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Most wanted Jerry Goldsmith Deluxe Treatment by Varese Sarabande?


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9 hours ago, Brundlefly said:

It is the last track of the main program. Maybe it was intended to be the first track of the bonus section, but then they put "Bonus Tracks:" at the wrong place.


You're correct; The artwork put the Bonus Track wording in the wrong spot.

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19 hours ago, Stefancos said:

OMG! That's just the worrst thing thats ever happened!

It is! Now I had a this track on my media player for years, before I decided to leave it off the score presentation.

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Why would you leave out The Other? Twilight Time already did the restoration work on that one for their isolated score track...what's the holdup, Varese???!!


and while they're at it they could remaster Mephisto Waltz and add the sweeteners missing from their otherwise complete release.



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The Small Soldiers boot is apparently not at all complete. The two Flint scores and The Other have good sounding isolated score tracks thanks to Twilight Time but those unfortunately do contain microedits in some cues. Rudy, L.A. Confidential, and Hollow Man received isolated scores (the latter with commentary) on DVD, but those are unfortunately in compressed audio so we really do still need DEs for them.


Of the remaining unexpanded Varese-controlled titles...


There is no boot at all (to my knowledge)  for

The Final Conflict, Leviathan, Love Field, Medicine Man, Malice, Angie, City Hall, U.S. Marshals, The Haunting...or Mr. Baseball, if anyone's interested in that one :)


I think there may be a boot (I don't have it) of Mom and Dad Save the World albeit in poor sound. Same goes for Matinee, though I find the sound acceptable enough.


There are actually only good sounding complete boots for Air Force One, The 13th Warrior, Along Came A Spider, Timeline, and Looney Tunes...and I think that last one might also be lossy like the DVD iso tracks. I guess those are legitimately lower priority but I still want them all of course!



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The boot for 13th Warrior sounds great but it's missing percussion overlays for "Valhalla/Viking Victory", added in the final mix of the film.


Ideally a complete set would hold Goldsmith's score plus Graeme Revell's rejected score.


And even more ideally, John McTiernan's original cut would be released on Blu-ray!

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10 hours ago, publicist said:

The Haunting is more important. There are great-sounding boots out for the others.

I have never and I will never buy boots, so this is really no criteria!

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1 hour ago, Stefancos said:

Me too! I do not want to support the heinous practice of bootlegging by buying them.

Surprisingly, this makes sense.


Especially nowadays, I can truly relinquish boots. They're often so stupidly compiled, so why grappling with it. Just wait and an official release is even more delightful when you haven't already had an almost complete version of the score.

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I didn't scroll up and thus assumed for a moment that you thought The Edge was a bad score. I was then going to express relief that it turned out I wasn't the only one who never got the love for that one. Then I scrolled up and...oh, yeah, nevermind. 

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8 hours ago, kaseykockroach said:

I didn't scroll up and thus assumed for a moment that you thought The Edge was a bad score. I was then going to express relief that it turned out I wasn't the only one who never got the love for that one. Then I scrolled up and...oh, yeah, nevermind. 

I for example am not the biggest fan of it. I enjoy it, but it is much more popular among JG fans than I would have assumed.


@publicist and @kaseykockroach, would you like to reconsider your Top 3, since we just got The Haunting?

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On 28.10.2017 at 6:40 PM, Brundlefly said:

Fuck Halloween! Air Force One and Small Soldiers are more important!

I know. But they didn't fuck Halloween as you can see.

14 hours ago, Brundlefly said:

@publicist and @kaseykockroach, would you like to reconsider your Top 3, since we just got The Haunting?

This is gonna be pretty complicated, when Air Force One will be out.

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On 31.10.2017 at 10:41 AM, Display Name said:

This is gonna be pretty complicated, when Air Force One will be out.

When Air Force One is released I will start a new poll. It will be interesting to see where all the votes will go then. Even I don't know what my third vote would be then. It would have been The Haunting, but well...

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If anyone is curious how a similar poll I created shook out on the FSM board:



"The clear #1 winner: SMALL SOLDIERS, with 29 votes! I think Varese has gotten a loud and clear message about what score people want next.
In solid 2nd place, AIR FORCE ONE with 23 votes. (Some people wanted Randy Newman's rejected score to be included and some people didn't care.)
3rd place surprised me as I find it a fairly generic action effort and I had no idea it was so beloved, but I'm guessing the brevity of the original album is playing a major role in people wanting more: U.S. MARSHALS with 19 votes.
We then have a TIE at 4th place with LEVIATHAN and THE 13TH WARRIOR at 15 votes. (If the latter is released multiple people have expressed interest in Graeme Revell's rejected score being included.)
Right behind them at 5th place we have the first "Classic Jerry" score on the rankings: THE OTHER (14 votes).

The rest of the titles received under 10 votes each, ranked as follows:
1 vote each: MALICE and ANGIE
The only Varese-controlled titles which no one voted for were LOVE FIELD, CITY HALL, and MR. BASEBALL...though I would point out that in this thread and others, people have recently asked for expanded editions of all three of these even though they aren't as high of a priority as other titles.
City Hall Complete Score Breakdown (about 12 minutes of missing music estimated): http://filmscoremonthly.com/board/posts.cfm?threadID=110759&forumID=1&archive=0
Love Field (not a breakdown but discussion of a key highlight cue which is missing on CD): http://filmscoremonthly.com/board/posts.cfm?threadID=114459&forumID=1&archive=0
Well, this was a fun exercise with some surprises. Thanks to everyone who participated!"


Interestingly, the two scores released in complete form by Varese since then were The Omen and The Haunting, both of which only received 7 votes. Eight scores were more popular requests than those two, some of them with considerably more votes!


My current top three wants are The Other, Medicine Man, and Mom and Dad Save the World. Not the most popular picks, but I find them far more interesting and varied than the "autopilot" surface-level 90s action scores like U.S. Marshals and Air Force One, good as they are (and as much unreleased music as they have).



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I'd be shocked if they didn't have plans in the cards for both scores. Perhaps just trickier/slower to do for whatever reason. But I'm confident they both will happen. Let's not forget they've already deluxified other Dante scores (Gremlins 2 and The 'Burbs) so I'm sure they'll get to Small Soldiers.



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7 hours ago, Yavar Moradi said:

I'd be shocked if they didn't have plans in the cards for both scores. Perhaps just trickier/slower to do for whatever reason. But I'm confident they both will happen. Let's not forget they've already deluxified other Dante scores (Gremlins 2 and The 'Burbs) so I'm sure they'll get to Small Soldiers.



Do you know, are there any complete score breakdowns? I just know there's a lot missing, but not exactly what.

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On 10/29/2017 at 7:38 PM, Baby Jane Hudson said:

I kept my fake 2000 2-CD edition of ID4 because it has some great arrangements that weren't on the LLL.


LLL's 2CD version is just fine, but still missing the film version of Target Remains and annoyingly crams Dad's a Genius at the end of The Death of Marilyn. There needs to be a space there.

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20 minutes ago, The Doctor said:


LLL's 2CD version is just fine, but still missing the film version of Target Remains and annoyingly crams Dad's a Genius at the end of The Death of Marilyn. There needs to be a space there.


The 2000 version has the complete 13 minute final battle music that Arnold originally composed in one single track. Yeah yeah all that music is on the LLL, but I still like hearing it all at once.

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There are many funny instances in the movie where I think "why the hell isn't it on the OST?". But how much and what is exactly missing is beyond my knowledge. Is the whole score really 90 minutes and more?


BTW, I'm talking about Small Soldiers.

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  • 2 months later...
On 30.10.2017 at 8:17 AM, publicist said:

Sum of all Fears, The Edge, Executive Decision, Insurrection, from the top of my head.

Okay, I have to ask again. Which transitions are you especially refering to?

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I can only speak for The Edge but there are definitely some joined cues in there which really shouldn't be joined.


I feel it might've been a phase for the album producers because I haven't noticed it in the last few years. Wyatt Earp has the same problem - some cues that aren't related or joined in the film are slightly cross-faded.

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The specialty labels have to combine shorter cues into one track often because its actually more expensive for them to put them each in their own track and they have limited money to fund all these releases.


Of course, crossfading them over each other or not within the track is still an option they don't have to do...

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The crossfades on some specialty label albums do not work musically.  Some do, of course.

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OK. It's not Goldsmith, but since you insist, I will recall a few examples off the top of my head. In The Fugitive set, the most egregious crossfades were joining "The Hand" with "The Hunt/The Tow Truck", "Kimble Calls His Lawyer" with "No Press", and "Cheap Hotel" with "Sykes' Apartment". The fact that they existed was bad enough, but what really ground my gears was that the transitions between those cues were not in the same key, making for sour notes.


And on the Beverly Hills Cop II release, combining "Jeffrey Calls Todd" with "Lutz Calls Jeffrey" was unnecessary

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Okay, I had never a crossfade on any Goldsmith expansion making for sour notes, but this sounds really shitty. Wasn't thid release fucked up anyway because of the non-existing dynamic range?

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Half of the inner cues in The Edge or Sum of All fears, i. e. Do It! / I'll Go / The Bomb, Thanks A Lot / That Went Well, Shoot Him / Changes, Clear The Stadium (Film Version) / Not The Russians / Man Your Aircraft etc.

Usually 'braver' edits work better, i.e. cutting off dead air, joining at crescendos where you can't really hear it and so on. I get why the don't do this creative editing - the eternal ire of anal fans - but musically this would work a hell lot better than just crossfading soft endings into soft openings.

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12 hours ago, Jay said:

The crossfades on some specialty label albums do not work musically.  Some do, of course.


I'm going to be less charitable and suggest that most cross-fading doesn't work on these releases. It feels like it's an attempt to be creative by the producer where it's not needed.


It also feels like a symptom of the problem you've already described where the label's costs are lower if they combine tracks, something which makes no sense at all. (it feels ludicrous to me to suggest that release costs should be based on anything other than the overall length)

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