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La-La Land announces a final collection of Star Trek music


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MV in February 2017:



We'll be sending over the track listing to post on one of the Trek Websites soon.


In the meantime, our plan over the next 18 months for Trek is as follows:


DS9 Volume 2 - 3rd qtr 2017


Voyager Volume 2 - 1st qtr 2018


Unknown Trek Collection featuring:


Disc 1 - TNG - leftovers
Disc 2 - DS9 - leftovers
Disc 3 - Voyager - leftovers
Disc 4 - Enterprise - leftovers


Probably by Summer 2018 we will be saying our final goodbye to Trek. I think roughly after 9 cds from each series we will have covered just about all the amazing music from this incredible Universe...unless we decide to do something crazy like Season by Season Box sets! lol






The requests thread began in January 2018: https://filmscoremonthly.com/board/posts.cfm?threadID=124509&forumID=1&archive=0


Here's a post by Lukas Kendall in that thread:



Thank you all for these suggestions.


When I produced the Star Trek 50th Anniversary Collection for La La Land, I went through an earlier thread of suggestions and tried my best to include requested pieces.


A few things I learned:


1) Advertising music is fun to track down and include, but extremely difficult—very time-consuming to locate and expensive to license. I don't see us doing it again.


2) The suggestions are most helpful when they are specific and limited. Practically speaking, we're not going to include a complete episode score from anything at this late point—there just isn't the space and the interest. So saying "the entire score to XXXX!!!" is helpful in that it identifies a wanted episode...but not helpful in we're still going to have to pick excerpts.


3) The posts with specific timecodes (from Netflix broadcasts) or descriptions are the MOST helpful. That way, a human being (for the 50th, it was ME) can go through and actually audition the possibilities.


4) Less is more: A list of eight cues or passages per episode is still going to have to be reduced. When there's a post listening a few key episodes and a few (or 1 or 2) cues per score, it makes me take the suggestions more seriously than a post that seems to be indiscriminately asking for everything.






MV just the other day:



I haven't been on here much lately, but has anything been said about the next Star Trek TNG/DS9/Voyager release yet?


Aiming for the spring







We are done. No more requests. Everything is locked in. Working on art now. Final voyage coming soon




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57 minutes ago, Jay said:

And La-La Land Records to do the same for THE ORVILLE



I also wish for a Göransson's Community boxset. it's one of my biggest grail but it will probably never happen :crymore:

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They sure recorded a lot of cues for that show...



04_201m07_Do You Love Me Too
05_201m08_I Am Going To Love You Forever
06_201m09_Will You Marry Me
07_201m12_Respect The ToolsDefend Yourself
08_201m14_Bad Development Strategy
09_201m15_Chang's Only Friend
01_202m04_25 Feet
02_202m06_Temple Of Doom
03_202m10_Duncan's Power
04_202m11_Is This Anesthesiology
05_202m12_Duncan's Forcefield
06_202m14_Act 2 In
07_202m18_Psychology of Letting Go
01_203m05_Miss Trial
02_203m07_New Deal
03_203m10_Annie Keep A Lookout
05_203m18_Caught Something At Greendale
06_203m19_Pop N Lock Showdown
01_204m02_It Could Use A Good Wash
02_204m04_Simulator's Simulator
03_204m05_Dad Never Let Me In
04_204m06_Pierce Sit Down
05_204m07_204 Act 2 In
06_204m08_Mission Control
07_204m09_I was Supposed To Be On That Thing
08_204m10_City College Was Behind This
09_204m11_Game Over
11_204m13_What Do You See
12_204m14_Act 3 In
13_204m15_The Way Out
14_204m16_We're Coming To Save You
01_205m02_Mountain Lion Remix
02_205m07_This Is The Movie
04_205m10_Totally Meta
05_205m12_I Forgive Her
06_205m14_Stair Hipsters
07_205m15_Creative Goosebumps
08_205m17_Who's Richard
09_205m19_God Is Great
10_205m20_Emergency Contact
11_205m21_Abed Broke The Internet (Song)
01_205m02_Mountain Lion Remix
02_205m03_God Of Farts
04_205m21_Abed Broke The Internet
01_206m03_Get Away From Those Hotties
02_206m09_You'rs Not Racist
03_206m10_Clothes Make The Man
04_206m12_Zombie Troy
05_206m14_Scenario B
06_206m15_Kinda Over Zombies
01_207m02_The Discovery
02_207m04_The Trampoline
03_207m06_The Secret Garden
05_207m16_Destruct Code
06_207m09_Pierce's Hovercraft
07_207m11_Robo-Abed 2
08_207m12_Robo-Abed 3
09_207m13_Pierce Finds The Garden
10_207m16_Destruct Code
11_207m17_Trampoline Destruction
12_207m18_Its Going To Be A Maze
13_207m19_Paradise Is Right Here
14_207m22_Little Pilot
01_106m01_Teaser In
02_208m04_Bottle Episode Lockdown
03_208m05_Don't Cut His Legs
04_208m06_Pick A Puppy
05_208m07_Troys Ghost Story
01_103m14_Human Color Wheel
02_209m16_Greendales Where I Belong
01_210m01_Cancel My Appointments
02_210m19_I'll Show You
03_210m04_Fort For Men
04_210m04B_Janitor Closet
05_210m05_Professor Professorson
06_210m05B_Professors ID
07_210m07_If I Still Exist
08_210m08_You Lying Cheat
09_210m10_What Should We Do
10_210m14_Hallway Of Forts
11_210m12_The Conspiracy Part 1
12_210m12B_Conspiracy Part 2
13_210m15_Wooly Part 1
14_210m15B_Wooly Part 2
15_210m16_Professorson's Chase
16_210m17_Latvian Parade
17_210m18_That's Him
18_210m20_Winger Never Learns
19_210m21_How To Be A Crappy Friend
20_210m22_Annie's Got A Gun
21_210m23_Prop Gun Victims
22_210m24_Time Machine Hoody
23_210m25_You Made The Front Page
01_211m04_8 Weeks Along
02_211m07_This Can't Be Happening
03_211m08_Annie's Pitch
04_211m09_Nobody Worse Than Chang
05_211m10_Shirley Got Changed
06_211m13_Running Though Raining
01_212m03_I'm A Good Actor
02_212m04_Britta's Text Alert
03_212m06_Don't Call Me Honey Honey
04_212m07_Gerber Baby Pierce
05_212m10_The Play Starts
06_212m13_Chng Is Drugs
07_212m15_Go Get Chang
08_212m16_Depending On People
01_213m03_Chang Eavesdropping
02_213m07_Party At Wingers
03_213m11_Happy Valentines
04_213m15_Way To Go Idiots
02_214m02_Dungeons & Dragons Main Title
03_214m03_Goblins Attack
04_214m04_Pierce The Evil
05_214m05_Butanatops Dies
06_214m06_Pierce's Chair
07_214m07_I Hump The Sword
08_214m08_Finding A Pegasus
09_214m09_All The Secrets
10_214m11_Elven Sex
11_214m12_Pierce's Plan
12_214m13_A Gnomes Death
14_214m15_Fat Neil
15_214m16_Frozen In Time
16_214m17_The Completion of Draconis
01_215m03_Fish In A Barrel
01_216m05_Jeff For President
02_216m08_Secret Serviced
03_216m10_216 Act 3 In
04_216m13_The Winner Is
02_217m07_Father Chang
01_218m01_My Dinner With Abed
02_218m04_Pulp Fiction Party Source
03_218m09_Real Conversation
04_218m13_The Briefcase
05_218m16_Nono Juice
06_218m18_Weird Friend
01_219m04_Troy's Nono
03_219m09_Irony Free Annie
04_219m14_Choice Is Up To You My Friend
219m16 It's Hard To Be Jewish In.mp3
01_220m02_Monkey's Lair
03_220m05_Mainframe Scan
04_220m11_Not Breaking Up
05_220m13_Jeff's Clip Speech
01_221m03_Shirley's Contractions
02_221m04_Magic Handshake
03_221m06_Broken Water
04_221m09_Ben, Corner
05_221m11_Super Chang Babies
07_221m14_Ben Bennett
01_222m04_Outer Christmas Space
02_222m06_Journey Through Wonderland
03_222m07_Therapy Wonderland
04_222_m08_Remote Control Pterodactyl
06_222m15_Duncans Xmas Memory
07_222m16_Pine Street Station
08_222m18_Overlapping Rituals
09_222m19_The Christmas Warlock
10_222m20_I Didn't Want To Go Home
11_222m21_Lack Of Payoff
12_222m22_Worst Shrink Ever
13_222m24_The Idea Of Christmas
14_222m25_Feels So Right
01_223m01_Ace Of Hearts
02_223m02_Paintball Main Title
03_223m03_Annie's Theme
04_223m05_Eating Beans
05_223m06_Math Club
06_223m07_Card Game
07_223m08_The Black Rider
08_223m09_Triple Cards
09_223m10_Jeff's Wanted Poster
11_223m13_Let Me Do This
12_223m15_Traveling 2
14_223m17_I'm The Bad Guy
15_223m18_Paintball Stash
01_224m01_Evil Clear As Day
02_224m02_Community 224 Main Title
03_223m03_Grenade Bot
04_224m04_Vader Pierce
05_224m05_For Greendale
06_224m06_City College Takeover
07_224m07_The Massacre
08_224m09_Death Of A Hero
09_224m10_Paint Sprinklers
10_224m11_The Last Stand
11_224m12A_Raising The Flag
12_224m13_Pierce Leaves The Group
13_224m14_He'll Come Back
01_6m01_Teaser In
02_5m04_Yes, No, Like That
03_14m03_No Ghosting Allowed
04_14m04_I'm Making Falafel
05_14m05_Jeff's Competitive Side
06_11m07_Are You Coming To My Party
07_14m08_Robbed Again
08_14m09_Art Of Pottery
09_9m01_Teaser In
10_14m12_You're Among Friends- Act 2 In
11_14m13_I'm Getting There
12_14m14_It's A Perfect Storm
13_7m17_Italian Faucets
14_14m17_Back To Sailing Class
15_6m01_Teaser In
16_14m18_Quintet In A Major
01_21m01_Last Day of Semester
02_21m02_All Five Dance Shirt
03_18m09_Different Version Of Abed
04_18m05_We Have A Name
05_18m09_Different Version of Abed
06_1m02_Jeff The Fonz
07_21m13_Abed's Finale Vibe
08_21m14_The Break Up
09_21m16_Britta Won
10_21m17_I Love You Jeff Winger
11_21m17_I Love You Jeff Winger
12_21m18_Jeff's Choice
13_11m18_Britta's Speech
14_11m18_Britta's Speech
15_21m22_Do It For Annie
16_21m23_Greendale is Where I Belong
01_24M01_Teaser In
03_24m03_Pierce Tunes Guitar
04_24m04_Pierce's Song
05_24m05_Abed's List
06_13m11_Act 2 In
07_24m09_Is That A Discman
08_8m17_Chang So Lonely
09_2m02_Carpe Diem
11_13m05_Free Sephora Sample
12_24m14_Pierce Apologizes
13_24m15_Bang That Kids Mom
14_7m01_Buenos Dias Winger
15_13m05_Free Sephora Samples
16_24m20_Your Daddy
17_24m19_Pantsing Wasn't Wrong
18_10m22_Been A Better Man
19_12m05_Dirty Little Secret
20_24m23_Porno Bass
01_23m01_Teaser In
02_6m03_I Don't Date Students
03_6m13_Act 1 Out
04_3m08_Annie's Scoop
05_23m10A_Teacher Becomes The Student
06_23m10B_Teacher Becomes The Student
07_3m16_Act3 IN
08_23m13_Family's Success
09_23m14_Abed's Message
10_23m16_Jeff's Power Returns
11_23m17_Abed's Feelings
12_23m18_The Family
13_13m17B_Act 2 Out
14_23m20_Double Elevator
01_13m01_Welcome Back
02_20m12_Time Card 4
03_20m04_Can I Have A Word
04_2m04_Why Are You Here
05_20m05_Good Troy Hunting
06_20m12_Time Card 4
07_5m05_Last Chance
08_20m08_In English
09_20m09_Time Card 3
10_20m10_Keytar Battle
11_20m11_You Could Be A Plumber
12_20m12_Time Card 4
13_20m13_We Have To Beat Her
14_20m14_Best Part Of My Day
15_20m03_Time Card 1
16_20m16_Troy's Empty Desk
17_20m17_He'll Kill Her
18_20m18_Magic of Sampling
19_20m19_Music Lessons
20_17m06_Stepdaughter Winger
21_2m07_You Raise Him
22_5m02_Act 1 In
23_5m02_Act 1 In
01_1m03_Jeff The Fonz
02_18m02_Abed Sketch
03_18m05_We Have A Name
04_18m06_Can't Buy Me Lovin'
05_1m11B_Study Room
06_18m09_Different Version Of Abed
07_2m05_End Of Class
08_5m07_See How Good I Am
09_18m12_Don Draper
10_18m13_Abed Guarantee
11_18m14_White Abed
12_3m04_Hi I'm Jeff
13_12m14_Work To Pleasure
14_12m05_Dirty Little Secret
15_18m17_Urban Outfitters
16_18m22_Love Of The Game
17_18m23_Nice Game Jeff
18_18m24_Brown Joey
01_22m01_Teaser In
02_22m02_Level 6 Robe Delivery
03_22m03_Magic Robe
04_22m05_Buddy Cops
05_22m06_Pierce Reads Minds
06_22m03_Magic Robe
07_22m07_Britta's Prank
09_22m09_24 Hours
10_22m11_Britta Did It
11_22m12_Jeff Winger's Our Man
12_22m13_Back To Reality
13_11m07_Are You Coming Out To My Party
14_22m15_I Framed Jeff
02_19m03_Act1 In
03_19m04_The Prize
04_19m05_Checkmate Bitches
05_19m06_Bathroom Assassins
06_19m04_The Prize
07_19m08_Platoon Moving
08_19m09_Glee Club Sniper Hit
09_19m11_Pierce's Sacrifice
10_19m12_Rolleskate Assassins
11_19m13_Shirley's Hit
12_19m14_Jeff And Britta Kiss
13_19m15_Britta's Double Cross
14_19m16_Chang Attacks
15_19m17_Chang Dies
16_19m18_Priority Registration
17_19m18a_Priority Registration
19_3m02_Girls Go In Groups
20_3m16_Act 3 In
01_12m10_Its All Over Twitter
03_17m06_StepDaughter Wingman
04_5m15_We Soldier On
05_6m03_I Don't Date Students
06_17m06_StepDaughter Wingman
07_17m07_Do It For Annie
08_15m11_To Do List
09_13m01_Welcome Back
10_17m17_Drop Your Pants
11_15m15_We Write Great Jokes
14_17m14_Britta's Switch
15_17m15_Burika Boys
16_11m03_Shirley's Bracelet
17_17m17_Drop Your Pants
18_13m01_Welcome Back
19_8m13_Did You Talk To Chang
20_9m16_Sexy Annie
21_17m21_They're Good Kids
01 COM312M03_Marry Me Again_
02 COM312M05_24 Hour Weirdness Morat
03 COM312M08_Business Proposal
04 COM312M10_Just A Kid With Money
05 COM312M11_Britta's Flower Arrange
06 COM312M15_Pierce's Presentation
07 COM312M17_Presentation Cue Contin
08 COM312M18_Dad!
02 COM322M03_Level 1
03 COM322M04_Last Will
04 COM322M05_Level 2
05 COM322M06_Manservant
06 COM322M07_Kick That Hippie
07 COM322M08_Don't Die
08 COM322M09_Town Outside
09 COM322M10_Blacksmith
10 COM322M11_Town Tavern
11 COM322M12_Hiding The Body
12 COM322M13_Level 4
13 COM322M14_Brewing
14 COM322M15_No Home No Family
15 COM322M16_Town Fight
16 COM322M17_Town Victory
17 COM322M19_Level 5 - Forest
18 COM322M20_World Map
19 COM322M21_Cave Fight
20 COM322M22_Bridge Fight
21 COM322M23_Restart
22 COM322M24_Gilbert Enters
23 COM322M25_Level 9
24 COM322M26_Abed's Return
25 COM322M27A_Ending Battle
26 COM322M28_Forfeiting
27 COM322M29_Fireworks
01 COM311M01_Human Being Xmas
02 COM311M04_Mr. Rad Enters
03 COM311M22_Act Glee In
04 COM311M06_Stick Together
05 COM311M07_No Glee Club
06 COM311M09_Thank You Abed
07 COM311M10_Recruiting Begins
08 COM311M12_Regional Sting
09 COM311M19_Pierce Glee
10 COM311M16 Well
11 COM311M17_Something You Have To S
12 COM311M21_Just You And Me
13 COM311M23_This Is Who We Are
01 COM320M04_Chang In
02 COM320M05_Binocular
03 COM320M06_Someone On The Inside
04 COM320M07_Keys
05 COM320M09_Another Way
06 COM320M10_Birthday Ben
07 COM320M12_The Heist
08 COM320M14_The Rescue
09 COM320M15A_Failed Plan
10 COM320M16_Sarcastic Claps
11 COM320M17_Real Plan Really Fails
12 COM320M18_Fireworks Surprise
13 COM320M19_Troy Joins AC School
14 COM320M20B_Chang's Solo 1
15 COM320M21_Black Room Ambush
16 COM320M22_Chang's Solo 2
17 COM320M23_You Foiled Me
18 COM320M24_I'll Sit On It
01 COM321M02_Dark Abed
02 COM321M05-Dark Abed's Pitch
03 COM321M06_Dark Abed Emerges
04 COM321M08_Crossing the Timeline
05 COM321M10_12 Percent Darker
06 COM321M11_Troy's Challenge
07 COM321M13_Last Three Years
08 COM321M15_Boys And Girls
09 COM321M16_The Heat Challenge
10 COM321M17_Cords Too Short
11 COM321M19_95 to 95
12 COM321M20_Jeff Throws the Case
13 COM321M21_You Guys Are Weird
01 COM319M02_I'll Be Right There Ins
02 COM319M06_Abed Committed
03 COM319M10_Pierce Noir
04 COM319M11_There Is No There
05 COM319M12_Not A Community College
06 COM319M13_Grim Alternative
07 COM319M16_Dejected Group
08 COM319M17_Therapist Devil
09 COM319M19_Chang's Plan
01 309M03_Throw Out The Dust
02 309M04_Jeff's Practice
03 309M06A_So Important To Me
04 309M06B_Shirley You Are The Best
05 309M08_Kill Or Be Killed
06 309M09_Abed's Sherlock Holmes
07 309M10_Game Challenge
08 309M11_The Police Are Powerless
09 309M14_Batman Breaking In
10 309M16_Just Like We Practiced
01 COM315M04_AC Repair School's Thumb
02 COM315M08_Diabolical Annie
03 COM315M11_Imaginary Douche Whip
04 COM315M14_Blade's Voicemail
05 COM315M15_Britta's Healed
06 COM315M17_Go To Ourselves
01 COM314M03_313 Footage
02 COM314M04_The All Tomato
03 COM314M07_Pillow to Pillow
04 COM314M08_Text Message
05 COM314M10_No Response
06 COM314M11_War Is Hell
07 COM314M12_Amazing Grace (Original
08 COM314M13_Battle of Greendale
09 COM314M14B_End of War
01 COM316M05_Control Panel
02 COM316M08_Annie Broke Abed
03 COM316M09_This Is Scary Weird
04 COM316M13_Jeff's Anatomy
05 COM316M14_Annie's Truth Serum
06 COM316M16_Shirley And Pierce
07 COM316M17_Take Me To Abed
08 COM316M18_Abed's File
09 COM316M19_Where's Abed
10 COM316M20_Abed's File 2
11 COM316M21_Storm Off In Place
12 COM316M22_Annie Simulation
13 COM316M23_I Got An Abed
14 COM316M24_Locker Prison
15 COM316M25_Inspector SpaceBattle
16 COM316M27_Buttered Noodles
01 COM318M04_What To Wear
02 COM318M05_Jeff's Summer Remorse
03 COM318M06B_Then He Exploded
04 COM318M07_Like A Barbie In A Microwave
05 COM318M08_Suit Up
06 COM318M10_Burn This Mother Down
07 COM318M11_No Pepper Spray
08 COM318M12_The Fall Guy
09 COM318M13_Replacement Dean
10 COM318M14_Greedale 7
11 COM318M15_Expelled
12 COM318M16_There Are Other Timelines
01 COM317M01B_Broken Plant
03 COM317M09_Troy's Rights
01 COM313M04_PillowFort.mp3
02 COM313M05_ViceDeanReRecruiting.mp3
04 COM313M08_Mr.Subway.mp3
03 COM313M06_ViceDeanReRecruiting2.mp3
05 COM313M09_Mr.SubwayAct1Out.mp3
06 COM313M10_Mr.SubwayAct2In.mp3
07 COM313M12_StackingPillows.mp3
08 COM313M13_InconsiderateJeff.mp3
09 COM313M14_DeadLips.mp3
10 COM313M15_LockerApology.mp3
12 COM313M19_MoreThenADream.mp3
11 COM313M16_GoodbyePillowFort.mp3
13 COM313M21_ThePillowFortComesDown.mp3
01 COM310M02_I Didn't Kill My Wife
02 COM310M06_Jeff's Ego
03 COM310M07_Break Both His Legs
04 COM310M14_There's Awards
05 COM310M16_The Howard Schwartz Awa
06 COM310M17_Jeff The Hulk
07 COM310M19_I'll Take It
08 COM310M20_Get Out
COM409m09 Twisted Christmas
COM409m10 What Now
COM409m11 The Betrayer
COM409m12 The Triangle
COM409m13 Decision Time
COM409m14 At The Door
COM409m15 I Can Smell You
COM409m16 Empty Chair
COM409m17 Flawed Selfish People
COM409m18 Lonely Teacher
COM409m20 Drop A Deuce
COM409m23 Dark Timeline


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Wasn't there a third request thread at some point? I could have sworn I made a couple requests last summer, but I don't have any posts in the two threads being mentioned (aside from a couple I made yesterday before MV said the tracklist was already locked).

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You can click your own username on FSM and then click "View Threads With Posts by This User" to see every thread you've ever posted in there


Of course, if you've had multiple FSM accounts that won't work


But AFAIK they've done two requests threads


1st was this one from Jan 2016: http://filmscoremonthly.com/board/posts.cfm?threadID=113452&forumID=1&archive=0


Which led to the "Star Trek 50th Anniversary Collection - Musical Rarities from Across The Star Trek Universe" 4CD set that November which included the TWOK epilogue without narration and the TOS library music from a better source than the huge TOS box


And then this one from Jan 2018: https://filmscoremonthly.com/board/posts.cfm?threadID=124509&forumID=1&archive=0


Which is leading to the new 4CD set coming out this spring, which is supposedly just TNG/DS9/VOY/ENT music

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I could swear one of the labels said they didn't do box sets due to 'mechanical' costs or something.


I have a bit of hesitancy towards them as they imply a 'I want everything at once' mentality, and also because box sets come with an expectation of fancy packaging and artwork, and all sorts of stuff prone to creative dissatisfaction.

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Intrada said they don't like doing box sets - not because of costs, just their preference. 


So that's why Amazing Stories was three 2-CD sets instead of a 6-CD boxset


All the other labels do box sets all the time 

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  • 2 months later...







"It's been an honor releasing all these Trek titles for the past decade but like the old saying goes All Good Things Must Come to An End.


After doing 3 movies (TMP twice) TOS box set, 2 sets of TNG, 2 sets of DS9, 2 sets of Voyager, 2 sets of Enterprise PLUS that 50th Anniversary Collection of Various Trek Music, including The Animated Series, we look at this collection of never before released music as our swan song for the Trek Universe. One last Trek, so to speak.


See you on Tuesday





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(4-CD SET) LLLCD 1591

Music by Jerry Goldsmith, Dennis McCarthy, Jay Chattaway, David Bell, Kevin Kiner, Paul Baillargeon and Velton Ray Bunch

Limited Edition of 3000 Units


La-La Land Records and CBS present our final collection of music from the STAR TREK television universe, STAR TREK COLLECTION – THE FINAL FRONTIER, a thrilling four-CD presentation with a bounty of previously unreleased music from STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION, STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE, STAR TREK: VOYAGER and STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE. Travel at warp through some of your favorite musical moments in the STAR TREK television saga!

DISC ONE includes, for the very first time anywhere, “lost cues” by Jerry Goldsmith written, but never recorded, for STAR TREK THE MOTION PICTURE, performed here by renowned composer Joe Kraemer.

The rest of Disc One features cues from STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION by composers Dennis McCarthy and Jay Chattaway, including music from such episodes as “The Dauphin,” “Time’s Arrow Part 2,” “Lower Decks,” and more.

DISC TWO showcases music from STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE by composers Dennis McCarthy, Jay Chattaaway, David Bell and Paul Baillargeon and features tracks from various episodes including “Blood Oath,” “Take Me Out To The Holosuite,” “Rocks And Shoals,” and more!

DISC THREE highlights tracks from STAR TREK: VOYAGER by composers Jay Chattaway, Paul Baillargeon and David Bell, including music from the episodes “The Darkling,” “Flashback,” “Real Life” and others!

DISC FOUR features selections from STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE by composers Dennis McCarthy, Kevin Kiner, Paul Baillargeon, David Bell and Velton Ray Bunch, including tracks from the episodes “Silent Enemy,” “Marauders,” “Cold Front” and more!

Produced by Ford A. Thaxton, James Nelson, Mark Banning and Lukas Kendall, and mastered by James Nelson, this special 4-CD collection contains a 44-page booklet with exclusive liner notes by writer Randall Larson and stellar art design by Mark Banning. This deluxe release of musical gems from four of the most celebrated sci-fi television series of all time has a total running time of more than five full hours and is limited to 3000 units.


Disc One:

Music Composed by Jerry Goldsmith

Performed by Joe Kraemer
1. Preludium (alternate, arr. and orch. Fred Steiner) (1:36)
2. Total Logic (early version) (3:01)
3. Pre-Launch Countdown (early version) (0:42)
4. Body Meld (early version) (3:16)

Orchestrations (tracks 2–4) by Arthur Morton.

5. Star Trek: The Next Generation Main Title
(Season 2) (1:40)
Music Composed by Alexander Courage and Jerry Goldsmith
Arr./Cond. Dennis McCarthy
Music by Dennis McCarthy

Justice #109
6. New Planet*/First Hugs/Dance Break (2:39)
7. God (1:55)

The Dauphin #136
8. A Taste (1:27)

The Ensigns of Command #149
9. Aqueduct (2:47)
Recorded September 8, 1989, at 20th Century Fox

The Most Toys #170
10. Zapped/Requiem (3:37)
11. El Yucko (3:00)

Identity Crisis #192
12. Hickman (2:46)
13. Geordi (4:17)

Half a Life #196
14. Star Birth/Burial Plot (5:19)

Redemption, Part I #200
15. Battle Royale (4:08)
16. Worf’s Goodbye (2:41)

Time’s Arrow, Part II #227
17. Nicks of Time* (3:52)

Phantasms #258
18. Data’s Dream (1:39)
19. Salvadore Data (2:53)

Attached #260
20. Still Friends (1:57)

Force of Nature #261
21. Kablooie/Don’t Touch That Warp (3:16)

Genesis #271
22. Jurassic Worf (3:58)
Music by Jay Chattaway

Hero Worship #211
23. Android Bonding (2:03)
24. Androids to the Rescue (3:38)

Lower Decks #267
25. Waiting for Sito/Sito’s Wake (3:59)

Bonus Track:
Firstborn #273
26. Klingon Opera (instrumental) (4:04)
(Dennis McCarthy)

27. Star Trek: The Next Generation End Credits
(Season 3, short version) (0:48)
Music Composed by Jerry Goldsmith,
Arr./Cond. Dennis McCarthy
Total Disc Time: 78:33
*Contains “Theme From Star Trek (TV?Series)”
by Alexander Courage

Disc Two:

1. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Main Title (Seasons 4–7, alternate mix) (1:55)
Music Composed and Conducted by Dennis McCarthy

Sanctuary #430 (Dennis McCarthy)
2. Sleepy Space Flute** (2:31)

3. Blood Oath #439
(Dennis McCarthy)
The Fortress/Battle Prep/
To the Death/Pariah (8:06)

Way of the Warrior #718 [473/474] (Dennis McCarthy)
4. Hammered (4:13)

Armageddon Game #433
(Jay Chattaway)
5. Runabout Switch/Coffee Break (5:34)

Defiant #455 (Jay Chattaway)
6. Run Noisy, Get Caught/
Officer or Terrorist (9:38)

The Begotten #510
(Jay Chattaway)
7. Birth and Rebirth (3:59)

Chrysalis #555 (Jay Chattaway)
8. Chrysalis Song (0:53)
9. Love Lost (3:31)

Valiant #546 (Paul Baillargeon)
10. Rough Start/Meet Red Squad (4:43)
11. Squad Montage (2:34)
12. Giant Hunters/Abandon Ship**/
Decide for Themselves (8:27)

Take Me Out to the
Holosuite #554 (David Bell)
13. Federation National Anthem (1:00)

Rocks and Shoals #527
(David Bell)
14. Plummeting Into Planet (2:19)
15. Laughing at Trouble (1:20)
16. Parley With Doomed Patrol/Not My Life to Give Up (4:17)

Sacrifice of Angels #530
(David Bell)
17. Opened a Hole in Their Lines? (1:56)
18. Kira in Corridor Combat (1:57)
19. Prelude to White Flash/White Flash Prophets (4:25)
20. Welcome Back Captain/Garek & Kira in Infirmary (2:40)

21. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
End Credits

Seasons 4–7, alternate mix) (1:04)
Music Composed and Conducted by Dennis McCarthy

Total Disc Time: 78:11

**Contains “Theme From
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine” by Dennis McCarthy

Disc Three:

1. Star Trek: Voyager Main Title (1:55)
Music Composed and Conducted by Jerry Goldsmith

Displaced #166 (Jay Chattaway)
2. Nyrians Take Over/Chakotay Sabotages (6:27)

One #193 (Jay Chattaway)
3. Seven’s Daily Routine/
All by Myself/Sleepwalking (1:52)
4. 17 Hours to Safety/
Beating the Loneliness (5:54)

Counterpoint #204
(Jay Chattaway)
5. Kashyk’s Departure (2:12)

The Darkling #161
(Paul Baillargeon)
6. Doc’s Soliloquy (0:40)

Meld #133 (David Bell)
7. Tuvok Slams Cart (3:29)
8. Tuvok Attempts to Execute Suder/
No More Mind Melds (3:20)

Flashback #145 (David Bell)
9. Tuvok’s First Hallucination (1:53)
10. Klingons Other Side of Galaxy/
Tuvok and Janeway Meld/
First Flashback/Energy Wave
Hits Excelsior (3:48)
11. Sulu: Intruder Alert/Our Last Chance—
Concentrate!/Be Nostalgic for Both (5:19)

Unity #159 (David Bell)
12. Chakotay Attaches Power Conduit/
Chakotay Phases Tuvok (5:06)

Flesh and Blood, Part I #253
(David Bell)
13. Doc Snatched (2:44)

Eye of the Needle #107
(Dennis McCarthy)
14. Possible Way Home (1:50)

Deadlock #137 (Dennis McCarthy)
15. Inexorable/Surprise, Surprise! (6:33)

Infinite Regress #203
(Dennis McCarthy)
16. Naomi the Detective (0:56)

Survival Instinct #222
(Dennis McCarthy)
17. The Outpost/Realizations (4:13)
18. Rebellion/With Family (4:42)

Real Life #164 (Dennis McCarthy)
19. Ugly to the Max
(Klingon teenager source) (2:34)
20. Dad School/Where’d He Go? (2:17)
21. Tom Dooley/El Plan-O/Hangin’ On (3:23)
22. Belle’s Death (3:59)

23. Star Trek: Voyager End Title (1:19)
Music Composed and Conducted by Jerry Goldsmith

Total Disc Time: 77:47

Disc Four:

1. Archer’s Theme (Unused Main Title) (1:24)
Music Composed and Conducted by Dennis McCarthy

Damage #71
(Dennis McCarthy & Kevin Kiner)
2. Hijackers/No Choice (5:30)

Borderland #80
(Dennis McCarthy & Kevin Kiner)
3. Slaves Are Loose (2:34)

Rogue Planet #18
(Paul Baillargeon)
4. Alien Hunters (3:07)

Minefield #29 (David Bell)
5. Damage Report (3:14)

Silent Enemy #12
(Velton Ray Bunch)
6. Aliens Return/Aliens on Board/
Cannon Fire (7:18)

Marauders #32 (Velton Ray Bunch)
7. Klingon Defense/Deserted Colony (5:09)
8. Hand to Hand/Klingon Trap/Ring of Fire (5:26)

Judgment #45 (Velton Ray Bunch)
9. Duras Tells His Story/
Archer Tells His Side (5:23)

Harbinger #67 (Velton Ray Bunch)
10. Recap/Red Cloud (5:02)
11. Jealous Fighter/Alien Attack (2:56)

The Council #74
(Velton Ray Bunch)
12. Recap/Into the Chamber (5:19)

Home #79 (Velton Ray Bunch)
13. Vulcan Wedding (1:32)

United #89 (Jay Chattaway)
14. Recap/Rigellian Attack (2:23)

Cold Front #11 (Jay Chattaway)
15. Searching for Silik/Conduit Brawl/
Space Diver (6:21)

The Seventh #33 (Jay Chattaway)
16. T’Pol Gets Her Man (2:44)

Vanishing Point #36
(Jay Chattaway)
17. Bombs (3:01)

Anomaly #54 (Jay Chattaway)
18. Osaarian Showdown (4:19)

Azati Prime #70 (Jay Chattaway)
19. End Game (3:57)

20. Archer’s Theme (End Credits)
(Dennis McCarthy)/
Paramount Studios Logo (Lalo Schifrin) (0:50)
“Archer’s Theme”

Total Disc Time: 78:50

Total Album Time: 312:41

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2 minutes ago, Manakin Skywalker said:

(4-CD SET) LLLCD 1591

Music by Jerry Goldsmith, Dennis McCarthy, Jay Chattaway, David Bell, Kevin Kiner, Paul Baillargeon and Velton Ray Bunch

Limited Edition of 3000 Units


La-La Land Records and CBS present our final collection of music from the STAR TREK television universe, STAR TREK COLLECTION – THE FINAL FRONTIER, a thrilling four-CD presentation with a bounty of previously unreleased music from STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION, STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE, STAR TREK: VOYAGER and STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE. Travel at warp through some of your favorite musical moments in the STAR TREK television saga!

DISC ONE includes, for the very first time anywhere, “lost cues” by Jerry Goldsmith written, but never recorded, for STAR TREK THE MOTION PICTURE, performed here by renowned composer Joe Kraemer.

The rest of Disc One features cues from STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION by composers Dennis McCarthy and Jay Chattaway, including music from such episodes as “The Dauphin,” “Time’s Arrow Part 2,” “Lower Decks,” and more.

DISC TWO showcases music from STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE by composers Dennis McCarthy, Jay Chattaaway, David Bell and Paul Baillargeon and features tracks from various episodes including “Blood Oath,” “Take Me Out To The Holosuite,” “Rocks And Shoals,” and more!

DISC THREE highlights tracks from STAR TREK: VOYAGER by composers Jay Chattaway, Paul Baillargeon and David Bell, including music from the episodes “The Darkling,” “Flashback,” “Real Life” and others!

DISC FOUR features selections from STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE by composers Dennis McCarthy, Kevin Kiner, Paul Baillargeon, David Bell and Velton Ray Bunch, including tracks from the episodes “Silent Enemy,” “Marauders,” “Cold Front” and more!

Produced by Ford A. Thaxton, James Nelson, Mark Banning and Lukas Kendall, and mastered by James Nelson, this special 4-CD collection contains a 44-page booklet with exclusive liner notes by writer Randall Larson and stellar art design by Mark Banning. This deluxe release of musical gems from four of the most celebrated sci-fi television series of all time has a total running time of more than five full hours and is limited to 3000 units.


Disc One:

Music Composed by Jerry Goldsmith

Performed by Joe Kraemer
1. Preludium (alternate, arr. and orch. Fred Steiner) (1:36)
2. Total Logic (early version) (3:01)
3. Pre-Launch Countdown (early version) (0:42)
4. Body Meld (early version) (3:16)

Orchestrations (tracks 2–4) by Arthur Morton.

5. Star Trek: The Next Generation Main Title
(Season 2) (1:40)
Music Composed by Alexander Courage and Jerry Goldsmith
Arr./Cond. Dennis McCarthy
Music by Dennis McCarthy

Justice #109
6. New Planet*/First Hugs/Dance Break (2:39)
7. God (1:55)

The Dauphin #136
8. A Taste (1:27)

The Ensigns of Command #149
9. Aqueduct (2:47)
Recorded September 8, 1989, at 20th Century Fox

The Most Toys #170
10. Zapped/Requiem (3:37)
11. El Yucko (3:00)

Identity Crisis #192
12. Hickman (2:46)
13. Geordi (4:17)

Half a Life #196
14. Star Birth/Burial Plot (5:19)

Redemption, Part I #200
15. Battle Royale (4:08)
16. Worf’s Goodbye (2:41)

Time’s Arrow, Part II #227
17. Nicks of Time* (3:52)

Phantasms #258
18. Data’s Dream (1:39)
19. Salvadore Data (2:53)

Attached #260
20. Still Friends (1:57)

Force of Nature #261
21. Kablooie/Don’t Touch That Warp (3:16)

Genesis #271
22. Jurassic Worf (3:58)
Music by Jay Chattaway

Hero Worship #211
23. Android Bonding (2:03)
24. Androids to the Rescue (3:38)

Lower Decks #267
25. Waiting for Sito/Sito’s Wake (3:59)

Bonus Track:
Firstborn #273
26. Klingon Opera (instrumental) (4:04)
(Dennis McCarthy)

27. Star Trek: The Next Generation End Credits
(Season 3, short version) (0:48)
Music Composed by Jerry Goldsmith,
Arr./Cond. Dennis McCarthy
Total Disc Time: 78:33
*Contains “Theme From Star Trek (TV?Series)”
by Alexander Courage

Disc Two:

1. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Main Title (Seasons 4–7, alternate mix) (1:55)
Music Composed and Conducted by Dennis McCarthy

Sanctuary #430 (Dennis McCarthy)
2. Sleepy Space Flute** (2:31)

3. Blood Oath #439
(Dennis McCarthy)
The Fortress/Battle Prep/
To the Death/Pariah (8:06)

Way of the Warrior #718 [473/474] (Dennis McCarthy)
4. Hammered (4:13)

Armageddon Game #433
(Jay Chattaway)
5. Runabout Switch/Coffee Break (5:34)

Defiant #455 (Jay Chattaway)
6. Run Noisy, Get Caught/
Officer or Terrorist (9:38)

The Begotten #510
(Jay Chattaway)
7. Birth and Rebirth (3:59)

Chrysalis #555 (Jay Chattaway)
8. Chrysalis Song (0:53)
9. Love Lost (3:31)

Valiant #546 (Paul Baillargeon)
10. Rough Start/Meet Red Squad (4:43)
11. Squad Montage (2:34)
12. Giant Hunters/Abandon Ship**/
Decide for Themselves (8:27)

Take Me Out to the
Holosuite #554 (David Bell)
13. Federation National Anthem (1:00)

Rocks and Shoals #527
(David Bell)
14. Plummeting Into Planet (2:19)
15. Laughing at Trouble (1:20)
16. Parley With Doomed Patrol/Not My Life to Give Up (4:17)

Sacrifice of Angels #530
(David Bell)
17. Opened a Hole in Their Lines? (1:56)
18. Kira in Corridor Combat (1:57)
19. Prelude to White Flash/White Flash Prophets (4:25)
20. Welcome Back Captain/Garek & Kira in Infirmary (2:40)

21. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
End Credits

Seasons 4–7, alternate mix) (1:04)
Music Composed and Conducted by Dennis McCarthy

Total Disc Time: 78:11

**Contains “Theme From
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine” by Dennis McCarthy

Disc Three:

1. Star Trek: Voyager Main Title (1:55)
Music Composed and Conducted by Jerry Goldsmith

Displaced #166 (Jay Chattaway)
2. Nyrians Take Over/Chakotay Sabotages (6:27)

One #193 (Jay Chattaway)
3. Seven’s Daily Routine/
All by Myself/Sleepwalking (1:52)
4. 17 Hours to Safety/
Beating the Loneliness (5:54)

Counterpoint #204
(Jay Chattaway)
5. Kashyk’s Departure (2:12)

The Darkling #161
(Paul Baillargeon)
6. Doc’s Soliloquy (0:40)

Meld #133 (David Bell)
7. Tuvok Slams Cart (3:29)
8. Tuvok Attempts to Execute Suder/
No More Mind Melds (3:20)

Flashback #145 (David Bell)
9. Tuvok’s First Hallucination (1:53)
10. Klingons Other Side of Galaxy/
Tuvok and Janeway Meld/
First Flashback/Energy Wave
Hits Excelsior (3:48)
11. Sulu: Intruder Alert/Our Last Chance—
Concentrate!/Be Nostalgic for Both (5:19)

Unity #159 (David Bell)
12. Chakotay Attaches Power Conduit/
Chakotay Phases Tuvok (5:06)

Flesh and Blood, Part I #253
(David Bell)
13. Doc Snatched (2:44)

Eye of the Needle #107
(Dennis McCarthy)
14. Possible Way Home (1:50)

Deadlock #137 (Dennis McCarthy)
15. Inexorable/Surprise, Surprise! (6:33)

Infinite Regress #203
(Dennis McCarthy)
16. Naomi the Detective (0:56)

Survival Instinct #222
(Dennis McCarthy)
17. The Outpost/Realizations (4:13)
18. Rebellion/With Family (4:42)

Real Life #164 (Dennis McCarthy)
19. Ugly to the Max
(Klingon teenager source) (2:34)
20. Dad School/Where’d He Go? (2:17)
21. Tom Dooley/El Plan-O/Hangin’ On (3:23)
22. Belle’s Death (3:59)

23. Star Trek: Voyager End Title (1:19)
Music Composed and Conducted by Jerry Goldsmith

Total Disc Time: 77:47

Disc Four:

1. Archer’s Theme (Unused Main Title) (1:24)
Music Composed and Conducted by Dennis McCarthy

Damage #71
(Dennis McCarthy & Kevin Kiner)
2. Hijackers/No Choice (5:30)

Borderland #80
(Dennis McCarthy & Kevin Kiner)
3. Slaves Are Loose (2:34)

Rogue Planet #18
(Paul Baillargeon)
4. Alien Hunters (3:07)

Minefield #29 (David Bell)
5. Damage Report (3:14)

Silent Enemy #12
(Velton Ray Bunch)
6. Aliens Return/Aliens on Board/
Cannon Fire (7:18)

Marauders #32 (Velton Ray Bunch)
7. Klingon Defense/Deserted Colony (5:09)
8. Hand to Hand/Klingon Trap/Ring of Fire (5:26)

Judgment #45 (Velton Ray Bunch)
9. Duras Tells His Story/
Archer Tells His Side (5:23)

Harbinger #67 (Velton Ray Bunch)
10. Recap/Red Cloud (5:02)
11. Jealous Fighter/Alien Attack (2:56)

The Council #74
(Velton Ray Bunch)
12. Recap/Into the Chamber (5:19)

Home #79 (Velton Ray Bunch)
13. Vulcan Wedding (1:32)

United #89 (Jay Chattaway)
14. Recap/Rigellian Attack (2:23)

Cold Front #11 (Jay Chattaway)
15. Searching for Silik/Conduit Brawl/
Space Diver (6:21)

The Seventh #33 (Jay Chattaway)
16. T’Pol Gets Her Man (2:44)

Vanishing Point #36
(Jay Chattaway)
17. Bombs (3:01)

Anomaly #54 (Jay Chattaway)
18. Osaarian Showdown (4:19)

Azati Prime #70 (Jay Chattaway)
19. End Game (3:57)

20. Archer’s Theme (End Credits)
(Dennis McCarthy)/
Paramount Studios Logo (Lalo Schifrin) (0:50)
“Archer’s Theme”

Total Disc Time: 78:50

Total Album Time: 312:41

It's perhaps a bit sad but the most exciting thing for me will be the newly realised versions of the unrecorded cues from ST:TMP. I can't imagine it was super easy to get permission to get them on disc either. The version of Body Meld (The Meld) that was posted on Youtube (see below) sounds great so it'll be great to hear the other few tracks. There's always a bit more Jerry ;-)



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4 minutes ago, Manakin Skywalker said:

DISC ONE includes, for the very first time anywhere, “lost cues” by Jerry Goldsmith written, but never recorded, for STAR TREK THE MOTION PICTURE, performed here by renowned composer Joe Kraemer.




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Damn. DS9's "Way of the Warrior" main title and the bumpers will forever remain unreleased. Shame. The other shows' albums had their respective variants. 

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12 hours ago, NL197 said:

Damn. DS9's "Way of the Warrior" main title and the bumpers will forever remain unreleased. Shame. The other shows' albums had their respective variants. 


Is it possible this is it? "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Main Title (Seasons 4–7, alternate mix) (1:55)"

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37 minutes ago, Manakin Skywalker said:


Is it possible this is it? "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Main Title (Seasons 4–7, alternate mix) (1:55)"

I doubt it, since that was the name of the version with the synth drums (that was first heard on the 1996 Star Trek 30th anniversary special CD from GNP Crescendo). 

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1 hour ago, Pellaeon said:

“Performed by Joe Kraemer” = just synthesized tho?


I'm sure he has a robust sample library, but yea

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16 minutes ago, Pellaeon said:

“Performed by Joe Kraemer” = just synthesized tho?

It is but very effectively realised. Synth instruments these days are pretty impressive. It’ll never replace the Hollywood players or the LSO but it’s a fine representation. I’m still hoping Tadlow might record them as bonus tracks on a future Goldsmith re-recording.

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  • 2 months later...

This release is very cool!  I haven't listened to the whole thing, but I really enjoy Joe Kraemer's mockups of the unrecorded Star Trek TMP cues!  To me they all fit nicely right in with the other early unused score cues for form a more robust bonus album for my personally collection


The best cue by far is the original version of The Meld, boy do I wish they had recorded that version at the recording sessions in '79!

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45 minutes ago, Jay said:

The best cue by far is the original version of The Meld, boy do I wish they had recorded that version at the recording sessions in '79!

The 2012 booklet says they had sessions where they had nothing to record, so they just did another Main Title or something. WHY NOT THIS???

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54 minutes ago, Yavar Moradi said:

It actually allows Ilia's theme to reach a destination and have a true journey over the course of the score...




54 minutes ago, Yavar Moradi said:

which befits such a great theme and makes up for the generally disappointing treatment of the character herself in the film.



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On 17/06/2022 at 8:00 AM, Holko said:

The 2012 booklet says they had sessions where they had nothing to record, so they just did another Main Title or something. WHY NOT THIS???


The booklet says that version of the Main Title was Take 177, while the two takes for the revised version of The Meld were Takes 233 (Album) and 237 (Film).  I would wager Goldsmith didn't have Body Meld fully written yet during the November session where he re-recorded the Main Title.  (Which makes sense, because hasn't it been said that even during the film's shoot, they weren't certain about what the ending was even going to be, and that was the reason the ending of the film kept getting delayed over the course of the production?)


EDIT: I just took a closer look at the recording information in the booklet.  The extra Main Title was recorded on 11/15, while The Meld was recorded on 11/29.  A two-week difference, for whatever that's worth.


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On 05/04/2022 at 11:02 PM, Tom Guernsey said:

It is but very effectively realised. Synth instruments these days are pretty impressive. It’ll never replace the Hollywood players or the LSO but it’s a fine representation. I’m still hoping Tadlow might record them as bonus tracks on a future Goldsmith re-recording.


An intriguing thought, but I was under the impression that Fitzpatrick had more or less retired due to health reasons.

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