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The Rise of Skywalker - COMPLETE SCORE Discussion - SPOILERS ALLOWED!


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Listened to the OST of this score again yesterday. This score is really a mess, just like the movie. Sometimes it seems just to be a long Star Wars medley. The themes are all over the place. Why there.is a few times Yoda's theme? There is no Yoda in this movie. Why is there Luke and Leia theme where there is no Luke and Leia? So many quotes from bits and pieces of the other movies. Why?

I hope that when we ever get the complete score this mess will turn into something. 



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I think a properly organized album of the complete score would not sound like a mess.  You can craft a main program that doesn't have weird edits and repeated music and constant inserts; you can defer more to his original intentions in a main program.  And then have all the endless rewrites and such in a robust bonus track section.

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Funnily enough I revisited this score a few days ago too and found it a lot more interesting than I remembered. That Reunion track is very skippable though (a bit like the Germany 1944 track on the DOD album, mostly redundant).


I do like that final minute or so with Rey's Theme and the lovely rendition of the Friendship (?) Theme but all the reused and rearranged OT music does nothing for me once the initial nostalgia hit wears off (a lot like the films themselves).


As a standalone listening experience I prefer skipping straight from Farewell into A New Home. Works a treat!

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32 minutes ago, crumbs said:

That Reunion track is very skippable though

It's the only good track on the OST.


The first 50 seconds, is what Ewok/Victory celebration should have been.


I HATE that rendition of the Friendship theme, but only because it messes up and doesn't go into the cool repeats statement of the Luke and Leia theme I hear in my head at 3:29 lol


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5 hours ago, crumbs said:

I do like that final minute or so with Rey's Theme and the lovely rendition of the Friendship (?) Theme but all the reused and rearranged OT music does nothing for me once the initial nostalgia hit wears off (a lot like the films themselves).

Yeah, I don't understand why Williams focussed on The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker OSTs somuch on the quotes of the old themes instead of concentrating on the new material. I would have much prefered that.

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15 hours ago, crumbs said:

Mike put it brilliantly in that podcast when he said, "what exactly are you trying to achieve here?"

Which one, the Christmas one?

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6 hours ago, Brando said:

Which one, the Christmas one?


Yeah, when referring to JW's ... 'questionable' OST decisions on some scores.

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I don't think this album is nearly the mess that Attack of the Clones' score is.


Really, I find all of the prequel albums to be questionable with how they turned out and what Johnny Baby decided to put on them.

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Has anyone tried making an edit of the finale tracks that removes the inappropriate copy-pastes of older themes and keeps only the new stuff? 


On 07/01/2025 at 5:15 AM, crumbs said:

a bit like the Germany 1944 track on the DOD album, mostly redundant)

I like that track.

Probably too much. 

It's the best action track on the album, because the actual Dial music is really a ton of steps down from Crusade.


I'm not sure which album bores me more, TRoS or Dial. 

Both are fine, I guess, but also WILDLY underwhelming.

I really wished I could like them more.

At least with Dial tough, I do actually enjoy the film.

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23 hours ago, Pieter Boelen said:

Has anyone tried making an edit of the finale tracks that removes the inappropriate copy-pastes of older themes and keeps only the new stuff? 


Yes! I'm very happy with mine. Actually I remember sharing them with you haha. Editing these tracks down def makes them more enjoyable on repeat listens.

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1 hour ago, Smeltington said:


Yes! I'm very happy with mine. Actually I remember sharing them with you haha. Editing these tracks down def makes them more enjoyable on repeat listens.

You did? 

I completely forgot. 

So sorry! 

I've been quite out of the loop when it comes to updating my music collection.

Haven't even added the Hook 3-CD version to my iPod yet.

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That's ok, that was probably forever ago. And maybe someone else has a different take on it than mine. Either way, I do think editing the quotes down, or removing them completely, is the answer here. There's plenty of good material in those tracks that needs to be salvaged.

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3 hours ago, Smeltington said:

That's ok, that was probably forever ago. And maybe someone else has a different take on it than mine. Either way, I do think editing the quotes down, or removing them completely, is the answer here. There's plenty of good material in those tracks that needs to be salvaged.

Could I get a listen? Seems interesting.

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On 10/01/2025 at 5:28 PM, Smeltington said:


Sent you a PM!

Any chance you could resend it to me too?

Maybe this time it'll actually take...

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, BrotherSound said:

The fact that Kijimi wasn’t originally destroyed could explain why the destruction of Kijimi in the film uses tracked music


At least this gives me hope that JJ baby wasn't TRYING to blow up Oma Tres!  :crymore:

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