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Synths used in Jurassic Park (and other scores of the age) - found one


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I would also love to hear what synths were used in Williams scores -- from cases where they're upfront and the main component, like "Training Montage" in SPACE CAMP or a lot of HEARTBEEPS, to the more common and discrete uses in cases such as JP, HOME ALONE, PRESUMED INNOCENT, NIXON, SLEEPERS, A.I. etc.


Wish I could discern it by ear, but it's very difficult.

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On 22/11/2022 at 11:57 PM, InTheCity said:

Hi all, there may have already been a thread about this somewhere but I was wondering if we could concentrate our knowledge about some of the sounds used in this score.

Dennis Steals The Embryo

I was able to find the Owl Sound from Dennis Steals The Embryo (Synclavier) at 16 seconds you can clearly hear it
I believe the synth boo-bams are the actual live boobams now in the posession of LA percussion rentals

I believe the main clave (originally pulli sticks in the score)  in the song may be synth


I believe the dx7 was being used at the time (for example the TUBELL preset I believe is a sound on Home Alone Main Title)

Does anyone else have info?

such a COOL discovery! I've studied the score but I never quite knew what was going on at that moment. I'm also finding now comparing the original DTS that THIS sound is mixed MUCH HIGHER and earlier in the film at the cut to Nedry arriving at the main gate

So cool to know what synth it was!

Also i had noticed that the boom-bams are performed live too but thought i was going crazy. You can hear the stage noise of them being performer (which got claned out unfortunately in the '22 release) which wouldn't have existed if they were synth hah

As for HOME ALONE, I can definitely confirm that the DX7 was used. i've used it to replicate the gold tooth sound and such.



looking at the Synclavier, I'm also realizing this was probably what was used to perform some of the LADD Company Logo music too?

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4 hours ago, Naïve Old Fart said:


I always thought it was a brass section.

Where's the Synclavier?

I mean, the sound they posted is literally heard mixed strongly at this moment:

so it was at least used for that. There's a good amount of synth percussion in this cue

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