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Fun-Sized Hobbit Soundtrack Edits


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Hello All,


Just joined the forums today.  I wanted to give a thank you to BloodBoal for all the work he put into the thread, The Hobbit Scores Restored.  I was working on a project of editing The Hobbit soundtracks down to 6 15-minute tracks this year and was having one heck of a hard time making sense of the end of An Unexpected Journey.  This thread allowed me to frankenstein something together for that part.  In early July I started the project and in October I finally finished it.  I get the impression that most of the people here are more musically inclined than I am but as a thank you I wanted to share the files I created (if this is illegal somehow don't turn me in please).  The goal of these tracks is simply to take my favorite parts from the soundtrack or significant parts from the movies and make a highlight video of sorts, with the challenge being to find fun or interesting ways to get the tracks to flow together without sounding grating.  Sometimes I succeeded and I know other times I failed, but it was incredibly fun to work on.  I also get the impression that most people are very disappointed by the BOFA soundtrack, and I must say when it's edited down it is my favorite of the three.  If you feel like listening to a shorter version of the soundtracks while you do dishes or something, here they are.  And again, thanks for the help! (......don't turn me in.......)


Edit: Thanks for the input, I knew there was a chance I was doing something shady here.  I'm working on creating a youtube channel for the tracks, converting them to video and uploading them, and I'll provide a link when I've found out how to do that. :) 


Edit: Here ya go https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpZehxFqivylkRO5og4A03DGew1R9aQNm



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Bad news - I turned you in to the cops!


Just kidding!  However, I do think this post is counter to the forum rules. 


07 - You may embed videos of - or include a link to sites that stream - copyrighted material. However, links to sites where copyrighted material can be illegally downloaded are not allowed. You may link to legal streaming/download sites or to places where people can listen to your own compositions or recordings, for example.



In short, a YouTube upload or streaming link may be more appropriate to the forum rules than a download link.  I believe that similar fan edits have been subject to the same rules.


My biggest problem with the Hobbit discs (at least at the time of release) is that everything was chunked in there and I didn't get a condensed version toi really fall in love with like I did with the first three.  I think it's a neat concept, and I'm looking forward to listening when I have the time.   Thanks - and welcome!

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In general the moderators tolerate files such as these as long as they are hosted off site, and possibly only for streaming.  Maybe I’m wrong, but you could upload them to Google Drive and provided links to the files.

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Yes Bloodboal's score restore videos are hosted by Google and simply embedded in his posts here.  We cannot have any copyrighted material on our actual servers, and linking to clear bootlegging sites is not allowed either.


I admire your plan to create 15 minute suites of Middle Earth music; I made some suites of DOS once and it was actually quite a lot of fun to put them together.

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I must listen to these! I think it's well needed as try as I might, I struggle to enjoy full listen-throughs of the Hobbit scores. There are great moments interspersed but for me, a lot of muddy, turgid stuff and the better cues are buried in the midst of mediocre material - so suites like these with the highlights of the scores are probably the way to go.

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2 hours ago, SafeUnderHill said:


I made LOTR-OST style 1-disc playlists of all the scores, and they're great fun to listen to! I think the 70 minute limit helps to streamline the listening experience when you aren't in the mood for complete scores. Even just picking out tracks (not editing anything) it works surprisingly well.



I haven't gotten around to doing this with LOTR but I have done some pretty subjective suite-editing for some Star Trek scores to highlight the particular moments that I really enjoyed but are rarely or never repeated. It's basically indulgent and maybe not the most musically correct thing to do but it works for me when I just want to enjoy my absolute favourite themes!

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I have edits of an overarching, six-score overture and of some of the Shire material arranged into a symphonic form.


I also do edits using various alternate takes of material to give an impression of multiple choirs and brass choirs a-la Havergal's The Gothic. If anything needs that kind of grandeur in the orchestration, its Shore's Lord of the Rings.

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On 11/21/2017 at 4:45 PM, gkgyver said:

Blocked on YouTube.

But I did hear part 2 of AUJ, and there are way too many edits for me.

Thanks for giving it a listen!  It's hard for me not to go too edit crazy, especially towards the ends of the movies when the action gets heavier.

On 11/24/2017 at 1:36 PM, SafeUnderHill said:


I made LOTR-OST style 1-disc playlists of all the scores, and they're great fun to listen to! I think the 70 minute limit helps to streamline the listening experience when you aren't in the mood for complete scores. Even just picking out tracks (not editing anything) it works surprisingly well.

My first editing project was on the Lord of the Rings films a few years ago and it was in the same format of six 15-minute tracks.  I was more hesitant to post those here since they're a little more personal for me.  My skills in editing certainly weren't as good back then, and the Lord of the Rings music is more sacred to me (and others) than the Hobbit music.  If I completely butchered The Hobbit soundtracks I didn't think anyone would care too much, but if I was able to make them more enjoyable by cutting out some of the parts of white noise then I wanted to share that. :)

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