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How many times have you listened to the track The Rise of Skywalker?

King Mark

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8 times :lol:


It's truly a beautiful piece. Easily my favourite concert cue from the SW sequels so far (I am avoiding listening to the rest of the OST before I've seen the movie, so I don't know if there are other concert pieces). It reminds me a bit of Anakin's Theme, which is one of my favourite concert pieces from the prequels.


Waiting for the Signature Edition of this!

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Just one, and barely that. I skimmed quickly through the FYC tracks last week, and will not play another note of this score untill I have the proper soundtrack. I'll get it digitally first, and then buy the CD at a later date, when I find it at a decent price.

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1 minute ago, Thor said:

Just one, and barely that. I skimmed quickly through the FYC tracks last week


That track isn't on the FYC.


2 minutes ago, Thor said:

and will not play another note of this score untill I have the proper soundtrack


Here it is!



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4 minutes ago, Jurassic Shark said:

That track isn't on the FYC.


I see. Then 'none'.


Thanks for the Spotify link, but I'll wait untill I get the digital promo. Don't want to break it up with commercials.

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5 minutes ago, Nick Parker said:

The most romantic depiction of space I think Williams has done since Luke and Leia.



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2 hours ago, Edmilson said:

It didn't reminded me much of HP, more of a late 80s/early 90s JW fantasy score, such as Hook, HA 1 and 2, maybe JP.

BFG and ET is what I got at first but then I remembered his softers 80's writing for Star wars like Yoda and other tracks and then it gelled more.

It's also Christmasy and I think Williams' sign off and thank you to everyone.

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I've listened to it many times now. It has the structure of the Jurassic Park theme with a softer first half featuring the A part of the theme and a much louder, grander B part in the second half of the piece. I find the transitional material, the brassy fanfare stuff, a little messy at first and the "cold open" to the whole track just starting off with the A part without any introductory material a little off-putting. Feels like a missed opportunity. Overall, I like it but I don't love it.

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41 minutes ago, Pellaeon said:

Have people already started comparing it to The Rebellion is Reborn in the way it combines two themes in a single concert suite?

 I love Rebellion is Reborn but Rise of Skywalker has a unique beauty about it . On pure beauty I think it beats even the JP theme  or Anakin's Theme but not on the melody. I think it's a combination of the performance, the orchestrations and the sound quality that make it sound exquisite. Also helps the Grado headphones I use make strings like this sound out of this world


If Rose's theme had a full concert version it might be different

1 hour ago, artguy360 said:

 the "cold open" to the whole track just starting off with the A part without any introductory material a little off-putting. Feels like a missed opportunity. Overall, I like it but I don't love it.

 I think the way the A theme is played it sounds like an opening. Concert versions like Hedwig's Theme starts with the A theme too


What is the instruments that play at 3.32?..that's a fantastic touch

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3 hours ago, Pellaeon said:

Have people already started comparing it to The Rebellion is Reborn in the way it combines two themes in a single concert suite?

Not that I've seen, but these two themes are definitely more congruent—musically and narratively—than Luke's Exile and Rose's themes. Rebellion is Reborn never really gelled for me for that reason.

7 hours ago, Nick Parker said:

I don't know, it sounds super Star Warsy to me, especially at moments like 2:06, and the big statement starting around 2:50ish, culminating in that chord at 3:11.


The most romantic depiction of space I think Williams has done since Luke and Leia.


Yeah, it sounds to me like a cousin of Luke and Leia, or Han Solo and the Princess. (Actually I always expect it to break into the big ESB finale after that chord at 3:31!) Although to be honest, I can see why it doesn't seem that Star Warsy because Luke and Leia never seemed that Star Warsy to me either.

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1 hour ago, aviazn said:

Although to be honest, I can see why it doesn't seem that Star Warsy because Luke and Leia never seemed that Star Warsy to me either.


It's the closest we've gotten to a Star Trek score by Williams! 

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5 hours ago, King Mark said:

 I love Rebellion is Reborn but Rise of Skywalker has a unique beauty about it . On pure beauty I think it beats even the JP theme  or Anakin's Theme but not on the melody. I think it's a combination of the performance, the orchestrations and the sound quality that make it sound exquisite. Also helps the Grado headphones I use make strings like this sound out of this world.


What is the instruments that play at 3.32?..that's a fantastic touch


I bet if this music had first shown up in some Samsung phone tie-in promo on YouTube you'd have been saying you doubt it's Williams and that it sounded more like Gordy Haab.

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I am late to the party here but is this piece good or what?


The opening 50 seconds are so is some of the most extraordinary writing Williams has done. There is a degree of refinement in the music which I think is almost too good for the movies. It kinda felt to me like the opening of My Dear Frodo in Hobbit 1 - there are layers upon and layers and there is a deep sense of color and melody.


I don't know if it is example of chromatism but someone musically educated tell me.


It also helps that it is one of Williams' most striking themes in years. It really is quite beautiful.

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I think it's my favorite concert arrangement from the sequel trilogy.


Rey's Theme is still my favorite theme, but the concert arrangement called Rey's Theme on the OST album is not the best presentation of that theme.  On that same album, the iterations of Rey's Theme in the final two tracks are much more interesting

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I would agree. Rey's Theme the concert presentation is good, but maybe a little thin, though it does get going with the great B part of the theme. It never really seems to take flight completely. It is still an outstanding theme of course and every reprise of it in the score adds to the scene.


But Rise of Skywalker is something else. It is a beautiful theme but the way it is presented here takes it to the next level. It really sounds elevated.


I can't wait to see what scene is scored by the last part which is also in the Farewell track.

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Except the version in the Farewell track has choir!


I wonder if it's possible to replace that section with the Farewell version to create an alternate concert arrangement with choir.

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I actually think it's kind of nice that the concert version doesn't have choir. 1. It makes the corresponding moment in the score itself ("Farewell") a little more special. 2. I honestly think it would feel awkward and out of place to have the choir suddenly join in, in this track. It's a relatively short piece, and as others have pointed out, a concert performance would not include choir... So it is nice to have it recorded as it would be heard in the concert hall.


Of course having heard the FYC first before the OST, I always loved the choir version—but I have really grown to appreciate the lack of choir in this one.

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I really love this piece, there's a real sense of melancholic resolve conveyed. It does everything for me that "The Rebellion is Reborn" falls short at. The character of the theme in the second half reminds me a bit of Brahms.

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On 12/19/2019 at 8:09 AM, Jay said:

Except the version in the Farewell track has choir!


I wonder if it's possible to replace that section with the Farewell version to create an alternate concert arrangement with choir.


It is possible. I'm editing right now The question is if people prefer the original concert ending or the shortened ending from farewell. I will make both to be safe. Also which thread should I post it in? I guess right here is fine. I will be using Soundcloud.

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