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Close Encounters of the Third Kind - La-La Land MUSIC Discussion


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Just like we did with Jurassic Park (1 2) and ET (1 2), here is a thread to discuss the actual contents of the new release, leaving the existing thread to be where you can post your shipping updates type stuff, so actual discussion is separated from that stuff.


I'll re-post here some comments from OneBuckFilms since I forgot to make this thread before he posted them there!


18 hours ago, OneBuckFilms said:

Listening to Close Encounters.


This is such an awesome release all round.


17 hours ago, OneBuckFilms said:

Excellent, the extended main title / the vision is a great start.


Ive not listened to the whole thing yet.


might take a time to gather my thoughts.



5 hours ago, OneBuckFilms said:


I've listened to CD 1 on this set, and I have to say, I love this arrangement of the score.


Not 100% sure I could pinpoint all the changes (you're far better than I at that), but it seems largely chronological, with some changes related to the first half.


The sound quality is excellent, surpassing the previous Anniversary Edition.


Since I only had that edition, it is certainly interesting to hear the End Credits isolated from the finale.


I usually prefer my C & C arrangements, but this is certainly a great listening experience, IMHO.


Kudos all around.

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I made an attempt using some information from various sources, and think I've come up with a sort of C & C arrangement of the score:


D2T1 - Main Title
D1T2 - Navy Planes
D1T3 - Lost Squadron
D2T25 - Eleventh Commandment
D1T4 - Trucking
D2T2 - Roy's First Encounter
D1T6 - Crescendo Summit
D2T4 - Chasing UFOs
D2T5 - Watch The Skies
D2T6 - Vision Takes Shape
D2T7 - Another Vision
D2T8 - False Alarm
D1T8 - Barry's Kidnapping
D2T26 - TV Western
D2T28 - The Five Tones
D2T10 - The Cover-Up
D2T15 - Stars and Trucks
D1T9 - Forming The Mountain
D2T27 - Lava Flow
D2T11 - TV Reveals
D2T12 - Roy and Jillian on the Road
D2T14 - Across the Fields
D1T11 - The Mountain
D2T16 - Who Are You People?
D1T13 - The Escape
D1T14 - Climbing the Mountain
D1T15 - Outstretched Hands
D1T16 - The Light Show
D2T19 - Dark Side of the Moon
D2T20 - The Approach
D1T17 - Barnstorming
D2T29 - Advance Scout Greeting
D1T18 - The Mothership
D1T19 - The Dialog
D2T20 - The Returnees
D1T21 - The Appearance of the Visitors
D2T23 - Inside
D1T22 - Contact
D1T23 - End Titles

I probably messed it up completely, but it looks roughly right.


I'll be listening to CD 2 tonight, which may completely change my thinking.


But the arrangement on CD 1 is great.

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Got to head disc 2. Definitely not right. :P


But it’s an excellent listening experience.


I love that this release encourages experimenting to taste while providing a great album.


Consider this a successful experiment.

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Not really related to the thread title per se, but I was thinking if anyone knows where the Hans Zimmer quote of "Close Encounters is as good as anything written in the XXth century" comes from?

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On 12/1/2017 at 7:13 PM, Jay said:

Not right, but I'll post the official one soon


People are just gonna keep trying until you do.

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On 12/1/2017 at 9:13 PM, Jay said:

Not right, but I'll post the official one soon


I'm glad you like disc 1's program!

How about this?:

D2T1 - Main Title
D1T2 - Navy Planes
D1T3 - Lost Squadron
D2T25 - Eleventh Commandment
D1T4 - Trucking
D2T2 - Roy's First Encounter
D1T6 - Crescendo Summit
D2T4 - Chasing UFOs
D2T5 - Watch The Skies
D2T6 - Vision Takes Shape
D2T7 - Another Vision (Revised/alt of previous track?)
D2T19 - Dark Side of the Moon
D2T8 - False Alarm
D2T28 - The Five Tones (Part 1)
D2T26 - TV Western
D1T8 - Barry's Kidnapping
D2T10 - The Cover-Up
D2T15 - Stars and Trucks
D1T9 - Forming The Mountain
D2T27 - Lava Flow
D2T11 - TV Reveals
D2T12 - Roy and Jillian on the Road
D2T14 - Across the Fields (Revised/Alt version of previous track?)
D1T11 - The Mountain
D2T16 - Who Are You People?
D1T13 - The Escape
D1T14 - Climbing the Mountain
D1T15 - Outstretched Hands
D1T16 - The Light Show
D2T29 - Advance Scout Greeting
D2T20 - The Approach (Early version of next cue)
D1T17 - Barnstorming
D1T18 - The Mothership
D1T19 - The Dialog
D2T20 - The Returnees
D1T21 - The Appearance of the Visitors
D2T23 - Inside
D1T22 - Contact
D1T23 - End Titles

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I listened to the 2 cds.


First of all, the sound is exceptional! Perhaps the best I have heard of an old Williams score.


Secondly, I may be in the minority, but the programming is a disappointment for me personally.

I'm generally not fond of album presentations which ignore the filmic narrative, and since we already had one, i expected this to have all the cues in chronological order.

This mixed order results in exact duplicates in the 2 discs (maybe alternate performances?) and edited versions (?) in disc 1 of complete cues in disc 2.

I understand that some cues are very static musically and they didn't forward the music so they went to disc 2.


Anyway, I hope this is not the way future Williams scores are presented.

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There are no edited cues on this release, apart from the recreation of tracks from the released '77 OST Album LP on disc 2. Every cue otherwise is presented complete with no internal edits.

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56 minutes ago, Jay said:

There are no edited cues on this release, apart from the recreation of tracks from the LP on disc 2. Every cue otherwise is presented complete with no internal edits.

well, i meant this.

Cd1track10 = Cd2track11 + 12


but those 2 tracks make a complete track of 20 seconds longer than cd1track10.

From a very quick comparison I see that in that track  of disc 1 the last 20 seconds of TV Reveals are edited out.


Now, I don't remember if Cd1track10 is how the music is presented in the film or if it was made for the cd.

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6 hours ago, filmmusic said:

well, i meant this.

Cd1track10 = Cd2track11 + 12



Of course



but those 2 tracks make a complete track of 20 seconds longer than cd1track10.

From a very quick comparison I see that in that track  of disc 1 the last 20 seconds of TV Reveals are edited out.


It's a recreation the segue JW put in  "Main Title and Mountain Visions", the opening track of both the intended 2LP and the final released 1LP, just without the Main Title part.



Now, I don't remember if Cd1track10 is how the music is presented in the film or if it was made for the cd.


They are certainly not combined in the film, the entire scene of Roy at the train station takes place in between those two scenes.

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9 minutes ago, Jay said:

It's a recreation the segue he put in  "Main Title and Mountain Visions", the opening track of both the intended 2LP and the final released 1LP, just without the Main Title part.


Sorry? i didn't understand. i wasn't talking about the  main title track(s)

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I know you weren't.


Grab your 1977 OST album CD.  Track #1 is called "Main Title and Mountain Visions".  Listen to it.  It's the "Main Title" cue, followed by the "TV Reveals" cue, which segues to the "Roy and Jilian on the Road" cue, just like it does here.


On this release, each of those 3 cues are available complete and unedited, in their own tracks, on disc 2 (tracks 1, 11, and 12).


Disc 1 track 10 on this set is "TV Reveals" seguing to "Roy and Jillian on the Road" as this is how he wanted those cues segued on his intended 2LP; the "Main Title" is not here because it already appeared in track 1.  Disc 1 is full of tracks containing 2 cues seguing together per how he wanted the music represented originally.  The "Main Title and Mountain Visions" combo he concocted for the 2LP is one of the tracks that made it unchanged to the final released LP.

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Cd1track10 = Cd2track11 + 12


Geez, my order is still pending, and I feel anxiety just to see those algebraic functions.


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I'm a Québécois, is it okay to use  "geez"? I know it is related to jewish people, it's maybe not correct. In Québécois I would say "calvaire" or "câlice".


The truth is I don't know how to properly swear in english.


Another subject of anxiety.


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1 hour ago, Fal said:

So if I wanted to replicate the 77' OST, what would be the equivalents to:

1. Main Title and Mountain Visions
2. Nocturnal Pursuit
6. The Arrival of Sky Harbor


I already talked about "Main Title and Mountain Visions" a few posts up.  It's "Main Title" segued to "TV Reveals" segued to "Roy and Jillian on the Road".


"Nocturnal Pursuit" is "Across The Fields", then "Stars and Trucks", then back to some more "Across The Fields".


"The Arrival of Sky Harbor" is just "The Mothership".



1 hour ago, Brundlefly said:

If I wanted to include "Inside" where would it fit better, before or after "Contact"?


Personal choice if you'd rather hear it before or after.  The scene is actually inserted into the MIDDLE of that cue.


I'd say before is better, since the the End Credits follows so elegantly from the ending of Contact.

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33 minutes ago, Jay said:

I already talked about "Main Title and Mountain Visions" a few posts up.  It's "Main Title" segued to "TV Reveals" segued to "Roy and Jillian on the Road".

Why is it marked as "partly unreleased".

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You're confusing "Main Title and Mountain Visions", the 1977 LP track Faleel asked me about, with "Main Title and The Vision", disc 1 track 1 on this set.  THAT track contains previously unreleased music because its a combination of the "Main Title" cue and a wild "vision motif" recording (basically a variant of "Another Vision") that was, well, previously unreleased.

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