Soprano Renee Fleming Contributes to ‘Tintin’ Recording Sessions

According to an article from Sonic Scoop Magazine, American soprano Renee Fleming was recorded singing with a 69-piece orchestra at the Manhattan Center Studios in NYC for Spielberg’s Tintin, while the director and John Williams attended the special session from LA. The article does not specify whether this recording belongs to the first or second Tintin movie. Here’s the original excerpt:

Renee Fleming was recorded singing live with a 69-piece orchestra in the Grand  Ballroom and adjacent Studio 7, equipped with the massive 108-input Neve VR, for Steven Spielberg’s animated film Tintin. Two video crews were present at the sessions, one for a polycom set up allowing Spielberg and composer John Williams to attend the session from LA. The  second crew performed motion capture, which will allow the film’s animators to capture Fleming’s facial expressions exactly for her animated character.  Todd Whitlock was the engineer on the session.

The original article can be found here.

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