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Laugh Out Loud - Unintentionally Funny Movie Moments


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On 7/21/2020 at 10:27 AM, Nick Parker said:

I feel guilty for using such an obvious choice, but it's hard for me to think of another movie in recent memory that was so earnest and fell as hard on its face as Rise of Skywalker. It was very hard for me to watch in the theater, because I was sitting next to a ten year old looking kid and his father, and I didn't want to spoil his experience by laughing at the movie right next to him. I mostly succeeded, but there were some moments where I wasn't strong enough.



The comic timing on this is impeccable. A masterclass. His build up of "decoding the intel", the long pause, then the hardest acted moment in Isaac's career, when he tries to make himself as grave as possible, and he utters the money shot..."Somehow, Palpatine has returned." The sheer matter of factness, while he's trying to do everything he can to hold back his choked tears...beautiful and powerful, like the opening blast of Williams' opening fanfare. Also like Williams' famous text crawl music, the rest continues the excellence. Poe proceeds to recite one of the most blatant exposition dumps I've ever heard, rivalling--nay, besting, this classic:



I felt bad for Oscar Isaac here. Great actor, was happy to see him cast in the SW sequels... but J.J. Abrams and Rian Johnson didn't give him anything to work with in three movies. Ditto for Daisy Ridley and John Boyega. 


Solo: A Star Wars Story was competently put together, despite people griping about Eldenreich.

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John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, and Oscar Isaac had some good material to work with in TFA, I thought.


I'm gonna make myself very unpopular here, but this thread makes me think of the LOTR films. I enjoy them, but boy, Jackson's proclivity for slow-mo melodrama never fails to take me out of the experience.

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