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THE LAST JEDI - For Your Consideration (FYC) Album


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6 minutes ago, crocodile said:

They are pushing for it as it appears on their FYC website. But I don't think he will get a nomination this year.




Sadly, I think you may be right but it depends on what they put on the FYC.  If it comes down between The Post and TLJ, I think The Post is more likely to be nominated.  I just don't see both being nominated.

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I think it's more just the desire to assemble a more complete version of the score right off the bat, before becoming accustomed to the incomplete OST.


I don't think I've ever listened to the TFA FYC in isolation, just mined it for music to expand the OST with.

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I do think I'll break from convention and listen to the entire FYC "blind", discovering new music without actually knowing it's coming. I feel familiar enough with the OST that I'll be able to pick up on the differences straight away.


Best of both worlds that way! Kind of like experiencing a special edition version of a movie without knowing what new scenes it has.

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9 hours ago, BloodBoal said:


I know, but to me, the idea is ultimately the same: listen to the unreleased music right away, and as I've said, it's something I've decided to move away from, to appreciate both the official release and the unreleased material more.


I listen to the OST for TFA a lot more than I do to either the FYC or my personal chronological assembly.


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Can anyone work out the direct links to the score clips on the other film score pages? Can't find it in the page's source code.


We might be able to check for TLJ music before they put the page up, assuming it's sitting there waiting.



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At least in confirms were getting one but I'm not hearing any music. I just get a link to a picture.Maybe my region isn't working?


*prays* it's not just the OST and lots of unreleased music or were screwed for many years

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I would be happy with that as long as we get newer stuff. I'm really looking forward to that Training Scene. Also for the Poe's theme in Escape. I don't know if anyone has noticed but I think Poe's theme appears in the album around the half of the track Peace and Purpose. It's a slow and beautiful rendition of it.

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44 minutes ago, king mark said:

At least in confirms were getting one but I'm not hearing any music. I just get a link to a picture.Maybe my region isn't working?


41 minutes ago, king mark said:

are the MP3's up or just the link?


KM, nothing is up yet. People are just guessing.

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24 minutes ago, Knight of Ren said:

I would be happy with that as long as we get newer stuff. I'm really looking forward to that Training Scene.


Don't get your hopes up, it's almost entirely Rey's Theme (which is a big no no for an FYC).


More likely there'll be tracks with existing themes buried into other music, so likely a lot of the action flourishes scattered around the film.

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23 minutes ago, crumbs said:

Don't get your hopes up, it's almost entirely Rey's Theme (which is a big no no for an FYC).


There are no specific rules regarding pre-existing thematic material. 


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3 minutes ago, Jim Ware said:


There are no specific rules regarding pre-existing thematic material. 



E. A score shall not be eligible if:

  • 1. it has been diluted by the use of pre-existing music, or
  • 2. it has been diminished in impact by the predominant use of songs or any music not composed specifically for the film by the submitting composer
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10 minutes ago, crumbs said:

E. A score shall not be eligible if:

  • 1. it has been diluted by the use of pre-existing music, or
  • 2. it has been diminished in impact by the predominant use of songs or any music not composed specifically for the film by the submitting composer


That didn't stop The Force Awakens being nominated.  What's the percentage of dilution?

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7 minutes out of about 110? Williams was quite boastful about it.


TFA relies very heavily on new thematic material. Rey, Kylo x2, Jedi Steps, Resistance March, Poe, Finn's motif and so forth. TLJ has a lot less original music, or music that doesn't reference existing themes.

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1 hour ago, crumbs said:


E. A score shall not be eligible if:

  • 1. it has been diluted by the use of pre-existing music, or
  • 2. it has been diminished in impact by the predominant use of songs or any music not composed specifically for the film by the submitting composer


As far as I remember, LOTR 3 (Return of the King) not even got nominated, but also won the Oscar. And there was MUCH more reuse of thematic material from the previous scores than in TLJ ...

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That was like 14 years ago! The rules have changed a lot since then.


For starters, you can't submit a FYC that isn't an exact replication of how the score appears in the film, complete with edits and tracked music. Williams was still submitting his OST presentations around 2005.

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11 minutes ago, crumbs said:

That was like 14 years ago! The rules have changed a lot since then.


The Two Towers wasn't nominated, allegedly for its use of pre-existing material in line with a new rule the Academy applied at that time to sequel scores, although the Academy later stated The Two Towers was in fact eligible, but no one took that claim serious. One year later The Return Of The King was nominated however and won. The Academy can change their approach to sequel scores at any time and it isn't a new thing. 

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31 minutes ago, HuberSepp said:


As far as I remember, LOTR 3 (Return of the King) not even got nominated, but also won the Oscar. And there was MUCH more reuse of thematic material from the previous scores than in TLJ ...


But there was new material too. 


The real reason TTT wasn't nominated was the same reason the Hobbit scores were not nominated and the prequel SW scores were not nominated - they did not get enough votes.


And TTT was a much less liked film by the academy - it dropped from 13 noms for FOTR to 6 for TTT. 


So there was no arcane rule for TTT, it simply did not get enough votes.

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4 hours ago, king mark said:

the page in the link is real right?


The FYC site Disney put up?  Of course its real.  


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3 hours ago, crumbs said:


E. A score shall not be eligible if:

  • 1. it has been diluted by the use of pre-existing music, or
  • 2. it has been diminished in impact by the predominant use of songs or any music not composed specifically for the film by the submitting composer


Fortunately, the original music in the film outweighs all the pre-existing music.

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It's obvious this thread needs a spoiler-tag in the header now, its too annoying to open all the spolier-blocks in this thread.


You just can't discuss the film versions of cues that could be on this thing without talking about the scenes in question




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BTW, if anyone wants to fiddle around with URLs trying to find the mp3s before the page is live, its a good bet track #1 will simply be called Escape.

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I just looked at the TFA FYC thread, and it was started at 2:11 PM EST (11:11 AM California time).  So maybe less than 3 hours or so to go until its all up.


Or maybe not.  Who knows :P

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16 minutes ago, Jay said:

I just looked at the TFA FYC thread, and it was started at 2:11 PM EST (11:11 AM California time).  So maybe less than 3 hours or so to go until its all up.


Or maybe not.  Who knows :P

Oh my god! There is even more hype for the For Your Consideration score than for the actual movie. 

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You seem to struggle with finding people on the internet might have different opinions than you on things.

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Me too, like Stefancos, when Star Wars will continue without Williams, of course i'll going to see it,

but the magic will maybe disappear.

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My attachment to Star Wars was the character of Han Solo and John Williams. 


However Michael Giacchino proved to me Star Wars can exist without John Williams.

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