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Found 2 results

  1. Hello, Some time ago I made that score reductions and analysis of Yoda's Theme and The Throne Room like other scores are analyzed on FilmScoreAnalysis channel. I think that's very interesting to look and analyze some masterworks by John Williams and other composers. (New version): I'm also working on analysis of Across The Stars and I will upload it at the end of the month. If you have any ideas what to do to make my analysis better, please, tell me. 🙂 Edit: Here's Across The Stars analysis Edit 2: Here's Anakin's Theme: Edit 3: Han Solo And The Princess https://youtu.be/8lbR7n1DcKE Edit 4: The Emperor's Arrival https://youtu.be/HJXs0HP35p8 Edit 5: Leia Breaks The News Edit 6: Another Happy Landing: Edit 7: Star Of Bethlehem The Death Star Theme from Schindler's List: Ps. And if you have any ideas what score should I analyze next also please, tell me.
  2. Hey everyone! My name is Brad Frey, and I'm a composer who also happens to be a huge fan of John Williams, and of this forum. It's good to be here! I started a YouTube channel awhile ago called "FilmScoreAnalysis," where I took full film score cues, reduced them down to a few staves, analyzed them, and put the film on screen with the reduced and analyzed score. Some of these cues so far come from films like Jurassic Park, Jaws, and Harry Potter, and I'm working on several more from Star Wars, Catch Me If You Can, Raiders - you get the idea. You can visit the channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk_jzTmW2Fmfnm70c2kZHpQ There aren't many videos there yet, but it should give you a general idea of what I'm doing. Hope you enjoy, and let me know if you have any suggestions! Thanks, Brad
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