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The Rise of Skywalker Appreciation Thread (film & score)

Jurassic Shark

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I don't think it's a good movie, but I still have fun watching it. Seeing Ian McDiarmid get to chew the scenery when nobody ever thought he would get to do it again was just pure fun. The saber fight between Rey and Kylo Ren was pretty good. And I do like the score.


Also, the John Williams cameo at last after 9 movies.

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It’s the only SW movie I’ve never seen multiple times, right behind Last Jedi which I saw twice. I’m sure the acting was fine, but the plot was nonsensical. Music was great though. 

I give it 5 out if 5 bags of popcorn. 

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I love the score, specially when dissociated from the movie. I found the treatment of the music in the movie and the demand for constant rewrites to be insulting and demeaning for JW, which had to accommodate the insecurities and indecisiveness of far less talented people in supporting a movie that is frankly,  beneath him.


And that is all I'm going to say about the movie,  since this is the wrong thread for it

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While it's a major lost opportunity, TROS is not as bad as it's been made out to be. And while I'm not a fan of Abrams, I do wish he'd have ended up directing all three of the sequels. Perhaps then we might have ended up with a somewhat coherent storyline, rather than trying to salvage a decent finale out of the mess Rian Johnson made of things with that unwanted stepchild, TLJ.


TROS may not be a great film. But if it failed, unlike Rian Johnson's apostasy, at least it failed as a Star Wars film. 



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My best friend 




One thing that makes me soft on Rise of Skywalker besides who did the music is that it does have a little cameo by pretty much everyone. That'll mean more over time. 


In general nerds will figure out how to take the sequels in stride, like they have with the prequels (which if anything are overrated these days, but better than reading "George Lucas raped my childhood" every day.)

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The film:


i still have not seen it.  maybe one day.


only clips i've seen are Kylo turning good and killing all those enemies, like a cocky Han Solo-Jedi.  So....wow, we get teased his coolest traits for like 2 minutes?  He's the best thing about the ST yet still somehow so underdeveloped.


every character is underdeveloped. 


OT trilogy should be shown in film school for it's creativity

PT trilogy should be shown in film school to show that wild concepts mean nothing without proper execution

ST trilogy should be shown in film school to show how to NOT write characters


Oh....and the Lando Arrives scene (only for the music)


The score:


is phenomenal and I love how warm it sounds.


I could do without the Imperial March on the end credits, but shit, once it kicks in i'm usually digging it.


On 16/01/2024 at 6:55 PM, Fargo said:

I give it 5 out if 5 bags of popcorn. 


spotted a gregg head

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6 hours ago, michael_grig said:

Wait, why does everyone like TROS now xD? I thought I was all alone lol.


It's been four years so I'm convinced it's early signs of what happened to the prequels. There's nothing wrong with thinking the movies suck. But what we need is the most persistent bunch of these people to finally get tired of lambasting the movies as outright cinematic failures and/or ridiculing the people involved. You want them to be as tired as the people who have to wade through it, because their comments get the upvotes, their posts get the shares, their videos and reels clutter up the algorithm. Once this fades away, it allows people who think the movies are "Really fun, 4/5" or "Dumb but not bad, 3/5" or even "Brilliant, 5/5" to be more easily heard and taken seriously. 


The negativity also crosses a threshold where even for the haters, they gotta just have fun with it. Because even putting aside the Episode IX of it all, it's not like a Star Wars movie that features all these cast members with music by John Williams is gonna go away or get a do-over. 


And I say this as someone who doesn't even really belong in the Rise of Skywalker Appreciation Thread but people need to chill already.


I know there's no politics allowed on JWFan, but vote for Babu Frik 2024. He understands the working man.



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It's not that everyone suddenly likes this.  I don't think opinions have changed much on either side.  This is an appreciation thread, so here are a few people that like it enough to say so.


There's fun debate, and then it gets tiresome.   I don't necessarily think that people really soften their stance or change their minds on anything, and if they do, it seems like human nature to want to go from liking something to liking it less or hating it.  I don't think the Prequels have changed people's minds over time, I just think we're seeing appreciation that was always there from those who liked it as kids who are now internet debate age, joining their voices with those who always enjoyed the Prequels.  There's still plenty of hate for the PT along with disinterest and exhaustion from saying all there is to say about them. 


People rarely change their minds.


At my age, with more than half my life likely behind me, I wish I could get back all the time I spent arguing on the internet that Episode I was a fine movie.  



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I think some fans who gave Lucas a hard time for the prequels have come to reconsider their opinions based, in part, on their dislike for the Disney era, and sequel trilogy in particular. Also, time has a way of softening hearts.

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To be honest, I wouldn't call any of the Disney movies terrible as such. They are all competent and solidly made for the most part. It's the lack of focus and imagination that's the problem. They didn't ruin anyrhing for me, just made me shrug at their worst.


The scores I all like. It's quite amazing how much energy. There's some really good material in the third score and I hope we get to hear the rest of it some day.



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I actively sought out TFA, R1 and TLJ. I only saw Solo because my best friend invited me shortly before moving across the country. Similarly, I only saw TROS because my brothers-in-law wanted to see it.


For me, TFA is the only decent film out of the lot, but I still at least had fun watching R1, Solo and TROS. In the case of TROS, it definitely helped that I was expecting a complete shitshow after TLJ, but as others have said both of those films have strong score highlights and are at least pretty to look at.

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On 20/1/2024 at 2:21 PM, Andy said:

  I don't necessarily think that people really soften their stance or change their minds on anything



FWIW, I’m one of these people. When I first saw TROS in the cinema I had a strong, almost visceral, dislike of it. It felt cynical, rushed and corporate and like a microcosm of all of modern Disney’s worst instincts - an unfortunate but predictable end result of all of my concerns with TFA and TLJ. 

I’ve watched all 9 films again recently, in release order, and I have to say that I greatly enjoyed the sequel trilogy far more than I expected to. When taken as an episodic conclusion to 9 films of a great cinematic saga, TROS works much better. Most crucially, for me at least, it feels like a Star Wars movie - with all the positive and negative connotations that implies. 

Some of the major set pieces in TROS are right up there with anything else in the Star Wars canon, and the film never looks anything less than superb. I’m happy to say that I have mellowed in my strong dislike of it, and look forward to enjoying it more in years to come. 

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