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Laura Karpman - Marvel's What If...?


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Episode 6 of S3 featured some really nice Western music. Both the old time full orchestral stuff and the more modern guitar riff etc.


Most fun were the "Westernised"? statements of Joel P West's Shang Chi theme and the way the Asian instruments were combined with the western style. Really great stuff.

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Great thing about Shang-Chi's theme is (I think), is that is the themes for his father & mother combined.


So you're correct in that it's Wenwu's theme. It starts out that way, until later in the score when Shang-Chi gets the Ten Ring. Then it becomes his theme combined with the theme for his mother.

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Was hoping there'd be an album release today, but doesn't look like that's the case. Fingers crossed for next week.

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Great work.


I noticed the stuff you've written down, but didn't bother to make an expansive post like yours. Great work!


I feel like the cuts in "Spooky" are all to edit out the themes from Joel P West from Shang-Chi. But I could be wrong.

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39 minutes ago, tomsmoviemadness said:

Great work.


I noticed the stuff you've written down, but didn't bother to make an expansive post like yours. Great work!


I feel like the cuts in "Spooky" are all to edit out the themes from Joel P West from Shang-Chi. But I could be wrong.

I have nothing but a gut hunch that Disney doesn’t wanna pay whatever fees are involved to reuse themes. The S2 album also didn’t have any quoted music. 

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