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Don Davis - THE MATRIX (1999) - 2024 25th Anniversary Edition release by Varese

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Varese only has rights to the first score.  WB Records has rights to the other two, which is how LLL could make their editions of those two scores co-licensed from WB Records and WB Pictures.


This probably just means another vinyl edition of their 2021 expansion is coming, though that is still in print so IDK



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3 minutes ago, crocodile said:

The Animatrix maybe?



I'd love that. There's some amazing cues in the animated shorts that I'd love to hear outside the movie. But I'm not sure if this would be possible, since it's Davis collaborating with numerous electronic artists

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Varese isn't in the business of licensing old scores that never had an OST album, and certainly can't from WB who isn't working with anybody right now.


They wouldn't post about "going all out" about the Animatrix score either.  It's gotta be about the first score.  MAYBE they convinced WB to let them do a boxset of all three scores, like they were able to get rights to do the physical editions of the other two HTTYD scores that Varese didn't do the OST albums for, but that'd be a shocker if its the case.

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1 minute ago, Jay said:

Varese isn't in the business of licensing old scores that never had an OST album


Not since their premiere of Laurence Rosenthal's Rooster Cogburn tanked in sales, anyway. :( 



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It's probably a vinyl reissue of the 30 minute score album.


I briefly wondered if it could be the Matrix Symphony, but Perseverance already put that on physical CD

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21 minutes ago, Smaug The Iron said:

Has Varese ever re-released any of there expanded cds? 

17 minutes ago, Jurassic Shark said:

City Hall.


I'd classify that more as an additional pressing of the same release. On the Goldsmith front, Varese released this expansion of their 1985 original album in 2006:

Secondary, 3 of 3


And in 2014 they reissued the same expanded program changing the packaging only slightly, marketing it as an Encore Edition (I think it might be the only Encore Edition that was a straight reissue of a Deluxe Edition rather than an original album...I don't quite count Giacchino's Star Trek because of the significant packaging change):




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I only own the OST, and frankly I’ve never warmed to it.   I love the movie of course, and welcome another opportunity to see if my opinion changes.  But all I really remember is the horns rising with the racing string ostinato and the needle dropped techno music for the big shootout scene. 

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I always found their Encore line a bit odd because all they're doing is putting an existing (or OOP) album back in print, and you don't necessarily need to change the branding to do that - you just print more copies and make it available again, like what LLL often does when it prints another run of a mega popular title like A.I., E.T. or Braveheart.


Also confuses the hell out of someone looking to buy the score. Which version is being 'encored'? I don't think Townson did himself any favours now that the DE of the Matrix is no longer the definitive release.

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5 minutes ago, Stark said:

Animatrix would be an insta-buy.


Yes. But judging from all the reasoning posted above, this will turn out to be nothing I'd get remotely excited about. Maybe they went all out on some fancy LP thingy, but that'll have pretty much exactly 0 additional value to me over what we've already had for years.

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  • 1 month later...

Probably just the 1999 30 minute score program coming to vinyl again, though they're claiming its "more than that" on twitter




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Don't forget that Varese only has rights to the first score, and that there hasn't a been a specialty label release licensed from WB Pictures since 2021, apart from scores that Varese has complete perpetuity rights to already

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What would be awesome is if Varese somehow parlayed their perpetuity rights on the first score into a box set reissue of all three Davis scores (heck, maybe even with The Animatrix added). I wonder if WB would cooperate with them for that since the elements have already all been sourced in the past?



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