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Least Favorite Indiana Jones film? (and why)


Lest favorite Indiana Jones film?  

43 members have voted

  1. 1.

    • Raiders of the Lost Ark
    • Temple of Doon
    • The Last Crusade

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Wow, I honestly cannot believe more people dislike "Last Crusade" than "ToD." Honestly, I've never met anyone who actually liked "ToD." I just recently re-watched it, since the last time I saw it was as a kid, and I still gotta say it sucked.

I guess it wasn't really a bad movie, it's just that it was nowhere near as appealing to me. Indy seemed cockier and more... I dunno the word for it... out for blood than in the other two. And throw in the fact that with the other two dealt with Christian myths, they kinda left "ToD" a bit flat to my taste.

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I agree with Steef. TOD is a classic adventure film. And I've always respected Roger Ebert for giving it 4 stars, despite the public backlash.

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Indy will also be shooting in Hawaii next summer

Indiana Jones and "Another day on the beach"?

Is'nt Ford going to play him anymore? (Melange not up to date on this)

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It's too bad River Phoenix isn't around, he'd be perfect to play an adult (yet still younger than the originals) Indy. Or Sean Patrick Flannery, why not let him "reprise" the role? Anyone but Ford, he's just too old... :|

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Ford IS NOT the only actor to play Indiana Jones... he's one of, what FIVE actors to have played Dr. Jones. He's the original and the best, I don't think anyone would disagree with that. But, if I were Spielberg/Lucas I'd get a new actor to play Indy and do a whole new Indy trilogy! Even let different directors have their crack at it, after Spielberg does Indy IV of course. It would keep the series alive and really make it like a James Bond-type franchise, afterall, Bond was one of the inspirations for Indiana Jones.

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One of my alltime favorite Indy moments is when he looks up after stealing the Sankara Stones to see the snake head, just that brief pause before he fixes his hat is priceless.  

Definitely :| And the "Stelaing the Stones" scene has SUCH a gorgeous choral moment in the score... :P

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OK. I've seen all three on DVD finally. I'd have to say "Last Crusade" is the least exciting of the three, mostly because they don't explore any new ground, with the exception of bringing in Indy's father.

But then again, after the darkness of "Temple of Doom," seeing Marcus again was a fresh relief. There always has to be the stumbling buffoon in these action films. And having the tank chase closely modeled after the truck chase in "Raiders" at first seemed too derivative, but again, it was nice to come back to familiar territory.

Jeff -- who still ranks the "No Ticket" scene as the best in the series

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The Temple of Doom. It just seems off beat with the other two. It's much more darker than the other two films, and that's usually a good thing, but in this case, it doesn't do much for the story of the film. Anyway, biblical artifacts are so much more interesting than glowing balls if you ask me.

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You think it surpasses Life of Brian and Monty Python's Holy Grail?.

Definately, The Last Crusade is the best comedic movie ever! And I love Monty Python. Take that a measure of how great I think the LC is. Plus it's fulled with non-stop very exciting action set pieces.

Anyway TOD is rather silly and childish compared to the other 2 films.

Morn - Wondering about the mental health of some people who want a new Indy movie without Harrison Ford

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I still stand with Morn. Just thinking about TLC makes stop in awe of the brilliant comedy and timing. I also love Monty Python, even though they are hit'n'miss. Just saw The Meaning of Life.

Morlock- who's hasn't stopped singing to himself "There are jews in the world, there are Buddhists...."

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The Meaning of Life has some real problems. But nothing beats the tiger scene. "Ol' Jones here has had his leg bitten sort of.....off." or something like that. Pure hilarity! :)

Justin -Who doesn't enjoy the film as a whole.

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Although comedic is the wrong word, I have never laughed more and harder at a movie than TLC, and I'm talking about everytime I see it, after over 40 times.

I, again, agree with Morn.

There are very few great films that make me laugh consistantly and at leangth- TLC is one of them. (Although maybe if you name a few names I'll see something I havn't thought of)

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Here here, and I pity Indysolo for not enjoying the humour :) To each his own.

I never said I didn't find the movie funny, just that it's not the funniest movie ever made, and I don't think anyone involved with the film intended it to be either.


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Last Crusade the best comedic film ever?

Some of the Marcus Brody bits were funny and some other stuff but it was not exactly a barrel of laughs.

BTW one thing I disliked about TLC is the fact they turned Marcus Brody into a friggin fool. His character was never portrayed as dopey and out of it in the original film.

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I can easily name alot of films funnier than TLC,

Airplane, Ferris Beuller, E.T., Uncle Buck, The English Patient, There's Something About Mary?, and the list goes on, and on.

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E.T. intersting I never thought the movie to be funny, I thought it was more of a magical movie....but the other movies i agree with....

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I agree with Steef. TOD is a classic adventure film. And I've always respected Roger Ebert for giving it 4 stars, despite the public backlash.

Swell. Me too! I was even a bit relieved when I first read this 'bruised-forearms'-review: at least there's one professional critic with taste.

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E.T. intersting I never thought the movie to be funny, I thought it was more of a magical movie....but the other movies i agree with....

I think he was being ironic...

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Oh, and

Harrison Ford IS Indiana Jones.


Lotman, still not wanting to suck up, and now going offline to watch an Indiana Jones film on DVD, which will be a hard pick, since I like all three of them very much.

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Temple of Doom

The movie itself was ok, I didn't really like how it began, Willie could've been taken out from the movie and it would have been much better which they tried to do when they ALMOST killed her off, but no she had to come back and keep whining.

Best part of the movie was Short Round, isn't he the kid who played Data in the goonies? Anyways, his scenes with Indy are all so funny with the top being his poker game with Indy

SR: You cheat Dr. Jones You use 4 cards, I very small you cheat very big, play with you no fun

Best scene in the whole movie was near the end where the March of the Slave children kicks in to reveal Indy's silhouette as he just whups all of the slave drivers.

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I think he was being ironic...

not at all, I have thought E.T. to be one of the funniest of all Spielberg's films. It does something most "comedies" cannot. E.T.

doesn't force the comedy, it occurs naturally from the situations

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BTW who the hell actually voted for Raiders? That person needs their head examined. :)

I didn't check every post here. Did that person come clean and amit who chose that option?

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I can easily name alot of films funnier than TLC,

Airplane, Ferris Beuller, E.T., Uncle Buck, The English Patient, There's Something About Mary?, and the list goes on, and on.

I have to respectfully disagree... and hope that you are kidding about The Rnglish Patient.

Morlock- Who despises that film on every level.

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I was, I only said that because the Seinfeld episode about the movie was funny, the movie itself is the least deserving best picture of the last 20 years.

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I was, I only said that because the Seinfeld episode about the movie was funny, the movie itself is the least deserving best picture of the last 20 years.

That's why I thought you were ironic... ;)

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A Beautiful Mind was not the best movie of 2001, and was nominated against 3 better movies, but is never the less a very good movie.

The English Patient was a lesson in agony. It beating Fargo is a bigger travesty than Chariots of Firebeating Raiders of The Lost Ark, Dances with Wolves beating Goodfellas, and even Rocky beating Network, Taxi Driver and All The President's Men.

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The Meaning of Life has some real problems.

Certainly does. It just is'nt very funny. It relied too much on disgust humour. The schoolboy humour element. I've only watched it once. Yet i've watched Jabberwocky, Life of Brian, and Holy Grail, so many times now that i've now lost count.

Melange - Will give you 4 for the Gourd.

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To get back to the topic at hand, I did vote that "Last Crusade" was my least favorite of the series. But the ending was probably better than the others. It just took a lot of time to get there musically and visually.

Listen to the music from the moment Indy gets into the Grail room until the last note of the credits. Great stuff. The theme for the guardians is one of my favorite Indiana Jones themes.

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The weakest point of ToD is when Willie is lowered into the sacrifice pit after we already witnessed the full ceremony.It kind of drags at that point.


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The weakest point of ToD is when Willie is lowered into the sacrifice pit after we already witnessed the full ceremony.It kind of drags at that point.


Yeah that movie has some friggin major issues! ;)

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A Beautiful Mind was not the best movie of 2001, and was nominated against 3 better movies, but is never the less a very good movie.

Ohh it's certainly a fine movie that's better than Moulin Rouge. And although LOTR is better, it doesn't look too bad compared to it.

Chariots of Firebeating Raiders of The Lost Ark


Dances with Wolves beating Goodfellas

I think those movies are about the same.

Rocky beating Network, Taxi Driver and All The President's Men.

What? That's awful, as Taxi Driver is one of my favourite movies, a masterpiece. Rocky is merely good.

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Ohh it's certainly a fine movie that's better than Moulin Rouge. And although LOTR is better' date=' it doesn't look too bad compared to it.[/quote']

I was actualy refering to LoTR as the least of the 5. I loved Moulin Rouge and Gosford Park, and thought In The Bedroom was very good too.

Rocky beating Network' date=' Taxi Driver and All The President's Men.[/quote']

What? That's awful' date=' as Taxi Driver is one of my favourite movies, a masterpiece. Rocky is merely good. [/quote']

I loved what Entertainment Weekly said: "When Rocky won, it seemed like the underdog winning a stunning victory. Now it just seems loony." LOL

All three movie are great, and I think Network is still underrated for what it is.

Morlock- who just finished watching another Best Picture winner- Unforgiven.

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As much as I love all three films. I would have to say i think that the Last Crusade is my least favourite, merely because i find it the hardest to watch multiple times. I can sit through Raiders and TOD without any problems, but LC i find difficult to watch in one sitting.

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I was actualy refering to LoTR as the least of the 5. I loved Moulin Rouge and Gosford Park, and thought In The Bedroom was very good too.

Well I have yet to see those other 2. ;)

I guess in their own way- but for me, Goodfellas is a unique masterpiece and DWW is simply not as compelling.

DWW is quite unique, I don't see many films so qurky.

All three movie are great

Dunno network, but Rocky is a highly commercial movie about boxing which totally rips off Marlon Brando's character in On the Waterfront, Taxi Driver is a true and original masterpiece with a great score.

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Back to Indy, I have little against Last Crusade. But I think it features the whole series' weakest moment, when Indy is holding Elsa so that she doesn't fall down the pit trying to reach the Grail. Indy says: "The other hand, honey!". Honey? I'm sorry, I thought this was Indiana Jones. Indy doesn't fall in love with his girls, and he was through with this one, right? Much less being a backstabbing, stone-hearted Nazi. How can Indy call that "honey"? I really dislike that moment.

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I love that moment. And it's Hon, not Honey. Either way- I think it really fits Harrison Ford to say that, in such an unlikely situation.

BTW- I think I realised why ToD is my least favorite Indy film- with the first and third, I have a smile on my face the whole time, and laugh often at jokes I've seen and heard dozens of times before. With ToD, there are several scenes that I don't smile in. That's the difference. It's not the darkness- I always smile during the bug scene, mine chase and bridge scene.

But still, ToD is a fantastic movie, and has one of my absolute favorite, and most charactaristic Indy moment- the thing on the plane:

'Nice Try Lao Che!'

And then he closes the door to reveal that it's Lao Che's plane. I think that's pure brilliance, and perfectly timed.

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