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THE LAST JEDI - For Your Consideration (FYC) Album


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29 minutes ago, king mark said:

Han Solo and the Princess was never Han's theme in my mind


it'a like how the Rebel Fanfare was a theme for the empire in Star Wars and became a theme for the Rebels. Williams seems to change his mind with time

I've seen this misconception before but it has no basis in fact, it is just a misconception. The imperials have 2 motifs in ANH, 1 for the Empire/Death Star that plays as a very clear bad guy theme most prominently when Vader steps through the door of the blockade runner. There is also a storm trooper motif that is less obvious but apparent throughout the score. The Rebel Fanfare is like an adventure theme, it is grand, bold and exciting and not meant for the Empire at all.

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19 minutes ago, king mark said:

I always thought this and a few other members agreed with me


Took me years before I realised it was atheme for the rebels


That doesn't even make sense, especially because the Empire has a different theme in ANH.


Edit: Ninja'd.

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8 hours ago, BloodBoal said:

KM's logic is that it is used for some shots of the Empire (right after the opening crawl, it could be interpreted as scoring the Imperial Destroyer, then it is also used when the Falcon enters inside the Death Star, etc.).

It's scored for the appearance of the rebel blockade runner being pursued by the Star destroyer. As Williams pointed out in the original 77 album notes it's the rebel spacehip fanfare. Hence its appearance when the Falcon enters the death star.

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While Disney did just buy Fox sorta, they are still competing companies as far as this awards season goes and one rally has nothing to do with the other.

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9 hours ago, BloodBoal said:


It's not me you should be saying that to, it's KM!

Err, sorry. Just say'in.

8 hours ago, gkgyver said:

Well, next time don't derail it then with imaginary Star Wars lore.

After seeing the film it seems the only thing that hasn't gone off the rails is Williams music.🙄

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Yeah, that’s definitely the film itself.



The packaging has got lazier advantage time has gone by. My Revenge of the Sith FYC came in a regular DVD case. 

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Wow that's the second time someone posted a picture of the DVD screener and thought it was a music album.

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We don't know.


We likely will never know unless some show up on ebay.  I just checked there, still nothing.

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I still think the website will be eventually updated. TLJ only has three options in its menu (Consider, Screenings, Synopsis) but the other major movies have at least 7 (excluding Lou which is just a short). It doesn't make sense for TLJ not to have pages for score, press, screenplay and photos when all the other movies too.


I'll start to worry with TLJ's menu is updated with other pages but score still isn't there, 

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I also think it will be updated eventually, and the webguy is just on vacation until after X-Mas or something.

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I can see why people are thinking that photo might be legit for a sec... it looks a little like the FYC 2 disc set for War for the Planet of The Apes that Fox put out for Giacchino's score this year. 

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It's a legitimate photo, its simply a photo of a DVD Screener of the film, and not a photo of an FYC CD for the score.

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1 minute ago, Jay said:

It's a legitimate photo, its simply a photo of a DVD Screener of the film, and not a photo of an FYC CD for the score.


Oh absolutely I'm just saying I can see why there's confusion the movie runtime is a dead giveaway

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Disney's FYC CD - if there is one - would look something like this




I just checked ebay and there are currently no FYC CDs for any of their scores they are pushing on the website - no Coco, no Cars 3, no Thor 3, no TLJ, etc.

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6 minutes ago, king mark said:

is there MP3's for other Disney FYC's or The Last Jedi is the only one without so far?



Yeah most of the other films have FYC score sections on the website.

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