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Bear McCreary's The Rings of Power APPRECIATION thread


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Definitely not


"I spent the first quarter of 2022 completing the score, finishing the last cue in the middle of April. It was time to step out of my studio, get on a plane, and fly to London to conduct the last orchestral recording sessions for the finale of the first season. At last, with no more cues to be written, and for the first time in nearly a year, I could give the recording process my full attention. "



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Yes. You really gotta give credit to Bear for thinking of both the casual listener and the full blown score nerd. He did a splendid job paring down certain tracks, creating suites out of similarly themed tracks, and placed in relatively chronological order. There’s only a handful of tracks from the episode albums that I would add here and there to fill in some narrative gaps. 

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It's certainly the case that the primary function for the season album for hardcore fans is the hour or so of suites, but a lot of the other cues have been microedited to make them a bit more compact and listenable if you don't want to get more mentally into the individual scores.

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Yea a lot of the edited versions of episode cues he assembled for the season-album are pretty cool and tidy ways to get across major ideas in less time.  They all flow pretty well.


The only thing that annoys me about his release strategy was to have (some of?) the episode albums still be incomplete, and have tons of crossfading of shorter cues into longer tracks.

It's a similar problem with The Hobbit's albums.  In both cases, they had a great opportunity to release a "well-arranged highlights" version and a "here's everything" version, and in both cases the longer releases are still incomplete - woefully so in The Hobbit's case and only slightly so here.

it's a bummer but what are you gonna do

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Episodes 4 and 5 were the only ones where I didn't notice anything missing and I'm sure Bear mentioned 'complete score' when he did his Twitter announcement for one of them.


For the others I don't overly mind a bit of crossfading or microediting to remove little bits that disrupt the flow, i.e. removing stingers, but he could so easily have arranged things to include every cue.


But a quick, rough calculation suggests we've got about 98-99% of what was featured in the show. Considering that the season album would've been considered a generous release by most standards, this is amazing.


Maybe one day the sessions will leak :P 

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Yea even if the bits he removed were presented as bonus tracks at the end, that'd be fine by me


I also don't understand why he put the concert arrangement used as episode 1's end credits on the episode 1 album, but then didn't do the same for the other 6 episodes that used a concert arrangement as its end credits.  S'weird.

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I dunno, feels like that's a bit of duplication that isn't really needed; we can just add those tracks ourselves from the season album.


I don't think even bonus tracks would be needed for the fully-excised cues - just join them to, or somewhere in the middle of, an existing longer cue. That's what he did for Underneath the Floorboards from episode 2 - there's material from all over the episode in that track.

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1 hour ago, Richard Penna said:

I dunno, feels like that's a bit of duplication that isn't really needed; we can just add those tracks ourselves from the season album.


Sure, and I don't mind that they are not there for the 6 episodes they don't appear, I can't fathom why they decided to include one of them on the episode 1 album.


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Man, I'm loving The Mystics' theme, especially now that I've seen all their scenes and revisited all the tracks with their theme on the albums.


Boy, I wish Bear had crafted a concert arrangement for this theme!

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Man, I just can't get enough of the Númenor theme, especially the little rhythmic motif that occurs at 1:39 and 4:03 of the concert suite track. One thing I love is how in the concert suite, the buildup to it starting at 3:53 is twice as slow as earlier at 1:34. (It's that slow in "Sailing into the Dawn" as well (1:14), but in that track the entire theme is slow up to that point—so it's not the same effect as in the end of the suite.)

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16 hours ago, Jay said:

Man, I'm loving The Mystics' theme, especially now that I've seen all their scenes and revisited all the tracks with their theme on the albums.


Boy, I wish Bear had crafted a concert arrangement for this theme!

I have a suspicion that the theme will be greatly expanded when the wizard goes to Rhun, and perhaps it will get a concert suite alongside season 2.

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Oh, that's an interesting idea!


So these three Mystic ladies might just be 3 out of many people with the same powers?

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On 21/10/2022 at 8:55 AM, Jay said:

Oh, that's an interesting idea!


So these three Mystic ladies might just be 3 out of many people with the same powers?

They could be, or they could be the most powerful of the Rhunians - either way I expect their music to relate to the music of Rhun in some way.

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I was at a Halloween party last night and I had Sauron going through my head the entire time, and it was entirely down to the choral statement in Ep 8 track 6 at 4:30. Aside from Halbrand's interpolations, I love 5:00 where it goes major key (right?).


I kinda think Bear should've put that track out as the single right at the beginning as the faster version in the concert piece feels less accessible if you're not familiar with it.


If you ignore the tedious musicology comparisons that a few others insist on banging on about, I think it's a great villain theme.

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45 minutes ago, Holko said:

l iked Khazad-Dúm, Durin and Elrond early on, but then they all lost their energy and kind of died out, with no big statements to revitalise them.


Yea that is a bummer! The show, in the end, only featured Khazad-Dúm/Durin scenes in 4 of the 8 episodes, which is a shame because they were easily among my favorite scenes. I hope they play a bigger role in season 2!

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44 minutes ago, Holko said:

I liked Khazad-Dúm, Durin and Elrond early on, but then they all lost their energy and kind of died out, with no big statements to revitalise them.


I think those three are solid character themes but they're not really given the room to shine outside of those very specific scenes, especially Khazad Dum. I'm not a huge fan of Durin's theme to begin with - it's a tad on the waltzy, comic side for me.


Most of the others simply get more airtime in the episodes - Numenor, Galadriel, Stranger, Nori, Elendil, Halbrand, etc. I hit a bit of a low point with Halbrand's theme during the siege episode but that perked up with the new variations later on.

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Listening to the episode 8 album again and that first big statement of the Rings theme at around 10:25 into The Broken Line and Broken Silence on... whatever instrument that is, is pretty awesome!

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When I listened to the season album last weekend, I didn't even notice when it switched from "Valinor" into "In The Beginning".  Such a perfect pair of tracks to play back to back!

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I listen to episode albums on my day to work every day. It takes about 50-55 minutes so it is just about perfect length. Was listening to episode 4 this morning. 😀



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On 26/10/2022 at 6:26 PM, JNHFan2000 said:





I finally had a chance to watch this video.  Is it just me or is that performance of the Nolwa Mahtar choir at the start different than the show/album version?


BTW, io9's video tech sucks, the fullscreen button didn't made the video any large, just turned the screen around it black

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4 hours ago, Jay said:

I finally had a chance to watch this video.  Is it just me or is that performance of the Nolwa Mahtar choir at the start different than the show/album version?

That version was used in one of the trailers about a month before the show started, and then also in the SDCC live performance. It's weird though, I've been searching on YouTube and google, but I simply can't find it.

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6 minutes ago, Richard Penna said:

If they're going to do them, surely they want them out in time for the Christmas market.


really don't want to plonk £80 on a bunch of downloads.



With so few pressing plants left in the world and artists like Taylor Swift releasing new albums this winter, they could literally just be waiting and waiting for an opportunity to be pressed as the pressing plants must keep taking on higher paying clients first



3 minutes ago, Gibster said:

Is Qobuz the best store to use quality-wise if I would digitally purchase them?


The 1s and 0s are the same no matter where you buy them from.


Some stores might only offer 16/44.1 while others might offer 24/48, but within those bitrates its literally the same masters delivered to every store

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Huh. That's a perfectly logical explanation... And yet is also really strange. And doesn't really explain why the Plan 9 guy is credited in GEMA but not on the album. 

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16 minutes ago, Jay said:

Huh. That's a perfectly logical explanation... And yet is also really strange. And doesn't really explain why the Plan 9 guy is credited in GEMA but not on the album. 

Their song didn't end up on the album, so why would they be credited?

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9 hours ago, Jay said:

Why is he credited In GEMA then? 

I don't really know anything about how GEMA works, but isn't the difference that they did create a song (which is documented on GEMA) but it was replaced by Valinor's theme (which ended up on the album)?

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