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Who do you want to score Obi-Wan Kenobi? (2022, Disney+)


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Personally I'd love to see Powell re-enter the Star Wars universe and write music for this series (ideally with Batu Sener as a writing partner, and Williams writing a new main theme for Kenobi, Solo style), especially with the Lando series seemingly another year or two away (and the logical project for Powell to handle).


I also think Desplat would be an excellent fit for the show, but I think his history with Rogue One might preclude him (likewise Giacchino, if the rumours are true about Williams disliking his work).


I suspect other marquee options like Göransson and JNH will be too busy with Boba Fett/Mando and the Willow series respectively.


William Ross might be a nice left-field choice, if Williams was consulted on the decision (is he still serving as an unofficial music supervisor with Lucasfilm?). I wouldn't complain if Ross got the gig and recorded with the LSO in London!


Then there's always Joel McNeely, whose work on Shadows of the Empire and Young Indiana Jones has him firmly in Lucasfilm's camp of established composers.

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Usually I'd say JNH, but since he'll be busy with the Fantastic Beasts sequels and the Willow reboot, then I think Joel McNeely would be a great choice. 


But if I was in charge, I'd favour Joe Kraemer. The guy is massively talented and doing a Star Wars score would more than compensate for him to being kicked out of the M: I movies.

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10 minutes ago, Edmilson said:

But if I was in charge, I'd favour Joe Kraemer. The guy is massively talented and doing a Star Wars score would more than compensate for him to being kicked out of the M: I movies.


Kraemer hadn't even occurred to me, he would write an excellent Star Wars score! David Arnold too.


Sadly both have become so low-profile; I'm not sure why their careers have fallen off a cliff after reaching their early heights :(


John Debney is another favourite composer in the Disney camp, but I suspect he'll be too busy with Hocus Pocus 2 to focus on Star Wars.

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1 hour ago, crumbs said:

Then there's always Joel McNeely, whose work on Shadows of the Empire and Young Indiana Jones has him firmly in Lucasfilm's camp of established composers.


He's my pick. Yes, it's predictable, and it will be no doubt be mushy Williams pastiche, but I think the new STAR WARS things need a little bit of that now. Good, ol' fashioned sound with prominent themes. Enough of the anonymous, droning Göransson/Giacchino/CLONE WARS-ish stuff now.


Other than that, I'll wait untill the composer announcement is here, and reserve my accolades or anger to then.

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Director previously worked with Grigorov and Goransson so these two are probably the top contenders.


Since the director is a lady, I am guessing a female composer wouldn't be out of mind either. There have been some very talented and promising newcomers to the scene like Natalie Holt, Germaine Franco, Sunna Wehrmeijer, Pinar Toprak, or Hildur Gudnadottir. Holt and Toprak in particular have already done some good scores for Marvel. That might be a bonus.

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Hildur is great, and would no doubt deliver something engrossing. But as I said -- for one of these shows, I'd like to see a more traditional approach. Obi-Wan -- being an "old force" in this particular universe -- seems like the perfect opportunity to do just that.


By the way, there are apparently some fake trailers for the show floating around on the interwebz.

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Göransson isn’t someone id have considered for Star Wars before Mando and that worked out a treat so I’m pretty open.


Giacchino would be a bad option. Haab and Kiner are fine for the respective mediums but not a high profile live action show IMO. But other than them I’m open. 

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3 hours ago, Drawgoon said:

Director previously worked with Grigorov and Goransson so these two are probably the top contenders.


Since the director is a lady, I am guessing a female composer wouldn't be out of mind either. There have been some very talented and promising newcomers to the scene like Natalie Holt, Germaine Franco, Sunna Wehrmeijer, Pinar Toprak, or Hildur Gudnadottir. Holt and Toprak in particular have already done some good scores for Marvel. That might be a bonus.

Nami melumad then.

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Has anybody seen any of Gordy Haab's movies? They all look like not much but I really have no idea what he's like as a composer other than he can impersonate Williams, haven't listened to the soundtracks in full or played the games. But I think he'd deserve a shot at something and I remember he tweeted or facebooked awhile back that he wanted this gig. It might be too hot for him to get it, though. 

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31 minutes ago, GerateWohl said:

I would like to have a Star Wars score by Danny Elfman for this. Or Don Davis.

Don Davis would be an amazing choice. He is ridiculously talented and yet Hollywood doesn't hire him anymore. I'd love his return to big budget stuff.

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14 minutes ago, mrbellamy said:

Has anybody seen any of Gordy Haab's movies? 


No, but I've heard his score for a recent Chinese propaganda film. It was okay, but nothing more. I've never been able to latch on to his STAR WARS videogame scores. For me, he's not a very exciting composer (sorry, no amount of fanfares and cymbal crashes cuts it for me), so he will never be a candidate for me.


And Kiner, since he's been brought up, is about as exciting as a wet sock.

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24 minutes ago, Thor said:

No, but I've heard his score for a recent Chinese propaganda film. It was okay, but nothing more. I've never been able to latch on to his STAR WARS videogame scores. For me, he's not a very exciting composer (sorry, no amount of fanfares and cymbal crashes cuts it for me), so he will never be a candidate for me.


And Kiner, since he's been brought up, is about as exciting as a wet sock.


Yikes, I thought you were exaggerating until I looked up the movie. The actual tag on IMDB is "Chinese communist party state propaganda". 


Maybe Disney forced him to score it. :P


1 hour ago, GerateWohl said:

I would like to have a Star Wars score by Danny Elfman for this.


Danny Elfman is one of my favorite composers, but I'm kind of scared what a modern Danny Elfman Star Wars score would sound like...

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4 hours ago, Alex said:

John Powell please.

His themes yes. His percussion no.


But I am quite confident that they will assign it to a female composer, which is basically fine. But I have no Wish candidate there.

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Inon Zur could be a very cool choice for this too. He is a game composer so chances are very slim but having just listened to a suite of his upcoming work for a video game called Starfield performed by the LSO, I think this guy knows how to handle the genre very well.


That piece is a recommended listen whether anyone thinks he should land a SW gig or not. A great throwback to the days of StarGate and Star Wars. Quite refreshing from the stuff that's landing on the film music scene these days.

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I think, the choice highly depends on the decision if director or producers are rather looking for a musical story teller or illustrator. The second one is the usual contemporary choice and would go into the direction "give the game score composers a shot. But that's not necessarily a traditional Star Wars score.

But hey, what does Star Wars have to do with score tradition?

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I would like Williams, since this is absolutely out of question, I'll be also happy with Powell. James Newton Howard could be also good and Giacchino could make something better than Rogue One, for sure.


I hope is not Göransson. I'm getting quite tired of his Madalorian scores and I  won't be very happy if he becomes the go to composer for Star Wars.

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11 minutes ago, crumbs said:

It's possible Williams might write a new theme, given it's a legacy character he already scored in the prequels?

Since the series takes place in the exact context that Ben's Theme was composed for, it's hardly necessary. Expect the Force Theme ad nauseam!

Some neat, Disney-Trilogy-style psychological motifs could be useful as a supplement though.

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Whichever composer they choose has to be comfortable using the Force Theme and Vader's theme ad nauseam then!


And likely Battle of the Heroes for the inevitable rematch between Obi-Wan and Anakin.


There's very few composers who are skilled enough to adapt Williams' themes correctly...

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4 hours ago, crumbs said:

Whichever composer they choose has to be comfortable using the Force Theme and Vader's theme ad nauseam then!


And likely Battle of the Heroes for the inevitable rematch between Obi-Wan and Anakin.


There's very few composers who are skilled enough to adapt Williams' themes correctly...

Well there's Williams and that's about it. I can't see anyone else scoring the episode of the rematch. Powell, JNH, McNeely, Kramer or Debney would all sufficient for some part of the show but the theme and rematch episode have to be Williams

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