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the mstrox thread


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  • 5 weeks later...

Got my federal and state tax returns filed today.  If I didn't have to wait on W-2s and 1098 forms from employers/banks, I'd be like Ned Flanders, getting them done as soon as the clock struck midnight on January 1st.

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11 minutes ago, mstrox said:

still waiting on a few things myself, but im with u. especially because my withholdings are such that i get a big fat cash refund.


Plus we get the 2021 January-June child tax credit payments as a lump sum.  Plus the childcare credit limit was raised from $1,200 to like $6,000.  Show me the person that has a kid in daycare and pays less than $6,000 a year for it, they don't exist.


All of that obviously affects my bottom line a lot, having 3 of the little money pits :P 

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pre-covid we paid $205/week or $10,660/year which is on the low end for our area.  apparently $6660 is the amount of separation between utopia and hell central 


prices go down as the kid gets older and they can legally cram more kids into a classroom, but it turns out that nothing is cheaper than social distancing!!

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55 minutes ago, mstrox said:

 it turns out that nothing is cheaper than social distancing!!


Then we don't have to talk to people either!


55 minutes ago, mstrox said:

prices go down as the kid gets older and they can legally cram more kids into a classroom


So the best is to adopt an old kid?

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I do not live in Hell Central, I like where I live very much.  In 2021, for my two boys to be in daycare/preschool we paid over $18,000, that's with switching them to reduced hours for June and July since my wife is a teacher and is home for the Summer months.


Thankfully the elder boy will join his sister at the public elementary school this coming August!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just now, Disco Stu said:

Hey @Not Mr. Big you ever buy the football-shaped woodwicks with the wide wicks?  I hate 'em.  They're expensive af and burn down way faster than the traditional wicks



I sometimes do two-wick candles but that's as far as I'll go.  If a candle is too wide you have to wait a LONG time to get an even burn, which not only makes the smell overwhelming but makes for a shorter candle life.  

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I'm trying to get through a double-wicked Yankee Candle candle cause my wife hates the smell but I don't want to just throw it out, and it sucks because the amount of liquid wax always ends up rising high enough to snuff the flames out to almost extinguished, so I have to kind of tilt them to the side to let some cool and stick to the sides so the wicks can go back to normal - huge PITA

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5 minutes ago, Jay said:

I'm trying to get through a double-wicked Yankee Candle candle cause my wife hates the smell but I don't want to just throw it out, and it sucks because the amount of liquid wax always ends up rising high enough to snuff the flames out to almost extinguished, so I have to kind of tilt them to the side to let some cool and stick to the sides so the wicks can go back to normal - huge PITA

Sounds like a short wick problem.  I got a bag of my own wicks for this, placing the extra wick towards the side to kind of take the pressure off the center wick.

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On 12/2/2022 at 8:50 AM, Naïve Old Fart said:


Mike, has your child seen the original? If not, why not?

she has not - we decided to start with the funny one and take it from there if her interest continues


also something something sexist gatekeepers


On 12/2/2022 at 1:10 PM, Jay said:


yaaaasssss we stan a television manufacturer 

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  • 1 month later...

Does anyone else have what has become known as Zoom Anxiety?

I was due to attend a Zoom meeting, this week, but I just could not go through with it. I sent my apologies, but I know that I had done a bad thing. I came clean, the next day, but although I felt really bad for doing it, I realised that I could not sit in front of a computer screen, for three hours, watching people talk.

Does anybody else feel this way? How do you cope?

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Nah, being able to attend work meeting via Zoom from the comfort of my home office is preferred for me

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I despise virtual meetings and when I do have to get on a Zoom meeting (usually I'm at work while others are remote), I basically refuse to turn my camera on.  Before the pandemic we were perfectly happy doing occasional conference calls with screen sharing when necessary and I'm not gonna stop. 

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Nobody looks good on camera, and nobody cares how others look - you're thinking about your own image more than anybody else is.  Just get through the business meeting as quick as possible and continue on with your day

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On 09/11/2021 at 12:59 PM, Disco Stu said:

Skittles colors ranked (in terms of flavor):


1. Green

2. Yellow

3. Orange

4. Purple

5. Red


I feel a very real sense of betrayal and outrage.  Not three weeks after I posted the above, Skittles announced they were permanently replacing green apple with lime.  It's been 6 months and I miss my green apple skittles :( 

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  • 2 weeks later...

im sorry stuart but this is an upgrade


we never did zoom/skype meetings for work until 2020, but i love it.  the number of meetings im invited to has shrunk and theyre all relevant and to the point.  no anxiety on my end about this.  im the only person i know in my whole agency that regularly turns their camera on.  agent of chaos

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have just paid my last EVER preschool/daycare bill, with my youngest moving to public pre-k in August and we're taking him out for the summer at the end of this month.  It feels very good, we paid more for preschool than we did for our mortgage/escrow payments monthly.

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Shaq quoting Pee-wee's Big Adventure in regular conversation, he should post on JWFan!



Although he should have been brave enough to let the quote hang out there on its own instead of immediately being like "you know what movie that's from"

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  • 1 month later...

there are dozens of excellent reasons to delete facebook and ive ignored them all over the past 15 years for one reason or another, but the last straw was today when the app switched me out of dark mode three times.  disastrous.

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Careful, Trox!  Stu will no longer like you if you are a fan of dark mode.

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