable, and you could tell he was exhausted writing it (off the back of Tomorrowland and Inside Out without a break).


Will it be the same situation here?


Well, A) Jurassic World actually did have some really great sections, although there were certainly also some that weren't so great and B) In any case I'd like to think that since this is Star Wars Gia will make it his priority and treat it with reverence and really go for it with everything he's got -- after all, he's following in the footsteps of some of the greatest -- and likely most popular -- scores of all time! (of course, the downside to following in the footsteps of those scores is that Gia may just string together a bunch of JW themes -- although I suppose that could actually be good if Giacchino does that well). 


And it's a chance to lock in some nice future jobs, so there's some added incentive...

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10 minutes ago, Will said:


Well, A) Jurassic World actually did have some really great sections, although there were certainly also some that weren't so great and B) In any case I'd like to think that since this is Star Wars Gia will make it his priority and treat it with reverence -- after all, he's following in the footsteps of some of the greatest -- and likely most popular -- scores of all time!


I thought exactly the same way before Jurassic World and was pretty disappointed in the results, even thinking that film was probably his audition for Star Wars. It ended up having some great sections but was filled with long patches of uninteresting filler (not that the film itself was particularly inspired).


Unless he's been working on this score for a month already, we're looking at a 2 month writing/recording schedule for Rogue One now. 


On a side note, I wonder if this means Conrad Pope will have any involvement? Wasn't he working with Desplat on his score? Someone should ask him on Facebook. ;) 

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3 minutes ago, crumbs said:


I thought exactly the same way before Jurassic World and was pretty disappointed in the results, even thinking that film was probably his audition for Star Wars. It ended up having some great sections but was filled with long patches of uninteresting filler (not that the film itself was particularly inspired).


Well, let's think positively! :)


Jurassic Park was a popular franchise but Star Wars is on a whole 'nother level. 

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What an absolute bombshell! I'm a huge MG fan so naturally extremely excited about this but also a little disappointed we won't hear a Desplat Star Wars score.


This is a major career milestone for MG, I truly hope he knocks it out of the park.

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4 minutes ago, Not Mr. Big said:

I was getting really excited at the thought of something new for the Star Wars universe.  Now it'll just be John Williams, but less good.  


That's kinda how I feel about it too. I mean, I really like Gia and I'm sure he'll turn in a solid and fairly entertaining score, but I feel like I've already heard it, whereas with Desplat I was really not sure what he'd do.


But I guess with any luck the time crunch and insane pressure will be beneficial and he'll turn out something wholly inspired. Maybe it'll be his best yet, who knows.

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Entertainment Weekly had reported back when there was all that reshoots discussion that Desplat's score was to be recorded in September.


So unless Giacchino has already finished composing and they're recording now, they have pushed back the schedule.

18 minutes ago, crumbs said:


On a side note, I wonder if this means Conrad Pope will have any involvement? Wasn't he working with Desplat on his score?


I don't think that was ever confirmed but it was thought to be probable. 

8 minutes ago, dfenton85 said:


Being a score fan certainly has its drama  :o




TGP is not gonna be happy...

52 minutes ago, mrbellamy said:


Damn I feel bad for Desplat right now, he seemed excited about this....hope he wasn't fired and that it was more of a scheduling thing because of the reshoots (ETA reread and looks like the latter was the case, at least "officially"). 


Yes. I hope that too. Being replaced on a SW score for whatever reason is pretty awful. 


@mrbellamy: "Starting to wonder if the movie could get delayed."


Starting to wonder? Haven't we been wondering that for months?  :P


Yes, it's certainly possible. So much behind the scenes drama...

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14 minutes ago, Jilal said:

This is so sad. I was expecting engaging, colorful action cues in the veins of the brilliant Harry Potter ones. :(


To be honest I haven't heard any of those. I'm sure I'd grow to like Desplat more if I grew more familiar with his works. Right now I most associate him with dramatic string-heavy scores, plus fun jazz, which aren't very Star Wars-y, but I've heard there's much more to him...


So I can't really say that I don't like Desplat and that's why I'm happy he's been replaced. It's more that I really like a lot of Gia's work. 


Certainly, based on my current knowledge of the two composers' oeuvres, I'm inclined to be much more enthusiastic about a Giacchino SW score. 

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I think the SW fanbase will prefer Giacchino to Desplat. I'm not saying whether that's justified or not; I just think they will.


Giacchino's widely viewed as the next JW, of course (or at least "JW in SW mode"). He writes lots of blockbuster action/adventure scores. Desplat ... not so much. 

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I don't necessarily think it is bad news but I do feel conflicted. I'm a fan of both composers. Desplat is probably more consistent but Gia has higher peaks. 


I feel sorry for Desplat and his score certainly would have been great. But if Gia gives us a SW score with the same epic feel as John Carter or Jupiter while using some of JW themes, the result could be extraordinary.

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Conrad Pope says:



No NDA violation here. The Schrödinger's cat's out of this bag. Wish they'd decided earlier. Said no to a pretty cool job because of this film. Oh well, as the French say: C'est la guerre! Next...






Nothing was recorded-sadly.

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I share the sentiments of a few here, I was looking forward to hearing Desplat's take, but I'm glad they found Giacchino as a replacement. 

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2 hours ago, mrbellamy said:


Holy cow! A Giacchino Star Wars and a Star Trek film in the same year?

1 hour ago, mrbellamy said:

But I guess with any luck the time crunch and insane pressure will be beneficial and he'll turn out something wholly inspired. Maybe it'll be his best yet, who knows.

That's what I'm hoping for. Giacchino is more than abundantly aware of the immense task that has been handed to him, and that should, at the very least, yield a score from him where he has given it his all. 

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Sorely disappointed by this. There's definitely something else going on. Desplat has worked under a tight schedule with reshoots before (he recorded The Danish Girl a week before the premiere), so that sounds out-of-character.


And I doubt the release date is being pushed back. Disney and Lucasfilm will spend more to get the film done by December 16, but the reshoots and Desplat being given the boot have me wary of the final product.

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Holy shit. 
This is awesome, but also...I was excited to hear what desplat was going to do. I couldn't even imagine what a star wars score would sound like from him. Oh well, Giacchino is incredible. I don't even know what to expect. I'm excited!

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