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The OFFICIAL Oscar reaction thread

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Ich verstehe deine Argumentation, aber finde nicht das man das "Film Scoring" so einfach von der Qualität der Musik an sich trennen kann. Sonst könnte man auch (um den Gedanken auf die Spitze zu treiben) einen Score als "best achievement" bezeichnen, der nur aus einem einzigen gleichmäßig wiederholten Ton eines einzigen Instruments besteht, wenn dadurch die geistige Monotonie eines einzelnen vom Rest der Menschheit mental und physisch isolierten Menschen dargestellt werden soll... :(

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1. Mathematisch: Die Academy Awards werden nicht in der Kategorie "bester Filmkomponist", sondern in der Kategorie "beste Filmmusik" vergeben, wodurch sich die Doppelnominierung Maestro Williams' erklaeren laesst. Selbst wenn die Mehrheit der Academy fuer die Person John Williams gestimmt haben sollte, musste sie dennoch ihre Stimmen zwischen zwei Filmen aufteilen.

I made the same reflection on another thread. I hoped the members to vote for the best music (IMO Geisha) and not for the best composer (IMO John Williams).

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What's this, "The Funniest Joke in the World"?

Wenn ist das Nunstruck git und Slotermeyer? Ja!...

Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!

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I can understand some of the points you make, but really, they do not hold up in the Academy's silly bubble.

Also, I find it much easier to just say they're idiots (which they are, dagnammit!). So, call me biased. Meh.

Oh, and future discussion in English, please.

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Chuck Norris finished all Wolfenstein games using only the knife.

No way. :S

Anyway, can someone please sum up what MovieMusicMaestro said? It looks interesting.

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Es ist kurz nach zwoelf Uhr mittags (Eastern Standard Time), und ich moechte versuchen, meine Eindruecke der gestrigen Oscar-Verleihung in Worte zu fassen.  

Um ehrlich zu sein: Trotz meiner Enttaeuschung darueber, dass John Williams keinen Oscar gewonnen hat, kann ich die Entscheidung der Academy und das Ergebnis verstehen.  

Vier kurze Gedanken oder Erklaerungsansaetze:  

1. Mathematisch: Die Academy Awards werden nicht in der Kategorie "bester Filmkomponist", sondern in der Kategorie "beste Filmmusik" vergeben, wodurch sich die Doppelnominierung Maestro Williams' erklaeren laesst. Selbst wenn die Mehrheit der Academy fuer die Person John Williams gestimmt haben sollte, musste sie dennoch ihre Stimmen zwischen zwei Filmen aufteilen.  

2. Auch in den letzten Jahren haben wir uns immer wieder darueber gewundert, dass die film scores von John Williams gegen (vermeintlich "schlechtere") Kompositionen verloren haben. Allerdings wird ja eigentlich nicht die "beste Filmmusik", sondern "the best achievement in film scoring" ausgezeichnet. Wir als eingefleischte Filmmusikfreaks muessen uns, so glaube ich, davon verabschieden, eine Filmmusik als autonomes Werk zu betrachten und zu bewerten. Filmmusik kann prinzipiell nur mit dem Film zusammen verstanden und beurteilt werden. John Williams' Musik fuer "Memoirs of a Geisha" und "Munich" ist sicherlich handwerklich perfekt, reich and Melodie und Emotionalitaet und ergaenzt die Bilder hervorragend. Besonders eindrucksvoll ist in diesem Sinne "Memoirs", weil die Musik jedem einzelnen Bild die psychologischen Feinheiten und Aenderungen hinzufuegt. (Trotzdem gefaellt mir "Munich" besser.) Wo aber ist das "best achievement"? Inwiefern haben diese Filmmusiken das film scoring vorangetrieben und die Kunstform "Filmmusik" auf eine neue Qualitaetsebene gehoben?  

3. Ueber "Brokeback Mountain": Dass "Bareback Mountain" nicht den Oscar fuer den besten Film erhalten hat, wundert mich eigentlich nicht, obwohl ich enttaeuscht bin - hat mich dieser Film doch sehr beruehrt, eigene Wunden aufgerissen und mich mit meiner Identitaet konfrontiert. Allerdings ist "Brokeback" kein Western und kein Film ueber die Liebe (?) zweier Maenner. Es ist ein Film ueber die amerianische Gesellschaft und wie sie mit Homosexuellen und Homosexualitaet umgeht. Wie lange hat es gedauert, bis der/die erste afro-amerkanische Schauspieler(in) einen Oscar als "beste® Hauptdarsteller(in)" erhalten hat? Wie steht es um Filme ueber Vietnam, AIDS, Krieg - die richtig "heiklen" Themen?  

4. Gustavo Santaolalla hat fuer "Brokeback Mountain" ungefaehr 13 Minuten Musik komponiert, ein richtiges "Thema" oder eine "Melodie" gibt es nicht. Allerdings - und hier gilt Qualitaet vor Quantitaet - unterstreichen die wenigen Andeutungen und Motivpartikel hervorragend das Thema des Filmes: Ist es nicht so, dass waehrend des gesamten Filmes die Filmmusik sich anstrengt und versucht, etwas "Richtiges" zu sein, ohne es jemals zu erreichen? Hoeren wir nicht eine Filmmusik "auf dem Weg" zu (melodisch-thematischen) Erfuellung? Interessant ist auch die Wahl des Soloinstrumentes Gitarre. Natuerlich erinnert der Klang an die Weite und Freiheit (?) des Westens. Allerdings ist der Klang der Gitarre an manchen Stellen nachbearbeitet und verfremdet worden, "slides" - (ver)stoerende Nebentoene - sind ergaenzt worden und trueben das eigentliche Klangereignis und -erlebnis. Ein musikalischer Schatten legt sich ueber die unberuehrte Landschaft Wyomings und beeinflusst unsere Perzeption der vermeintlich heilen Welt. Ist das nicht ein "achievement"?  


As I read this, it strikes me that I actually hate German. What a dumb language! Can anyone translate this?

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We'll see how Santaolalla fares after this win.  Filmmakers will think he's an Oscar winner, so obviously the guy must be great.  Then he'll probably be offered some prime projects and get his score rejected like Stephen Warbeck and Gabriel Yared before him.  Or maybe he'll go back to obscurity and never heard from again....

Well, if you think of Jan A.P. Kaczmarek who got an Oscar last year (in this case you could at least call it score), he has no new projects, as far as I know. So an Oscar doesn't automatically mean that you will get countless offers for scoring.

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You know, For me Geisha now has a bittersweet flavour. It almost makes tears in my eyes, when hearing the 'happy and beautiful' (tracks going to school, chairman waltz...). It makes me think what it could habe been and what it is not. It's like it has more depth now, it 'pierces my heart' like Darkside beckons do, for example.

Well and i also think Williams should not make another campaign for a score. What's all he got? Being called egomaniac by a new member...With 45 losses pal (many of them as outrageous as this year), i dont think anyone could become that...

But well, we at least got the exclusive concert versions...

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As I read this, it strikes me that I actually hate German. What a dumb language!

You think? I really like German...

(i'm no good at it though) :)

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I just saw Live interview with Santy on CNN!  

He's a cool, nice guy, not full of himself.

Actually nobody says he's a bad guy. He may be a nice person, yes, but his music is not worthy of an Oscar. It was a wrong decision by the Academy, I think intended. The quality of music was of no importance here.

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Well, you can't really be full of yourself when virtually no one knows you exist!!! Before this crazy show, has anyone even heard of this guy?

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It seems possible that there are still a great number of voters who think they are voting for the soundtrack and not just the score. I think that any film with a bunch of song in it should be inelligible for best score.

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I'm really glad that Williams didn't win, not because his score wasn't good in both films (I didn't like Geisha's score)  

- but I really liked brokeback scoring, it was one of the best things about the movie (the score I mostly enjoyed was from Constant Gardener, because it was original unlike the other movies)  

some people macke me sick :)

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I think that any film with a bunch of song in it should be inelligible for best score.

I think there's actually a rule about scores which may be diluted by excessive use of songs being inelligible.

But of course, the Academy seems to change their rules for this category every year.

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Why are we surprised anyways?

The academy voters don't know anything about the craft awards which I put score with.

Academy voters think loud movies usually have the best sound (when Shawshank Redemption had the best mix in 1994 I believe) and they think a movie that is very long or complex should get best editing (when it's about the editing within a scene that makes it worthy of an oscar: see the Fortress being created in Superman: The Movie.)

Anne Dudley winning for "The Full Monty" ?? Brokeback??

Seriously, the craft awards need to be separated from the rest of the ballot.

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I'm really glad that Williams didn't win, not because his score wasn't good in both films (I didn't like Geisha's score)  

- but I really liked brokeback scoring, it was one of the best things about the movie (the score I mostly enjoyed was from Constant Gardener, because it was original unlike the other movies)  

some people macke me sick ;)

Meh, I've heard that many times. "The Brokeback score is awesome, it should win the Oscar!" or "Brokeback's score is so good, it was so soothing and calming! No way it can lose the Oscar!" or "Brokeback's score should win because it just....fits" (yeah like the other nominees dont fit and then some).

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It seems possible that there are still a great number of voters who think they are voting for the soundtrack and not just the score. I think that any film with a bunch of song in it should be inelligible for best score.

And Shore's The Aviator was DENIED admission for this very reason. I think the most infuriating aspect about the Oscars is their penchant for using inconsistent criteria regarding Best Score. Shore was much more deserving of having his music nominated than Santa's Brokeback Mountain.

Sheesh..... :roll:

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You know, For me Geisha now has a bittersweet flavour. It almost makes tears in my eyes, when hearing the 'happy and beautiful' (tracks going to school, chairman waltz...).

Which waltz were you listening to? I find it haunting and beautiful, but definitely not happy!

Well and i also think Williams should not make another campaign for a score. What's all he got? Being called egomaniac by a new member...With 45 losses pal (many of them as outrageous as this year), i dont think anyone could become that...

Let's see: The insignifigant opinion of one person we neither know or care about, compared to concert versions, television appearances and probably the best chance of Williams getting another Oscar. It was Munich that lost for Williams.

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I have returned after a once around the galaxy. Einstein wasn't one of us, but he sure was right! Look how fabulously young I stay after all these years.

I needed to come on and say I was absolutely crushed about last night -- both by the diss in not mentioning the maestro's tie-breaker nomination as well as the sacrifice of this award to Brokeback. Vote splitting my ass. Thinly spread, cheesy pedal steel guitar and strings? Please!

Did any of the members really take the time to listen to only two of his four brilliant new scores of last year -- that among them utilized orchestra, chorus, solo voice, percussion, electronics; Japanese and Middle Eastern techniques, sounds and melodies; that was informed by half a century of experience and millennia of musical culture; that ranged from the beautifully bombastic, to the intensely interior; the traditional to the futuristic? Probably not, our NA cult of celebrity has such a blinkered focus, limited attention span and short memory... A disappointing year from a recognition standpoint, but one that saw milestone achievements by one of the greatest musical figures of our era. There is no question his music will endure beyond the culture of disposability it was born into.

The SW Sextology should have received an Honorary Award as well, for best cycle of scores (no offense, Preisner's Decalog fans).

I heartily agree with Jon Stewart, it is no longer hard out there for a pimp.

Five Tones, who hit the after party on the Mothership.

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The quality of music was of no importance here.

Thta's the whole point with the oscars,

It goes with the flavour of the year. At least it has been the practice for the last few years now

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The joke on Family Guy(when JW goes against 2 dudes fooling around with a synth in their basement for the porn score awards) just became real.


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You know, For me Geisha now has a bittersweet flavour. It almost makes tears in my eyes, when hearing the 'happy and beautiful' (tracks going to school, chairman waltz...).

Which waltz were you listening to? I find it haunting and beautiful, but definitely not happy!

I meant happy and/or beautiful tracks. Waltz is the second category.

Well and i also think Williams should not make another campaign for a score. What's all he got? Being called egomaniac by a new member...With 45 losses pal (many of them as outrageous as this year), i dont think anyone could become that...

Let's see: The insignifigant opinion of one person we neither know or care about, compared to concert versions, television appearances and probably the best chance of Williams getting another Oscar. It was Munich that lost for Williams.

I was half joking.... We got three magnificent pieces for cello and piano ROTFLMAO

And i dont think munich made John Williams to lose...

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The joke on Family Guy(when JW goes against 2 dudes fooling around with a synth in their basement for the porn score awards) just became real.


On a side note the 2 other composers are Walter Murphy-who composed the main theme and episodes of Family Guy and Ron Jones of Star Trek TNG fame who also contributes to Family Guy.

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I can only say that I have lost all respect for the Academy. I am a professional musician. I play

classical music and movie music for a living. I hear many bad pieces by the supposed "greats".

I can honestly say that have never on stage played bad John Williams.

I am not the most knowledgeable person here on all of JW's music, but I did buy copies

of Geisha and Munich. They are both great albums, they capture the mood in both

movies. JW has a nack for this.

Brokeback mountain is a joke. It is 13 minutes yes, but the real music is much less. A

4th year composition student could write music like that. There is NO development and

in my opinion there is no heart to any of the music. It is just atmosphere music...chords

in the strings and a guitar playing all the notes that fit in those chords.....that kind

of music usually finds its way on the cutting room floor over at the William's


Its a sad day for the Oscar's. Williams is one of the greatest, you don't need a trophy for that, the

real measure of music's worth is done on the concert stage, and Williams is always welcome there!



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You know' date=' For me Geisha now has a bittersweet flavour. It almost makes tears in my eyes' date=' when hearing the 'happy and beautiful' (tracks going to school, chairman waltz...). [/quote'']

Which waltz were you listening to? I find it haunting and beautiful, but definitely not happy!

I meant happy and/or beautiful tracks. Waltz is the second category.

Well I definitely agree with you there!

Well and i also think Williams should not make another campaign for a score. What's all he got? Being called egomaniac by a new member...With 45 losses pal (many of them as outrageous as this year)' date=' i dont think anyone could become that... [/quote']

Let's see: The insignifigant opinion of one person we neither know or care about' date=' compared to concert versions, television appearances and probably the best chance of Williams getting another Oscar. It was [i']Munich that lost for Williams.

I was half joking.... We got three magnificent pieces for cello and piano :)

And i dont think munich made John Williams to lose...

I think it did. It split his vote; instead of the vote being concentrated on the one, superior score (Geisha), it was diverted between the two of them.

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Also, if it was "just" Munich that denied Memoirs its moment of glory, what about last year?

I think that Brokeback won fair and square.

And that reflects VERY badly upon the Academy.

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Last year Williams' didn't campaign for PoA. Also, that score wasn't as "different" as Geisha, in terms of what Williams has written in the past. He had a very good chance at winning the award this year, as opposed to the "oh yeah, it's Williams" chances in all previous years. That's just what I reckon, anyway.

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