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SPOILER TALK - The Last Jedi (open spoilers allowed!!!)


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I'm really curious about Snoke, especially now that he's dead.  Regardless, I'm not impressed with the character... he reminded me too much of Voldemort in this but at least he looked great!  I'm curious about his origins and why he is suddenly just here as the new Emperor.  Who is he!?  Considering the ST takes place 30-40 years after the OT, Snoke is old enough to have existed during that time.  Was he above the Emperor during that time or did he take over when the Emperor died?  He certainly seems more powerful than the Emperor ever was.  I was never really curious about the Emperor's origins because I didn't think it was really needed (well, before the prequels) but Snoke... I feel like more needs to be explained in regards to his character.  And the fact that he's dead now just seems like a waste unless if he's somehow resurrected.  Hux and Ren have shown they aren't competent enough to lead the FO on their own.  Hux, as it turns out, is a complete wimp and Ren makes decisions based on his emotions.

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14 minutes ago, someonefun124 said:

I'm really curious about Snoke, especially now that he's dead.  Regardless, I'm not impressed with the character... he reminded me too much of Voldemort in this but at least he looked great!  I'm curious about his origins and why he is suddenly just here as the new Emperor.  Who is he!?  Considering the ST takes place 30-40 years after the OT, Snoke is old enough to have existed during that time.  Was he above the Emperor during that time or did he take over when the Emperor died?  He certainly seems more powerful than the Emperor ever was.  I was never really curious about the Emperor's origins because I didn't think it was really needed (well, before the prequels) but Snoke... I feel like more needs to be explained in regards to his character.


To me, the fact that none of this has yet been addressed is unacceptable and a massive great plot hole sitting at the centre of this trilogy. 

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4 minutes ago, Jay said:

I liked that comment!


I did, too, but I didn't. See, this is why I wrote "a bit ruined", and why I have to see it a second time (I've never seen a movie twice in cinema) - I'm confused about a lot of it, can't decide whether I like it or not. It's not a bad line, just not exactly fitting in that mood Leia's hologram creates and to Luke's character, but it's a natural progression of his dialogue with R2...

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Dumb question, but I want to be clear... Does the opening battle take place almost immediately after TFA or is this a day or two after? Luke and Rey's story picks up where it left off but I'm unsure about the FO/Resistance battle timeline. 

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It would have to be immediately after TFA, yea.


That's why I said earlier that between these 2 films, we've basically seen 5 consecutive days in these character's lives, and I expect Episode 9 will jump forward 5 years or more.  We need these characters to live a while before we rejoin them.


It's kind of like how Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace are a consecutive chunk of time, then Skyfall jumps forward 5 years.

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Episode VII opening crawl: "... the last Jedi..." -> Episode VIII called The Last Jedi


Episode VIII opening crawl: "...spark of hope..." -> Episode IX called A Spark of Hope


90% 75% confident on that. 

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15 minutes ago, Jay said:


It's kind of like how Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace are a consecutive chunk of time, then Skyfall jumps forward 5 years.

Or Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises.



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The Dark Knight doesn't begin the day after Batman Begins ends, though.


Both Quantum of Solace and The Last Jedi take place IMMEDIATELY after their prior film ends.

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51 minutes ago, Stefancos said:

He hasnt been, and never shall be...a Trekkie,.


But a couple of weeks ago you declared I was one. This time though I'm a Star Wars fanboy. Make your mind up! 


Btw, I genuinely didn't realise you were so easily pleased by Star Wars yourself actually. 

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13 minutes ago, El Jefe said:

Part of me thinks Leia knew Luke wasn’t really there. I thought she gave him an odd look when they held hands.


I concur.

14 minutes ago, Quintus said:

Btw, I genuinely didn't realise you were so easily pleased by Star Wars yourself actually. 


Who says I'm easily pleased? I've mentioned several quite serious flaws about the new film.

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2 hours ago, Fargo said:

Episode VII opening crawl: "... the last Jedi..." -> Episode VIII called The Last Jedi


Episode VIII opening crawl: "...spark of hope..." -> Episode IX called A Spark of Hope


90% 75% confident on that. 


I think IX will be called "The New Order", personally.

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2 hours ago, someonefun124 said:

At least Leia had time to change out of that silly jumpsuit and into something more suitable.


I kept getting distracted that the rest of the rebellion were dressed in typical rebellion uniforms but Laura Dern's character was wearing an evening gown like she is going to a ball. 

Also, why didn't she just tell Poe what her plan was. No need to keep it a secret from him especially if it was causing conflict.


And the Finn/Rose subplots was a little rubbish. Thinking about it again, the subplots that don't involve the central Rey / Luke / Ren / Snoke story were pretty weak.

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Rey, Luke, and Leia are the only characters in the film whose stories and decisions they made made sense.  Most everything else was a lot of hooey

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Maybe this was mentioned in the film and I missed it but where was Holdo on during the events of TFA? It's implied that Holdo was a mentor of Leia's and that they've known each other for awhile. How come she wasn't helping out the Resistance during TFA?

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54 minutes ago, BloodBoal said:


Because all is explained in the comic book: Adventures Of The Knights Of Ren. You can also learn more about them in the novel Ambush On Cepanova. Or you can also play the video game Knights of Ren: Origins to find out how they came to be.



A mentor to Leia? Where was Holdo during the events of the original trilogy?

No, a mentor of Leia.

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I just thought of something.


How and Why did Kylo Ren even know who Rey's parents were?


He didn't seem to know she existed before the events of TFA, and she's basically just a nobody scavenger on a backwater planet who gets involved with the Resistance and is force-sensitive.  


Why does he know who her parents are?

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He probably decided to check her background or read her thoughts or something. It is never implied, at any point in any of the two movies, that Rey does not know who her parents are

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9 hours ago, BloodBoal said:


- Luke and how he deals with the Dark Side: "Papa Vader killed thousands of innocent, but there's still good in him: must do everything I can to bring him back to the Light Side! Baby Ben seems to possibly be drawn to the Dark Side? Must kill him right now!" There may be a problem of consistency there...



It was made pretty explicit that Luke only thought that for a single moment. That one moment cost him everything though as that was when Ben looked up and saw him. 

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6 minutes ago, RomĂŁo said:

It is never implied, at any point in any of the two movies, that Rey does not know who her parents are


Its not?  I thought she didn't know who they were.  Isn't that how Kylo begins this conversation with her, something like "do you know who your parents are"?  WHy would anyone ask another person that question unless the other person is known to not know who they are.

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3 minutes ago, BloodBoal said:


Sure, but even then, how would he come so quickly to such a decision? After thinking about it, even though I understand other people's explanation ("People change..."), it still feels a bit like sloppy character writing. Why would suddenly Luke become pessimist, when they had defeated the Empire, and with his father actually coming back to the Light side at the end? I mean, he saw someone who went to the Dark Side come back to the Light. And then suddenly, there's the possibility someone could go to the Dark Side, and it's "slaughtering time!"? If you're going to do that, give the character a good reason for that, and I don't think the film provides it.


It wasn't a decision. It was an instinctual thought. That's how thoughts work - you get the instinctual, primal thought/emotion first and then your consciousness kicks in and gives you more perspective. He didn't suddenly become a pessimist, he was overwhelmed by fear in a single moment and drew his lightsaber. As he said, it passed after a moment, but by then it was too late. 


It's a character flaw, because Luke is an imperfect character. It's not bad writing, you just don't like it because it's humanising your perfect hero.

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28 minutes ago, Jay said:


Its not?  I thought she didn't know who they were.  Isn't that how Kylo begins this conversation with her, something like "do you know who your parents are"?  WHy would anyone ask another person that question unless the other person is known to not know who they are.


Rey was old enough when she was abandoned to have least some recollection of her parents, even if she wasn't old enough to know what they were and where they come from. The biggest question was why she was abandoned. And the reason was the simplest and cruelest of all


And well, Kylo could be lying as well

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