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AHSOKA - 2023 Star Wars TV


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17 minutes ago, mstrox said:

George Lucas loves a master shot.  Think about how much better his movies would be if he had an ounce of personal style under all that flannel and denim.

The dark side of the force has clouded your vision, my friend. There's plenty of style there. It may not be aesthetically pleasing to you personally, but George has a style unique among his contemporaries.

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5 hours ago, Brónach said:

they can shoot something like TROS in one really beautiful desert and to make it vaguely feel like the original movies but my brain misses weirder shit like the gungan city


You know - and I really like the way stuff like the Gungan city looks, by the way - the great irony is Disney (and Lucas before them) often tap into unused pieces of McQuarrie/Cantwell/Johnston/Chiang art and repurpose it, which is not the worst idea by any means except they do it so much it sure doesn't help alleviate the feeling of "corporation picking through the bones of a dead movie."

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Ahsoka 1x08 The Jedi, the Witch, and the Warlord


What a silly title.  Well, I liked this episode a lot, a good end to a good season of Star Wars TV, I say!  Admittedly, there was some goofy stuff in the beginning:  Morgan getting a sword out of thin air (wtf?), and then Ezra building a lightsaber seemingly almost as quickly despite the last episode refusing to use one (?).  But then once all the action scenes started up, I was really enjoying everything.  The TIE Fighters showing up and Sabine and Ahsoka using the force to prevent their ship from crushing the Noti was cool, as was Sabine's maneuvers to destroy the TIE Fighters.  I thought the ship was gonna be permanently dead like the Razor Crest but then it showed up later in the episode, so Huyang is really good at fixing that ship!


The ground assault where Ahsoka/Sabine/Ezra had to enter Thrawn's ship by using the force on a door while they all dodged laser blasts was pretty cool.  Inside, the fight the Thrawn's troopers was cool too, with Ezra now using a lightsaber and Sabine going back to Mandalorian ways for while... until the witches resurrect the troopers and turn them into zombie troopers!  Didn't see that coming.  So I guess that earlier guy that was working with Baylan and Shin was like a prototype and now they can do it on a larger scale?  Is this going to be what makes Thrawn returning the main galaxy such a huge thread, zombie armies!?


Ahsoka fighting Morgan was a pretty cool fight, and I was genuinely bummer that Morgan died at the end of it! I thought for sure she'd be a villain that lasted for a while.  Oh well.  The simultaneous fight where Sabine and Ezra duel with two troopers was pretty good too, though I didn't really understand why they were so much more powerful than any other random trooper.  Were they undead zombies too?


Sabine and Ezra teaming up for a crazy force-jump that Ezra manages to make was kind of strange but kinda worked.  Sabine choosing to stay behind and help Ahsoka instead of joining Ezra was an interesting decision that will certainly have some repercussions, though she seems like a character that never thinks about those.  Once again you can blame her for Thrawn being able to return to the galaxy...


I liked Thrawn's victory speech to Ahsoka and Sabine before he warped out, causing them to have to land back on the planet, stranded.  Damn!  I'm sure they'll return to the main galaxy in season 2, but how much damage will Thrawn do there beforehand?  I was very confused by Ezra showing up to say hi to Hera; Why did he leave his stormtrooper helmet on for so long?  I guess that he disguised himself as one to (off screen) steal a shuttle and fly to the New Republic headquarters or whatever, but how can anyone possibly explain why he was still wearing the armor and did not identify himself until well after landing?  Makes no sense.


I was really surprised that Baylan and Shin played no role at all in all these climactic affairs, and thought we were going to go the whole episode without seeing them at all.  Shin taking over ad leader of a pack of raiders is... an ending I guess.  I can't help but feel like the early season 2 plot will be Ahsoka and Sabine recruiting her to their side. Baylan at the giant statue was confusing to me.  The whole season I wanted to learn more about this guy than I did about anything else, and we really got  nothing here.  It's such a shame that the actor playing him died, I wonder what they'll do with the character now?  Recast, or pass his story to a new character?


And we never learned what Thrawn's mysterious cargo was!

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14 minutes ago, Jay said:


And we never learned what Thrawn's mysterious cargo was!

The planet they were last seen in front of, was Dathomir, the current Nightsister/Witch homeworld.


It's implied that the cargo is dead witches, though it could be revealed to be something else I guess!

16 minutes ago, Jay said:

So I guess that earlier guy that was working with Baylan and Shin was like a prototype and now they can do it on a larger scale? 

Well, in that earlier case:


#1: they only had 1 Witch vs 4.

#2 they didn't have an army, just that small group of "followers"

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On 12/10/2023 at 2:33 PM, Chen G. said:


We also know Spielberg directed a lot of the Order 66 montage. I'd be willing to place a stiff bet that Spielberg also directed that opening oner. Long takes aren't really Lucas' style (neither is anything truly cinema vérité, but nevermind). The closest is a perfunctory, 50 second take early in The Phantom Menace...

I remember in the Episode III DVD documentary Lucas said Spielberg helped with the Duel on Mustafar...

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2 hours ago, mstrox said:

Yes, I assume the cargo is more Nightsisters (they were loading the ship from “the catacombs”).   They probably plan to resurrect their order.

I dont really se why an army of nightsisters could benefit Thrawn. Wouldnt they be more powerful than him?

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My first thought when they showed how they were loading up all these boxes was that they had ysalamiri in them.  I guess nobody else here thought that?


I don't recall them explicitly saying on screen that they contain dead nightsisters in them.  Anyone got a clip or a transcript of this?

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57 minutes ago, Jay said:

My first thought when they showed how they were loading up all these boxes was that they had ysalamiri in them.  I guess nobody else here thought that?


I don't recall them explicitly saying on screen that they contain dead nightsisters in them.  Anyone got a clip or a transcript of this?

What else would they unload from a tombs? 🤔




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Maybe they want anyone observing to think they are dead bodies but they actually contain something else?  I dunno.


I guess I'm just overthinking it!

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Maybe I was softened up by Rebels but I loved Sabine. No, I'm not totally sold on Dawson as Ahsoka. But she had her moments. And whatever you want to say about David freaking Tennant reading "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" I AM SO THERE FOR IT.


You know there are two world altering Star Wars movies. Two or three great ones (generously). And the rest are pretty good to bad. This isn't Disney milking a corpse. This is just making more Star Wars.


I'm OK if we start treating Star Wars movie like westerns. They made hundreds of them. And we remember the fantastic ones. But there are a LOT of obviously forgettable ones. And that's OK. Ahsoka was on the pretty good side of the scale. It wasn't Attack of the Clones or Obi-Wan. It wasn't Star Wars or Empire (obvs.). It was a fun Star Wars show that I watched every week. And it certainly wasn't Caravan of Courage.

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1 hour ago, Tallguy said:

Maybe I was softened up by Rebels but I loved Sabine. No, I'm not totally sold on Dawson as Sabine. But she had her moments.


Are you talking about Sabine or Ahoka here?  Because Rosario Dawson played Ahsoka and Natasha Liu Bordizzo played Sabine.

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I’m sure not watching an Honest Trailers, but I thought the actress who played Sabine dad a great job making that character feel real and interesting.  I had reservations about Rosario Dawson as Ahsoka after Mando/Boba, but the vibe changed significantly after her baptism so I guess the original boring stoicism was intentional.


Bummer (in real life obviously and for the series both) that Ray Stevenson passed away.  I thought he and his apprentice were interesting characters and told an interesting (incomplete) story.

The Sith Witches and Thrawn were fine pulpy villains - especially the witches who felt like something out of a cheesy 90s movie.  They didn’t leave much of a lasting impression on me one way or the other.  I guess they’re saving Thrawn’s supposed genius for the movie or next season.  


1 hour ago, Tallguy said:

You know there are two world altering Star Wars movies. Two or three great ones (generously). And the rest are pretty good to bad. This isn't Disney milking a corpse. This is just making more Star Wars.



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32 minutes ago, Jay said:


Are you talking about Sabine or Ahoka here?  Because Rosario Dawson played Ahsoka and Natasha Liu Bordizzo played Sabine.


Both. Loved Sabine. Not sold on Ahsoka. Fixed.

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On 17/10/2023 at 1:55 PM, Luke Skywalker said:

I dont really se why an army of nightsisters could benefit Thrawn. Wouldnt they be more powerful than him?

For what I could gather, the nightsisters are using Thrawn the same way he is using them, and they'll use one another until that no longer works and it will be up to who shots first.


On 18/10/2023 at 10:54 AM, Tallguy said:


Both. Loved Sabine. Not sold on Ahsoka. Fixed.

My biggest gripe with Ahsoka... is that if her stoic demeanor was on purpose...why not have a character at least bring that up, since Mando S02 I thought she was kinda weird, but when people who knew her before weren't thinking that her behaviour was weird, my guess is that's just who she is in live action then... but episode 5 happened and I was left confused again.

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Finished watching the series this weekend. It was OK. When it's good, it's really good. But there's toms of filler in there. 


Suppose now they need to recast Baylan as the actor Ray Stevenson died earlier this year.


Thrawn is supposed to be this brilliant tactician. We keeps losing at almost every turn and then becomes this meme:


giphy (21).gif



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How/what did he lose?  His goal was to return to the main galaxy with his crew, cargo, and trio witches, and he accomplished that.  The only thing he lost was Morgan, and he even got Ahsoka and Sabine to stay behind in the other galaxy.  He absolutely won.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
8 hours ago, Bespin said:

Now it feels like 'Dune' meets 'Star Wars'!


There was always a wee bit of Dune in Star Wars...


Tolkien (which is also referenced for this show a lot, and which I know Filoni is a big fan of), too!

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2 hours ago, Chen G. said:


There was always a wee bit of Dune in Star Wars...


Tolkien (which is also referenced for this show a lot, and which I know Filoni is a big fan of), too!


Yes I know A LOT of SW was inspired by Dune, but these hyperspace whales made me thinking of the Guild Navigators from Dune instantly.

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4 minutes ago, Bespin said:

Yes I know A LOT of SW was inspired by Dune


Its less influenced by Dune than one might think, because Lucas was more influenced by some of the books that were the antecedents of Dune itself: so, sure, both Dune and Star Wars has a desert planet with two celestial bodies in its sky - but then so does Barsoom. And sure, Dune may have a Senate that rules over the known universe, aided by an order of psychics, but does EE Smith's Galactic Patrol.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, I mean, EE Smith’s Lensmen series has a drug called Thionite that’s clearly an antecedent to certain elements of Herbert’s Spice, and Lucas was seemingly aware of it because in all the early drafts, Beru makes “Thanta sauce.”


But certainly when the films mention Spice, Lucas is referencing Dune, and he wanted his audience to notice, too. Then again, at no point in the storytelling does Spice come into the story, so it’s fairly inconsequential.


There’s other stuff from Dune: Crawlers, Moisture farms, Bedouin-like sand people (Vader was originally envisioned as Bedouin-like, as well), probably the siege on Naboo in Episode I, Ornithopters in Episode III, the increasingly Machiavelian trappings of the prequel trilogy, to some extent the "Chosen One" narrative, etc...

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While I will be very sorry to see it go I have a certain respect for going while the getting is good. I'm on the fence if I want certain characters to come back or if I want it to be really real. (You know who I mean.)


I hope they give it a good ending. This has been a fascinating look at an unexplored era of the Empire.

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4 minutes ago, Tallguy said:

While I will be very sorry to see it go I have a certain respect for going while the getting is good. I'm on the fence if I want certain characters to come back or if I want it to be really real. (You know who I mean.)


I hope they give it a good ending. This has been a fascinating look at an unexplored era of the Empire.

Do you want it to have


a second clone war

, in order to explain the whole retcon of "


Clone Wars vs Clone War"


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33 minutes ago, JNHFan2000 said:

Releases somewhere this year

That's my problem! No word, except a comment from Corbett on Twitter, and seeing how the marketing was really poor in Season 2, I'm worried... such a good show.


3 minutes ago, Tallguy said:

I'm on the fence if I want certain characters to come back or if I want it to be really real. (You know who I mean.)

Still in denial.

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4 minutes ago, Tallguy said:


Um... No?

Okay cool, you are the first person I can add to the list!


  • In favor of inclusion of Clone Rebellion storyline
  • Not in favor of Clone Rebellion storyline:
  1. Tallguy


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  • 1 month later...
On 10/01/2024 at 2:13 PM, Faleel said:

Do you want it to have

  Hide contents

a second clone war

, in order to explain the whole retcon of "

  Hide contents

Clone Wars vs Clone War"


I don't really see that as something that needs to be retconned, considering how many conflicts were going on at the same time and the several attempts at peace negotiations breaking things up. I still think Anakin's line in S7 was stupid for this very reason.

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  • 10 months later...

It's funny that this news report is how I learned a season 2 was actually happening.  I had thought the ratings weren't good enough for Disney to greenlight it

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I don't think we ever actually know how popular/unpopular shows on streaming services are, because the streaming services tend to not share any specific numbers

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5 hours ago, Jay said:

It's funny that this news report is how I learned a season 2 was actually happening.  I had thought the ratings weren't good enough for Disney to greenlight it

A year ago yesterday they stated season 2 was in development. Of course we know how many "in development" SW projects have just disappeared. I think there was other rumors that filming was beginning this year so I guess this news confirms that.

I think that is a pretty good recast. 

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I just read this morning that everybody hates everything Star Wars from 2015 onwards.


As a lifelong Star Wars fan it made me feel rather foolish for thinking that I've like a lot (most?) Star Wars things for the last ten years. Including Ahsoka.

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30 minutes ago, Tallguy said:

I just read this morning that everybody hates everything Star Wars from 2015 onwards.


As a lifelong Star Wars fan it made me feel rather foolish for thinking that I've like a lot (most?) Star Wars things for the last ten years. Including Ahsoka.

Indeed most is decent to good. 

Especially if you're willing to be a bit more forgiving.

There's really only one ATROCITY that I know of. 

Though I'll admit I haven't finished The Acolyte yet. 

First two episodes seem okay.

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10 hours ago, Jay said:

It's funny that this news report is how I learned a season 2 was actually happening.  I had thought the ratings weren't good enough for Disney to greenlight it

Filoni projects as the new creative head of Lucasfilm are practically the only Star Wars things guaranteed to get made these days

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2 hours ago, Pieter Boelen said:

Indeed most is decent to good. 

Especially if you're willing to be a bit more forgiving.

There's really only one ATROCITY that I know of. 

Though I'll admit I haven't finished The Acolyte yet. 

First two episodes seem okay.


The first two episodes ARE OK. It's even got some good lightsaber fights. (And I'm really not much of a fan of lightsaber fights.) But it all falls apart by the end.


Oh. The Acolyte isn't your "atrocity"? What is?


On the thread: I really should watch Ahsoka again. It's no Andor but not much is. Eman Esfandi as Ezra is probably the best live action realization of an animated Star Wars character. Including Lars Mikkelsen IMHO.

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