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Nino Rota's THE GODFATHER PART II (1974) - NEW! 2024 La La Land Records edition produced by Dan Goldwasser and Neil S. Bulk


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Fantastic! Kinda saw this one coming but glad to see it released. Excited to hear the remastered sound, but is it just me or does the cover seem a little... off? Dare I say nearly AI ish in quality? I don't expect Warm Butter would ever tread into such cheap terrain like that, but compared to the cover from the release of the first one, something about it is bothering me lol Really can't wait to listen to this though. I ordered all 3 releases.

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7 hours ago, The Train Station said:

That artwork has been a thing since FFC released his re-edit of Part III. I hate them all. The old OST covers were better.


Ah I see now, so WB was just using the most recent artwork from the 4k, that's not even on him so that makes more sense. I agree, the older covers were far better.

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34 minutes ago, #SnowyVernalSpringsEternal said:


The original Godfather II LP had rather bad artwork.




Who is that? Michael? Why is he standing like that? Is that in the film?

It doesn't look like him or anyone in the film.


I'll still take this over the mess of a cover out currently, but I agree it deserves better.

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Lake Tahoe Party Music 

Italian Eyes

Heart & Soul



In A Paris Cafe

When I'm With You


Only one of these is on this new release but if you can track down a copy of the LP that was released in Italy that has the music by Carmine Coppola from Part II. It also has two of the Cuba pieces played but Tu Habanera and Guantanmera seems to be from library music and I haven't located those two pieces.   https://www.youtube.com/@brianbates9590


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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, mcnab said:

I just received my copy a couple hours ago, and I have had a chance to listen to the score presentation and some of the source cues on disc one. My initial impression is that La La Land again did a wonderful job with these remasters, and I cannot imagine them sounding any better. The sonics are natural, open, and have much better instrument separation than any previous version I have heard. The musical/narrative flow of the score presentation is a joy to listen to, and the source cues and additional material sound great. I can't wait to listen to the source cues on disc two. A must own for any Godfather/Rota fan. 

This has me really excited to listen! Hurry up Spidey!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Shipped 11/28, I just received it today.


Thanks Canada Post for the Strike!

Do we have a C&C playlist for this score?


The Booklet has NO INFORMATION at all about the source cues.


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2 hours ago, bespinGPT said:

Shipped 11/28, I just received it today.


Thanks Canada Post for the Strike!

Do we have a C&C playlist for this score?


The Booklet has NO INFORMATION at all about the source cues.



This paper has fairly detailed information about the cues for all 3 GF films.



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So here's the C&C information, sorry for the format, this is a copy-paste from the PDF!


Disc 1
1. Funeral in Sicily
1. MAIN TITLE (1M1) [00:00:15-00:01:11]
It consists of The Godfather Waltz (N. Rota)
Michael’s Theme (N. Rota). 00:00:52
The music starts on black screen until the camera fades to the Sicilian
C) Titles (same as Cue #1in Part I) consisting of 20 measures from
The Godfather Waltz and Michael’s Theme scored for 1 E. Hn, 2 Cl, 1
Bsn, 2 Hn, 1 Tpr, 3 Trbn, [1 Hp], Strings (6-4-3-3-2). Recorded on
CD 2–Track 1 (Main Title/The Immigrant)
2. MARCIA FUNEBRE (C. Coppola) [00:01:13-00:02:25]
From when the above cue fades in until shots are fired killing
Paolo Andolini. Recorded by Carmine Coppola on location in Sicily.
Deleted [Additional] Scene #1 “Searching for Vito” shows two
men searching for young Vito Andolini. As one man knocks at Ando-
lini’s door asking about the boy’s whereabouts, the other crouches
leaning against a wall and plays on the ocarina1 the Antico Canto Si-
Recorded by Carmine Coppola on location in Sicily.
PSM–Antico Canto Siciliano (Wedding Procession Sicilian Love
Song, arranged and adapted by Carmine Coppola): 12-15.
2. It’s Not His Words I’am Afraid Of [no music]
3. “Ellis Island, 1901”
3. THE IMMIGRANT (1M2) [00:07:01-00:08:02]
It consists of The Immigrant Theme Part I (N. Rota).
The Immigrant Theme Part II (N. Rota) [00:07:16]
The Immigrant Theme Part I (N. Rota) [00:07:31]
From before the camera dissolves to New York Harbor until view
of Ellis Island.
C) Gli emigranti [The Emigrants] consisting of 32 measures scored
for 2 Fl, 2 Ob, 2 Cl, 2 Bsn, 2 Hn, [1 Tpt], 3 [2] Trbn,1 Tb, 1 Perc, 1 Hp,
1 Pn, Strings (8-8-6-6-4). Recorded on 10/29/74.
CD 2–Track 1 Main/Title/The Immigrant
PSM–Theme from Godfather II by Nino Rota: 30-31.
4. THE FIDDLER (1M4) (C. Coppola) [00:08:48-00:08:53]
From when the camera moves past waiting immigrants.
1 The Ocarina is a simple small wind instrument made out of terracotta or
Appendix 121
5. LU ME SCECCU (Sicilian Folk) [00:10:39-00:11:12]
From after young Vito sits and sings until after the camera dis-
solves to interior of a church.
6. ANTHONY’S FIRST COMMUNION (2M2) (N. Rota) [00:10:56-

The Godfather Waltz (N. Rota) [00:11:23] (organ solo)
From above dissolve until the camera cuts to the Tahoe Estate.
C) 26 measures scored for voice and organ.
4. Party at Lake Tahoe2
7. ITALIAN EYES (C. Coppola) [00:12:18-00:12:11]*
From above cut until the dance exhibition ends.
8. ITALIAN EYES (2M7X) (C. Coppola) [00:12:18-00:12:30]**
From a long shot of the party until before Carmela Corleone says:
“Look who’s here.”
9. HEART AND SOUL (Loesser & Carmichael) [00:12:52-00:13:12]
From when Connie Corleone says” “Here I am “ until Carmela
says: “Like everybody else.”
10. FANFARE (C. Coppola) [00:13:15-00:13:19]
After the above line is spoken.
11. DROM ROLL [00:14:44-00:14:49]
From when Senator Geary says: “…a real Nevada thank you…”
12. MR. WONDERFUL (Bock, Holofcener &Weiss )[00:15:12-

2 All cues marked by an * were recorded by Carmine Coppola on location at
Kings Castle in Incline, Nevada. Those marked ** were recorded at Paramount
Studios in Hollywood.
A choir begins until the camera cuts to the interior of the boat-
5. You Can Have My Answer Now

From after above cut until after Spradlin says: “…you whole fuck-
ing family.”
14. STUMBLELOO (C. Coppola) [00:19:55-00:21:00]*
From a long shot of the party until Frank Pentangeli says: “…gives
me a ritz cracker…”
15. INDISTINGUISHABLE MELODY [00:21:14-00:21:33]
From after Pentangeli says: “Bring out the peppers and sausage”
until he says: “No, no, that was no heart attack.”
(Traditional/C. Coppola) [00:24:11-00:24:48]
From when Pentangeli tries to get the orchestra to play until the
camera cuts to the boathouse’s interior.
17. SOPHIA (C. Coppola) [00:24:48-00:26:17]*
From the above cut until Michael says: “I want to be reasonable
with you.”
6. Frankie Pentangeli’s Complaint
18. IN A PARIS CAFÉ (C. Coppola) [00:27:18-00:28:20]
From cut to the party at night until Pentangeli says: “With all re-
(Pennino/C. Coppola) [00:28:30-00:29:43]

From cut to Deanna Corleone dancing until the camera cuts to the
boathouse’s interior.
20. PINK CHAMPAGNE (C. Coppola) [00:30:13-00:31:31:22]
From above cut until Pentangeli says: “Junk. Dope.”
Appendix 123
21. EV’RY TIME I LOOK IN YOUR EYES (C. Coppola) [00:32:38-

From after Al Neri says: “You want him to leave now?” until a
long shot of the party.
Deleted scenes # 27 -31
7. Bedroom Shooting
22. AFTER THE PARTY (4M4) [00:34:05-00:35:15]
It consists of The Godfather Waltz (N. Rota).
Kay’s Theme (N. Rota) [00:34:44]
From above cut until machine gun starts firing.
C) After the Party consisting of 31 measures from The Godfather
Waltz and Kay’s Theme scored for 2 Fl, 2 Cl, 1 Perc, 1 Hp, 1 Pn, 1
Mandolin, 1 Gt, Strings (6-4-3-3-2). Recorded on 10/30/74.
23. FINDING THE MAN (4M5) (N. Rota) [00:35:46-00:36:44]
From cut to the exterior of estate until after cut to interior.
A) Finding the man consisting of 26 measures based on a thematic
variation of the incipit of Michael’s Theme scored for 2 Fl, 2 Ob, 2 Cl,
1 B. Cl, 2 Bsn, 3 Hn, 2 Tpt, 2 Trbn, 1 Timp, 1 Xilophone, 1 Hp, 1 Pn,
Strings (8-8-6-6-4). Recorded on 10/29/74.
C) Ricerca dell’uomo [Finding the man] consisting of 43 measures
from Michael’s Theme scored for 2 Fl, 2 Cl, 2 Bsn, 2 Hn, 1 Perc,
Strings (6-4-3-3-2). Recorded on 10/30/74.
It consists of Michael’s Theme (N. Rota)
From cut to the exterior of estate until long shot of motorboat.
C) 1) The Search Continues–Finding the Man consisting of 8
measures from same as above scored for 2 Fl, 2 Cl, 2 Bsn, 2 Hn, 1
Perc, Strings (6-4-3-3-2).
25. MICHAEL AND ANTHONY (5M3) [00:42:11-00:44:00]
It consists of The Godfather Waltz (N. Rota).
From after Michael kisses his son until camera dissolves to the interior
of vaudeville theatre.
C) Michael and Anthony consisting of 69 measures from The God-
father Waltz and Michael’s Theme scored for 2 [1] Fl, 2 [1] Ob, 2 [1]
Cl, 1 B. Cl, 1 Bsn, [1 Hn], 1 Tpt, 2 Perc, 1 Pn, 1 Celesta, {1 Gt}, {1
Accordion}, Strings (6-4-3-3-2). Recorded on 10/30/74.
Note: The Godfather Waltz is played on Glockenspiel (or amplified
Celesta) while Michael’s Theme is played by Viola and Bassoon begin-
ning at 00:43:26
8. New York City, 19173
26. NEW YORK 1917
NAPLES) (F. Pennino) [00:44:00-00:44:43]
From dissolve of preceding cue until performers finish.
27. SENZA MAMMA (F. Pennino) [00:44:48-00:45:01]
From when the curtain rises until after the actor begins.
28. SENZA MAMMA (F. Pennino) [00:46:00-00:48:24]
From after the actor says: “Morta. Mamma mia” until the theatre’s
owner says: “Not my daughter.”
Deleted [Additional] Scene #2 “Fanucci Attacked” takes place
after the backstage episode described in Cue #28 in which Fanucci
holds at knifepoint the daughter of the theater’s owner. Later, Vito
witnesses Fanucci being attacked having his throat slashed by two
youngsters. We hear 0:44 of music taken from The Immigrant Theme.
CD2–Track 6 Senza Mamma sung by Livio Giorgi.

It consists of The Immigrant Theme (N. Rota)
3 Cues # 26 – 28 were recorded by Carmine Coppola on location in New York
City at A&R Recording Studio.
Appendix 125
From after cut to Abbandando’s store until after the camera dissolves to
the interior of Vito’s flat.
C) 27 measures from The Immigrant Theme scored for 2 Fl [Pic-
colo], 2 Cl, 1 B. Cl, 3 Perc, 1 Pn, 1 Tack Pn, 1 Hpsc, 1 Org, 1 Mando-
lin, 1 Gt, 1 Cb. Recorded on 10/30/74.
CD 2–Track 5 Vito and Abbandando
9. Vito Meets Clemenza
30. CELESTE AIDA from AIDA (Verdi/ C. Coppola) [00:50:06-

From when Vito says: “Forget it” until after he opens a package
contaning guns.
Scored for 2Fl, 2 Ob, 1 E. Hn, {2 Cl}. 2 Bsn, 2 Hn, 1 Tb, Strings
(6-4-3-3-2). Recorded on 10/30/74.
2nd version with tenor solo recorded at Paramount Studios, Holly-
31. VITO AND ABBANDANDO PART I (6M4) [00:53:19-00:54:43]
It consists of The Immigrant Theme (N. Rota).
From after Vito says: “And I won’t forget it” until camera cuts to the
C) 22 measures from The Immigrant Theme scored for 1 Fl, 1 Ob,
1 E. Hn, 2 Cl, 1 B. Cl, 2 Bsn, 2 Hn, [1 Hp], {1Fender Bass}, {2 Gt},
Strings (6-4-3-3-2). Recorded on 10/30/74.
CD 2–Track 5 Vito and Abbandando
Deleted [Additional] Scene # 3 “I’am My Own Boss” portrays
young Clemenza asserting himself in the eyes of Vito. The scene
takes place in a cafè where a piano player performs diegetically a
tune by Francesco Pennino.
Deleted scene # 4 “Playing the Flute” shows Clemenza, Vito,
and Abbandando in Augusto Coppola’s gunsmith shop. As the four-
some discuss the accuracy of the pistols under scrutiny, Augusto asks
his young son Carmine to play a favorite tune on the flute. The boy
plays an unaccompanied Serenade composed (and played) by Car-
mine Coppola.
Recorded by Carmine Coppola at Paramount Studios Hollywood.
32. A NEW CARPET PART II (7M1) (N. Rota) [00:55:46-00:56:09]
From the beginning of the scene until Clemenza bends to look for
the key.
C) A New Carpet Part II consisting of 30 measures from Allegretto
mosso in 6/8 “like a kind of tarantella” and The Immigrant Theme
scored for 1 Fl, {2 Ob}, 2 Cl, 1 B. Cl, {2 Bsn}, {2 Hn}, 2 Tpt, 2 {1}
Trbn, 1 Celesta, [1 Vibraphone], 1 Tack Pn, 1 Hpsc, 1 Org, {2} Gt, 1
Fender Bass. Recorded on 10/30/74.
CD 2–Track 2 A New Carpet
33. A NEW CARPET (7M2) [00:58:34-00:59:30]
It consists of A New Carpet Part I (N. Rota).
The Immigrant Theme (N. Rota) [00:58:49]
From cut to the street until cut to the countryside and train.
C) A New Carper Part I consisting of 10 measures from A New
Carpet (see Cue #32) and 28 measures from The Immigrant Theme
scored for1 Piccolo, 1 Fl, 2 Cl, 1 B. Cl, [2 Hn], 2 Tpt, 1 Trbn, 1 Tack
Pn, 1 Fender Gt, 1 Gt, 1 Fender Bass, 1 Celesta [1 Vibraphone], [1
Org], Strings (6-4-3-3-2). Recorded on 10/30/74.
CD 2–Track 2 A New Carpet
10. Keep Your Friends Close, But Your Enemies Closer
34. A VISIT TO ROTH (7M3) (N. Rota) [01:00:10-01:01:53]
From cut to a Miami hotel’s exterior until Michael opens a screen
C) A visit to Roth consisting of 26 measures of non thematic mate-
rial including Autumn (see Cue #47 in Part I) scored for 1 Piccolo, 1 Fl,
1 Ob, 1 E. Hn, {2 Cl}, [2 Bsn], 1 Hp, 1 Celesta, 1 Pn, Strings (6-4-3-3-
2). Recorded on 10/30/74.
35. DEATH OF THREE (N. Rota) [01:09:08-01:10:33]
From after Michael says: “…who the traitor in my family was” un-
til cut to the exterior of a bar.
Appendix 127
C) Death of Three consisting of 36 measures of non thematic mate-
rial (2 Fl, 1 Ob, 2 Cl, 1 Bsn, 1 Hn, 1 Perc, [1 Hp], [1 Celesta], [1 Pn],
Strings (6-4-3-3-2). Recorded on 10/30/74.
11. I Remember She Was Laughing
36. AUTUMN (8M1) (N. Rota) [01:15:44-01:16:51]
KAY’S THEME (N. Rota) [01:15:44] (Violin solo)
From after Tom Hagen says: “All that’s left is our friendship” until cut
to Havana.
C) Autumn and Kay’s Theme consisting of 39 measures scored for
2 Fl, [2 Ob], 2 Cl, [1 Bsn], [1 Hn], {1 Perc}, [1 Celesta], 1 Hp, {1 Pn},
{1 Gt}, {1 Mandolin}, Strings (6-4-3-3-2). Recorded on 10/30/74.
12. Welcome to Havana
37. EL CHA CHA CHA DI SAN DOMINGO [01:16:51-01:18:16]
consisting of TU (Sanchez & Sanchez Fuentes/C. Coppola).
From preceding cue until cut to the interior of the Presidential Palace.
Recorded by Carmine Coppola on location in Santo Domingo
13. I Know It Was You Fredo
38. HAVANA (8M6) (N. Rota) [01:25:56-01:27:23]
From cut to a hotel’s exterior until after Michael says: “Johnny
C) Havana consisting of 57 measures scored for 2 Fl, {1 Cl}, 1
Tpt, [1 Alto Sax], 1 Fender Gt, 1 Gt, 1 Fender Bass, 5 Perc. Recorded
on 10/30/74.
39. GUANTANAMERA (Traditional/C. Coppola & new lyrics by
Italia Pennino) [01:27:49-01:30:49]

From cut to garden café until cut to hotel suite.
Recorded by Carmine Coppola on location in Santo Domingo.
40. MUSIC FOR AQUA LUZ (C. Coppola) [01:34:56-01:36:29]

41. DANZA ESOTICA (C. Coppola) [01:36:39-01:38:28] (Alto Sax
and Percussion)

From after above cut until cut to interior of hotel suite.
Recorded by Carmine Coppola on location in Santo Domingo.
42. VITO AND ABBANDANDO PART II (6M3) [01:38:08-01:38:18]
(Bass Clarinet solo)
It consists of The Immigrant Theme (N. Rota).
C) 27 measures scored for 1 Piccolo, 1 Fl, 2 Cl, 1 B. Cl, 1 Tack Pn,
3 Perc, 1 Mandolin, 1 Gt, 1 Org, 1 Hpsc, 1 Cb.
Recorded on 10/30/74
43. OLA’S DEATH (11M5) (N. Rota) [01:38:29-01:39:31]
From preceding cue until a doctor says: “…to the hospital.”
C) Ola’s Death consisting of 19 measures scored for 2 Cl, 1 B. Cl,
2 Bsn, 2 Hn, 1 Perc, 1 Celesta, 2 Pn, Strings (6-4-3-3-2). Recorded
44. ROTH IS NEXT PART III (12M4) [01:40:03-01:40:05]
From when the bodyguard reenters until cut to the interior of the
Presidential Palace.
C) Roth is Next Part III consisting of fragments from 7 measures
of non thematic material scored for {3 Saxophones}, [2 Cl, 1 B. Cl], [2
Bsn], 2 Hn, 2 Tpt, e Perc, 2 Pn. Recorded on 10/30/74.
45. MY TROPICAL LOVE (12M3) [01:40:07-01:40:56]
It consists of La Paloma (Yradier/ C. Coppola)
From on above cut until cut to hospital.
La Paloma scored for 5 Saxophones, 3 Tpt, 3 Trbn, 1 Perc, 1Pn, 1
Cel, 1 Accordion, 6 Vl, 2 Vlc, 1 Cb. Recorded on 10/30/74.


Appendix 129
(C. Coppola) [01:41:34-01:42:06]
From cut to the interior of the Presidential Palace until cut to the
Recorded by Carmine Coppola on location in Santo Domingo
47. GUANTANAMERA (Traditional/C. Coppola) [01:43:10-01:44:05]
From cut to the interior of the Presidential Palace until cut to the
Fireworks + Cuban Revolutionary Song [01:44:12-01:44:26]
Recorded by Carmine Coppola on location in Santo Domingo
48. FREDO’S PANIC (12M9) (N. Rota) [01:45:46-01:46:58]
The Godfather Waltz (N. Rota) [01:46:21]
Fredo’s Panic (N. Rota) [01:46:24]
Michael’s Theme (N. Rota) [01:46:46]
C) Fredo’s Panic consisting of 60 measures including “Rite of
Spring” like material scored for 2 Fl, 1 Ob, 1 E. Hn, {2 Cl}, {2 Bsn},
[2 Hn], [2 Tpt], [1 Fender Gt], 1 Hp, [1 Pn], [1 Celesta], Strings (6-4-3-
3-2) + a montage of various pre-recorded versions of The Godfather
Waltz and Michael’s Theme. Recorded on 10/30/74.
14. Was It A Boy? [no music]
15. Fanucci Wants to Wet His Beak
49. MICHAEL AND ANTHONY (5M3) [01:49:45-01:50:30]
It consists of The Godfather Waltz (N. Rota)
From after Tom Hagen says: “I really don’t know” until cut to street.
MM: Same as Cue #25
16. Murder of Fanucci
50. MARCIA REALE ITALIANA (Gabetti/C. Coppola) [01:55:07-

From cut to the street festival until Clemenza moves to a booth.
Recorded by Carmine Coppola at A&R Recording Studio in New
York City


51. STARS SPANGLED BANNER (Smith & Key/C. Coppola)

After above until Clemenza says: “His family’s out of the house.”
C) Stars and Stripes scored for 1 Fl, 3 Cl, 2 Hn, 3 Tpt, 5 Perc, 1
Pn, 1 Org, 2 Gt. Recorded on 10/30/74.
52. MARCIA STILO ITALIANO (13M4/14M1) (C. Coppola)

From when Abbandando says: “Here’s is my fifty dollars” until
Don Fanucci says: “You’ve got a lot of guts.”
Recorded on 10/30/74
C) Marcia Stilo Italiano scored for 1 Fl, 2 Cl, 2 Hn, 3 Tpt, 5 Perc,
1 Pn, 1 Org, 2 Gt. Recorded on 10/30/74.
CDTrack 10 Marcia Stilo Italiano
53. MARCIA RELIGIOSO (C. Coppola) [01:58:33-02:01:51]
From cut to the street festival until cut to Vito covering his gun and
turning the light bulb off.
Recorded by Carmine Coppola at A&R Recording Studio in New
York City.
CD 2Track 13 Murder of Don Fanucci
54. MURDER OF DON FANUCCI (C. Coppola) [02:02:06-02:02:56]
It consists of drum roll and footsteps alternating with the priest re-
citing rituals.
From when Vito steps behind Don Fanucci until he kills him.
55. FESTA MARCH (C. Coppola) [02:02:56-02:05:08]
From preceding cue until Vito nears his flat.
Recorded by Carmine Coppola at A&R Recording Studio in New
York City.
CD 2Track 13 Murder of Don Fanucci
56. NINNA-NANNA A MICHELE (14M4A1) [02:05:08-02:06:10]
It consists of The Godfather Waltz (N. Rota & Lyrics by Italia
Michael’s Theme (N. Rota) [02:06:04]
From preceding cue until the end of the scene.


Appendix 131
C) NinnaNanna consisting of The Godfather Waltz and Michael’s
Theme scored for voice, 2 Fl, 2 Ob, 2 Cl, {1 B. Cl}, 2 Bsn, 3 Hn, {2
Tpt}, {3 Trbn}, {1 Tb}, 1 Gt, 2 Perc, 1 Hp, Strings (8-8-6-6-4). Sung
by Nino Palermo with Guitar accompaniment then by full orchestra.
Recorded on 10/29/74.
CD 2Track 11 Ninna Nanna a Michele. Sung by Nino Palermo
Disc 2
1. You Can Never Lose Your Family
57. THE CORLEONE ESTATE (15M1X) (N. Rota) [00:00:03-

From the beginning of the scene until a car drives through the
C) Autumn consisting of portions of Cue #47 in Part I.
PART I (15M2) [00:00:46-00:01:53]

It consists of Michael’s Theme (N. Rota)
Kay’s Theme (N. Rota) [00:01:37]
From when Michael stops by Anthony’s red toy car until he looks
through the open door.
C) Michael Comes Home consisting of 32 measures from Mi-
chael’s Theme and Kay’s Theme scored for 2 Fl, 1 Ob, 1 E. Hn, 2 Cl, 2
Bsn, 2 Hn, 1 Hp, Strings (6-4-3-3-2). Recorded on 10/30/74.
CD 2Track 7 The Godfather at Home
HOME PART II (16M1) [00:04:22-00:04:49]

It consists of Michael’s Theme (N. Rota)
From cut to the exterior of the estate until after Michael sits by
C) Michael’s Theme consisting of 17 measures marked Lento, fu-
nereo scored for 2 Fl, 1 Ob, 1 E. Hn, 2 Cl, 1 B. Cl, [2 Bsn], 3 Hn, 1
Perc, 1 Tack Pn, 3 Vlc, 2 Cb. Recorded on 10/30/74.
60. MICHAEL AND HIS MOTHER (16M2) [00:05:40-00:07:06]


It consists of The Immigrant Theme (N. Rota)
From after Carmela says: “…about the baby you lost” until Vito
says: “…why did you come to see me?”
C) The Immigrant Theme consisting of 23 measures scored for 2
Fl, 1 [2] Ob, 2 Cl, 2 Bsn, 3 Hn, 1 Perc, 1 Hp, 1 [Tack] pn, 2 Mandolins,
1 Gt, Strings (6-4-3-3-2).
2. The Dog Stays
61. THE LANDLORD (16M3) (N. Rota) [00:10:44-00:11:17]
From after man says: “What a character” until he enters shop.
C) The Landlord consisting of an 18 measure from a Fox-Trot
marked Allegro comodo scored for {1 Fl}, [1 Alto Sax], 1 B. Cl, {1
Bsn}, 1 Org, 1 Tack Pn, 1 Gt, 1 Cb. Recorded on 10/30/74.
Deleted [Additional] Scene # 7 Don Vito Corleone shows Signor
Robert (the Landlord) searching for Vito whom he addresses to as
Don for the first time in Part II’s flashback episodes.
Deleted [Additional] Scene # 8 Introducing Hyman Roth, al-
though deprived of music soundtrack, continues The Landlord epi-
sode after Signor Roberto’s clumsy exit from Vito’s shop.
62. A NEW CARPET PART III [(7M1) (N. Rota) [00:13:28-00:14:00]
The Immigrant Theme (N. Rota)
A New Carpet Part III (N. Rota)
The Immigrant Theme (N. Rota)
From cut to exterior of Genco’s store until cut to the interior of the
Senate Hearing Room.
C) A New Carpet consisting of 28 measures scored for 1 Piccolo,
[1 Fl], 2 Cl, 1 B. Cl, [2 Tpt], 4 Trbn, 1 Celesta, [1 Vibraphone], [1 Tack
Pn], 1 Hpsc, [1 Hp], 1 Fender Gt, 1 Gt, 1 Fender Bass, Strings (6-4-3-3-
2). Recorded on 10/30/74.
Note: The Immigrant Theme’s fragments heard in this cue are
taken from pre-recorded versions of same.
CD 2Track 2 A New Carpet


Appendix 133
3. Senate Hearing [no music]
4. You’re Nothing To Me Now
63. FREDO’S STAY OF EXECUTION (16M1) [00:25:18-00:26:26]
It consists of Michael’s Theme (N. Rota) same as Cue #59
The Godfather Waltz (N. Rota) (Bass Clarinet solo) [00:26:09] on
steady beat.
From after Michael says: “Fredo, you’re nothing to me now” until the
camera pans to another entrance of an Army base.
C) Michael’s Theme (Lento funereo) same as Cue #59.
5. Pentangeli Sees His Brother [no music]
6. Michael, You Are Blind [no music]
7. My Father’s Name Was…Antonio Andolini
64. SICILY 1927- CIURI-CIURI (Sicilian Folk/C. Coppola) [00:37:16-

From on cut to train station until dissolve to road.
Deleted [Additional] Scene # 9 1927 Vito’s Revenge shows Vito
murdering the two men who 20 years prior carried Don Ciccio’s or-
der to kill the Andolini family. We hear the Love Theme from The
Godfather followed by the ocarina melody heard in Deleted [Addi-
tional] Scene # 1. This episode concludes with The Godfather Waltz.
During the following cue, Vito kills the Mafioso Don Ciccio.

It consists of The Love Theme from The Godfather (N. Rota)
Michael’s Theme (N. Rota) [00:39:30] on close-up of baby Mi-
The Immigrant Theme (N. Rota) [00:39:46]
From when preceding cue dissolves until the gates are closed after a car
C) Remember Vito Andolini scored for 2 Fl, 2 Ob, 2 Cl, 1 B. Cl, 2
Bsn, 3 Hn, 3 Trbn, 1 Perc, 1 Hp, 1 Mandolin, 1 Gt, 1 Accordion,
Strings (8-8-6-6-4). Recorded on 10/29/74.


66. THE BROTHERS MOURN PART III (20M1A) [00:43:04-

It consists of The Immigrant Theme (N. Rota)
From when a man near Vito is shot until the camera dissolves to a train
C) The Brothers Mourn Part III consists of 37 measures from The
Immigrant Theme scored for 2 Fl, 2 Ob, 2 Cl, 2 Bsn, 2 Hn, 1 Hp,
Strings (8-8-6-6-4). Recorded on 10/29/74.
CD 2Track 12 The Brothers Mourn
8. Mama Corleone’s Funeral
67. CONNIE AND MICHAEL (20M1B) [00:48:31-00:49:57]
It consists of The Immigrant Theme
Michael’s Theme [00:40:58]
The Immigrant Theme [00:49:11] and [00:49:33] with great pas-
Michael’s Theme [00:49:48]
From after Connie says “I want to take care of you now until Tom
walks toward the boathouse. Recorded on 10/29/74.
CD 2Track 12 The Brothers Mourn
9. You Can Kill Anyone [no music]
10. Like The Roman Empire
68. REFLECTIONS ON ROMANS (21M1) [00:56:31-00:58:22]
It consists of The Godfather Waltz (N. Rota). Viola sola
From after Pentangeli says: “…like the Roman Empire” until he
says: “See ya, Tom.”
C) LentoTriste consisting of 39 measures from The Godfather
Waltz scored for 2 Cl, 1 Vla, 2 Vlc. Recorded on 10/30/74.
11. Key With Her Children [no music]
12. Hail Mary, Full Of Grace
69. DEATH OF THREE (22M1) (N. Rota) [01:02:20-01:04:59]


Appendix 135
The Immigrant Theme (N. Rota) [01:02:40] (French Horn solo)
From a medium long shot of the boat on the lake until cut to the
boathouse’s interior.
C) Re-use of previously hear material consisting of 36 measures of
non thematic underscoring and The Immigrant Theme at the very end
played by a French Horn scored for 1 Piccolo, 1 Fl, 1 Ob, 2 Cl, 1 Bsn, 1
Hn, 1 Perc, [1 Hp], [1 Pn], Strings (6-4-3-3-2). Recorded on 10/30/74.
13. Surprise Party
70. THE FORTIES (A23M1) (C. Coppola) [01:05:00-01:08:18]
From after the preceding cue and before the camera dissolves to
dining room until end of scene.
C) The Forties consisting of 56 measures in Glenn Miller Style
scored for 1 Cl, 5 Sax, 3 Tpt, 3 Trbn, 1 Perc, 1 Pn, 1 Gt, 1 Cb. Re-
corded on 10/30/74
71. FOR HE’S A JOLLY GOOD FELLOW (Traditional) [01:09:13-

From after the group says: “Surprise,” then sing.
72. MICHAEL ALONE AT THE TABLE [01:09:24-01:09:39]
It consists of The Godfather Waltz (N. Rota)
From when Michael remains alone at the table and a close-up of Mi-
chael in Tahoe to the beginning of Cue #73 End Credits.
14. End Credits
73. END TITLES (23M2) [01:09:52-01:13:48]
It consists of Michael’s Theme (N. Rota)
Kay’s Theme (N. Rota) [01:10:21]
A New Carpet Part I (N. Rota) [01:11:39]
The Immigrant Theme (N. Rota) [01:11:54]
The Godfather Waltz (N. Rota) [01:12:48]


C) End Titles consisting of 114 measures scored for 2 Fl, 2 Ob, 2
Cl, 2 Bsn, 3 Hn, 2 Tpt, 3 Trbn, 1 Tb, 3 Perc, 1 Hp, 2 Pn, 2 Mandolins, 2
Gt, 1 Accordion, Strings (8-8-6-6-4). Recorded on 10/29/74.
CD 2Track 14 End Title


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2 hours ago, bespinGPT said:



So here's the C&C information of the cues featured in the movie, sorry for the format, this is a copy-paste from the PDF!

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