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Williams and other Star Wars Composers


Star Wars and Other Composers   

17 members have voted

  1. 1. All things considered, is it better or worse for Williams's legacy in terms of popular culture to have ongoing Star Wars movies with different composers?

    • Hurts his legacy
    • Helps his legacy
    • Makes no difference

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Well, now that official Star Wars movie scores by other composers have begun, do you think it helps, hurts, or makes no difference to William's legacy in pop culture?  I actually think it hurts it, as it will water down his collection of pieces with others.  As an, admittedly, very imperfect analogy, consider lesser composers adding movements to Beethoven symphonies.  I think future Star Wars music concerts (except those conducted by Williams) will inevitably include the ever-expanding pieces from other composers. 



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I don't think it will hurt it because so far the other composers haven't scored mainstream Star Wars movies they only seem to be doing the side ones and will continue to until williams no longer can then we will see if it hurts his legacy. Hopefully he will make it to IX and the others if they make them.

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No, I don't think it matters either way that other composers are involved.


There have been STAR WARS scores by other composers I've really liked (McNeely, Bernstein), those I've found OK (Bajakian, Griskey), those I haven't liked (Kiner) and those I've outright hated (Giacchino), but I'm all for different composers trying their hands at the franchise, and (hopefully) adding their own voice to Williams' "template".

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43 minutes ago, Jay said:

McNeely, Bernstein, Kliner, all the other guys who worked on Star Wars tv shows and video games didn't tarnish his legacy and Giacchio won't either!

I think there is a huge difference between movies and other forms of media.  I guarantee Gia's (and whoever scores the Solo movie) pieces will become regulars in Star Wars orchestral programs, something that simply has not happened with the music written for the non-movies. 


My problem is twofold: one, for every non-Williams piece performed at future Star Wars concerts, it will be one less Williams piece performed.  two, and admittedly more fanboyish, Williams SW pieces represent a single work of art.  Mixing in other composer's efforts damages the art. 

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It will help.


Because of these new movies, new generations of fans will discover JW's music.


Hopefully, they will want to discover the original versions.


But, in 2060 if they still do Star Wars movies, maybe someday, they will want new themes, a new sound...

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6 minutes ago, Jay said:

Do you think more copies of the Rogue One CD will be sold than copies of the Shadows of the Empire CD were?

I suppose I have no idea, but I know the Shadow's pieces are not part of the regular Star Wars programs. 

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Oh I gotcha, you are saying that at future officially sanctioned Star Wars concerts ,Giacchino pieces will play in amongst all the Williams ones?  Interesting

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1 minute ago, Bespin said:

It will help.


Because of these new movies, new generations of fans will discover JW's music.


Hopefully, they will want to discover the original versions.


But, in 2060 if they still do Star Wars movie, maybe someday, they will want new themes, a new sound...

I think 15 years from now, when there are just as many non JW SW scores as ones scored by JW, the performance of the music will be less Williams and more the other guys.  This would be good for his legacy if his music otherwise would not have been played, but clearly that is not the case.  It just means less of his music will be performed. 

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7 minutes ago, Jay said:

Oh I gotcha, you are saying that at future officially sanctioned Star Wars concerts ,Giacchino pieces will play in amongst all the Williams ones?  Interesting


Giachino themes are already in the "Best of Star Wars" official Spotify Playlist, among JW themes!!!


On his latest album, Angèle Dubeau mixed in one single track, Harry Potter's themes written by 3 different composers including JW...


Anything goes...


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I... don't really care.


As long as all the Episode movies are scored by Williams, I'm fine with ignoring the others and pretending no other composer than Williams has worked on proper Star Wars!

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The best possible outcome is that John Williams stays healthy and composes Episode 8, Indy 5, and Episode 9...... and then Disney never makes another Episode film again (only doing spinoffs) or Indy film (with Harrison Ford) either

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3 minutes ago, Mr. Breathmask said:

I... don't really care.


As long as all the Episode movies are scored by Williams, I'm fine with ignoring the others and pretending no other composer than Williams has worked on proper Star Wars!



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Makes no difference whatsoever. 


Do we look at the Jaws and Jaws 2 scores differently because 3 and 4 were scored by somebody else?


Same with the Potter scores?



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2 minutes ago, Josh500 said:

Makes no difference whatsoever. 


Do we look at the Jaws and Jaws 2 scores differently because 3 and 4 were scored by somebody else?


Same with the Potter scores?



I have been to Potter concerts with a mix of all the composers, the audience treats all the music equally.  That is where SW will end up 10-20 years down the road, which I think is clearly something that harms Williams legacy (which will still be strong, just not as strong). 

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18 minutes ago, Jay said:

(...) and then Disney never makes another Episode film again (only doing spinoffs) or Indy film (with Harrison Ford) either


Forget that... with Rey... they can make new episodes up to Episode XVIII.

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I just hope that, now that JW is doing Episode 8, he'll do Episode 9 as well.


That'd be perfect! The original trilogy of trilogies were scored by the master!

6 minutes ago, Tom said:

I have been to Potter concerts with a mix of all the composers, the audience treats all the music equally.  That is where SW will end up 10-20 years down the road, which I think is clearly something that harms Williams legacy (which will still be strong, just not as strong). 


People will remember just the Williams themes down the road.


Just like people remember only the Jaws theme....

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43 minutes ago, BloodBoal said:




I think you're wrong!


Most copies of Rogue One will be sold digitally.

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I think there will be more copies of SOTE in the used CD bins at Amoeba in 20 years than used copies of Rogue One OST!

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1 minute ago, BloodBoal said:


Oh, it's not just you.


I've seen this typo so many times, I wonder if it's just people typing fast, or if there's another reason for that (they've never heard the word Rogue, or they just prefer the word Rouge, or whatever).

Dunno It isn't really a difficult word, maybe it is just cause you really don't hear the u after g in it.

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3 minutes ago, BloodBoal said:


Oh, it's not just you.


I've seen this typo so many times, I wonder if it's just people typing fast, or if there's another reason for that (they've never heard the word Rogue, or they just prefer the word Rouge, or whatever).


Surely its simply people typing fast.

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I don't see how it would hurt JW's SW legacy. More people playing in his musical galaxy, with varying degrees of imitation and success only further highlights how great JW's SW music is. I know I enjoyed the hell out of the Shadows of the Empire OST and even some of the music from Clone Wars and Rebels. It's always fun to see what other composers do with SW music, even if they don't always succeed.

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