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Analysis Video - The Force Theme


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"Why do you listen to that Binary Sunset music so much?"


"I enjoy marches."


Firstly I like to single out what the moment that truly makes a theme is. For instance, with E.T.'s flying theme I noticed the critical aspect of melody and harmony was from the II - V transition, that leap from the note B to a high B resolving on V.


With The Force Theme, I feel the prime area to note is the first four measures, the build-up from chords i to IV. So I can set the rest aside at first.


Distinctive qualities of the first two measures:

- The melody first holds on the degree 1, 2, and then before even holding on 3, it lightly passes by 4 in an off-triplet. What this does is give the impression that an initial harmony has been present before even getting to i: the looming emotional obstacle of the note degrees 1 2 and 4, forming something that has been suspended with Luke this whole time. The degree of 4 breaks into our subconscious before the minor gets a chance to, and is not until the 3rd degree is emphasized in measure 2 that finally represents Luke's conscious attention noticing this emotional dilemma, in the new light of the G minor chord. Relisten to these first two measures and you can hear the power of the 3rd degree making Luke's conscious transition to his predicament.

- The first two measures assume a i - V7 - i - V7 characteristic at the beginning, but drops the V7 to form this identity of suspense and contemplation around the 4th degree being in light of something other than V7.

- It's finally when the piece arrives at the IV chord that represents Luke's epiphany, something he determined he wants to do to remedy, or a ray of hope, and it was that 4th degree glimmering before and predestining his conscious decision--you see the light of the 4th degree break through just before the G minor chord has a chance to get in: Luke provoked the transition from i to IV (whatever his initial thought became) it shows he has always seen light in the darkness.

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In the video exercise, we see how The Force Theme using the 4th degree (note of C) is inherent to its melodic metastructure: the foundation of a suspended 1-2-4 arpeggio which foreshadows the 4th degree being held in measure 4, during a IV chord.


Example 1 removes one small note, which proves a pivotal disruption to its overall character.

Example 2 removes the whole rhythmic mannerism, yet in keeping its melodic identity intact, resembles something much closer to the Force Theme in overall character.



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