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20 years, hard to believe it!


It would have been May of 1999 when I discovered how to rip clean music out of the "The Phantom Menace" PC video game, and posted instructions and a "cue list" to rec.music.movies, and then emailed Ricard the same info, and he put my email on the main page.  Then I joined the forums and the rest is history!

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4 minutes ago, KK said:

I joined in 2011 I believe, just around the War Horse/Tintin hype



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Happy birthday to you!  So who was the first post from?  It better not be stiff with some lame comment like "one day I will have over 126,000 posts on this site...you all just wait and see" or some other such nonsense.  John Williams wrote this for us!


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1 minute ago, karelm said:

So who was the first post from?  It better not be stiff with some lame comment like


45 minutes ago, Stefancos said:

Congratulations JWfan!


I joined somewhere late spring/early summer of 2000.


Reading is difficult, right?

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1 hour ago, Johnnyecks said:

Sometimes I long to go back to those simpler, easier times.

Without a smartphone?


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2 minutes ago, Ii2 said:

Without a smartphone?



Oh I would LOVE that! When you can actually be free from distractions and constantly updating app notifications and immediate response required text messages... you can go on a drive without hearing a multitude of pings and rings or even, gasp, drive in silence.


When I was younger I badly wanted to have a cell phone, also badly wanted to grow up and learn to drive.


The fear and panic that gets instilled in one's self if they leave their house without their phone. How will they get to their destination without GPS? What if there is traffic or an accident? How will they go on with their day if they don't get an alert saying that their calendar event is about to start in 30 mins?


How did we live without them?


Easily. We just DID.


They are a convenient inconvenience.


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20 years? But 1999 was like 6 years ago.  I was using Napster to download mp3 not more than 5 years ago. The internet itself is like 10 years old or less. The point is you don't celebrate "20th anniversary" of anything in the World Wide Web. Not enough time has yet passed.

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20 years?  What have we accomplished in that time?  We did beat MySpace, there's that.


Clumsy humor aside, I love this place, warts and all, and I think it has done wonders towards the wider appreciation and understanding of John Williams.  

Let's keep it up, guys.  Here's to 20, 30, 40 more, if the earth will last that long.

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3 hours ago, Stefancos said:
5 hours ago, Hlao-roo said:

Congratulations, Ricard!


You're back!

Who dat.

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