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SPOILER TALK - The Last Jedi (open spoilers allowed!!!)


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6 hours ago, idril said:

I don't think there's any problem with Leia having an instinctual response of survival through her latent connection with the Force. If anything the problem was in TFA, that Leia wasn't established as being a Force-user (which was heavily implied to be her path in ROTJ).


I can forgive the screenwriters for not dwelling on Leia's reluctance to tone her Force abilities. She became a fully fledged Jedi Knight in the Legends EU, so Disney wanted to do something different. Here is a woman who was tortured offscreen at a young age by a Force master who turned out to be her father. Her brother had a difficult number of years and hardships learning to use the Force. She may have thought she was too old to begin the training. And we don't really know how long before TFA Ben's fall took place. These events could have soured her towards the Force, something she got by for years without needing to use directly. 

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22 hours ago, Chen G. said:

You're approaching this the wrong way. People take issue with that visual, not with th fact that Leia uses The Force.


The whole thing simply had to be staged differently.

What? There's far more criticism around Leia's space flight than the visual style! 


I can think of other ways it could look, but ultimately it doesn't matter. I was more disappointed by Snoke's inability to detect Ren's betrayal.

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1 hour ago, Denise Bryson said:

Remember about a month before this movie came out, people here were so confident about its impending high quality and how Disney/Kennedy must be so confident about Johnson, so the movie will probably be a near-flawless masterpiece? Hehe.


Yeah, that whole situation really didn't help.


1 hour ago, Brundlefly said:

Hell, no. The prequel trilogy is deeply flawed. The two Jedi movies are flawed, but not deeply.


I'm with Chen on this one, but that's because as far as I'm concerned, TLJ is one of the prequels in everything but number.

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12 minutes ago, Muldoon said:

as far as I'm concerned, TLJ is one of the prequels in everything but number.


It is heavily informed by the prequels: there are references to the approval of Anakin's training; Darth Sidius is - I believe - refered to by that name; some of the aesthetics (of Canto Bight and Snoke's Chambers especially) are very much in the style of the prequels; there are a couple of faux-documentary touches to the camerawork that were first implemented in this series during Attack of the Clones; and some of the performance (Hux) and dialogue (Rose's last line) are reminiscent of the prequels, as well.

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On 1/20/2018 at 10:17 PM, Woj said:

Leia used the Force to hear Luke's cries for help below Cloud City, and again to sense his escape from Death Star II. A Force muggle like Han would not have been able to do either. Do people forget this? 


Han used a lightsaber and the SW movies have established that one's abilities with the force are moot. It all comes down to smashing laser swords.

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Hey Fun fact: 

TLJ is the first Star Wars movie (episodic, otherwise there is Rogue One too) that doesn't have a Lightsaber battle. (Two lightsabers clashing)

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Just now, Stefancos said:


Very old fact.


Sorry, I've been told this only recently and didn't see it on the forum before cause I have no time to read everything.

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32 minutes ago, Luka said:

Hey Fun fact: 

TLJ is the first Star Wars movie (episodic, otherwise there is Rogue One too) that doesn't have a Lightsaber battle. (Two lightsabers clashing)


Hey Fun fact:

TLJ is the fourth Star Wars movie I don't like. ;)


So Star Wars, for me, it's now 50 % good... 50 % bad.


Balance of the Force.


Unfortunately, they'll make a 9th movie...

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I mean, we are at the point in 2018 that we don't really knows if in the process, it's the Lego set that came first or the scenario of the movie.


"We have a new movie project, we don't have a scenario yet.. but here's the Lego set..."

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2 hours ago, Bespin said:

I mean, we are at the point in 2018 that we don't really knows if in the process, it's the Lego set that came first or the scenario of the movie.


"We have a new movie project, we don't have a scenario yet.. but here's the Lego set..."


“Well, we have had these plans drawn up for years, of Laura Dern with purple hair flying a kamikaze mission in a space ship. You think this could be a Star Wars thing or something?”

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18 minutes ago, mstrox said:


“Well, we have had these plans drawn up for years, of Laura Dern with purple hair flying a kamikaze mission in a space ship. You think this could be a Star Wars thing or something?”


It was originally drawn for Hunger Games I think, no?

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Tiny snippets from deleted scenes, I really look forward to those Ahch-To ones, they may end up edited into my preferred version.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, it wasn't the worst thing ever. It was too long, there were some really awkward performances and frankly useless characters such as Flynn and Asian Rose, who could have easily been written out of the whole thing. A lot of the humor fell flat too. The only other Rian Johnson movie I've seen is Brick and it was also awkwardly paced and filled with awkward attempts at humor.


Okay, so, Benicio del Toro was in this? WTF? I had no idea. He was a welcome respite from the lame Flynn/Rose scenes. I mean, they were just the worst, weren't they? I swear I even heard Flynn say "Why did you do that, Rose?" What is this, JWFan?


There were some chillingly effective moments such as when Luke says Darth Sidious (WOW!) and of course his return. Hamill was a bit hammy and he can't pull that sort of thing off like Benicio does with remarkable skill and ease. He was riding the line to where it was almost becoming terrible. I cringed when he did the Matrix bullet time move towards the end, but that was Johnson and his terrible action scenes. I also didn't like how Luke's spirit or whatever the fuck had shorter hair. Just when we had become accustomed to a longer-haired Luke, he shows up with a haircut like Sybock. It was the most distracting thing since Ted Danson in Saving Private Ryan.


The main characters AKA Ray, Kyle and Po were mostly very good. They brought a vitality to the movie amid a lot of hamminess (General Hux) and boring performances (the supporting women...terrible, as AOTC Yoda would say).


It was at least 30 minutes too long.


The score disappointed me. Mostly all I heard was Mickey Mousey music with snippets of leitmotif over and over again. I yearned for some serious music, not 2 hours of Mickey Mousing.

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On 08/02/2018 at 11:03 AM, Philippe Roaché said:

There were some chillingly effective moments such as when Luke says Darth Sidious (WOW!) and of course his return.


Double wow! In what context did he mention Sidious?


It was an equal wow hearing Vader say "Padme" in RotS.

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He's ranting about the failings of the Jedi and Darth Sidious seizing control of the galaxy. Awesome prequel reference. I loved it.


Mark has some great moments in this. One of the best is towards the end when Threepio (pointless in this new trilogy) sees him and Luke winks at him.

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1 hour ago, Philippe Roaché said:

He's ranting about the failings of the Jedi and Darth Sidious seizing control of the galaxy. Awesome prequel reference. I loved it.


To me, its an attempt to retcon the prequels' handling of the Jedi: In his attempt to present Yoda and Windu as stoic and "zen", he made them:

Passive and Indifferent to the hardships and suffering of the lead characters (Qui Gon, Anakin, Obi Wan)

Oblivious to the identity and ascension of Sidius.


In short, he made them unlikable.


Here, Johnson is doing what a lot of fan theories had tried to do, which is to find an in-universe (but - and this is the important bit - none-narrative) explanation to the Jedi's incompetence in the prequels.


It'll never really work, to my mind, because any savvy audience member watching the prequels can see that the films aren't intentionally making the Jedi incompetent in order to provide commentary on their hubris. Its just George Lucas trying to a) make them stoic and monastic, and b) make the rise of the Sith more palatable by falling on the crutch of plot convenience.

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Originally, Yoda said something about failing in the cut Qui-Gon ghost scene. Not the crappy BD version with Ben Burtt as Liam Neeson.


I like that they're not all powerful and perfect. Makes them more realistic and relatable. For the Jedi to become nearly extinct, they would've had to have fucked up big time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' novel reveals possible love interest for Luke Skywalker.


Someone with an advanced copy has revealed the first line in the novelization of Star Wars: The Last Jedi - revealing significant details on Luke Skywalker.



Luke Skywalker stood in the cooling sands of Tatooine, his wife by his side.



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