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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. Meh, it showed us stuff we really didn't need to see. Indy gets his hat, gets scared of snakes and gets Ford's scar all in one adventure. Kinda ruins the mythology of the character, much like the everyone knows everyone in the prequels.

    I definitely get where you're coming from on that. Doesn't bother me personally all THAT much, but it certainly doesn't help the scene. I mostly just enjoy the fun-but-not-annoying energy of it.

    I think Mark is in the minority on this one (though perhaps not in this group). Audiences as a whole love that stuff - the little hints to remind us that this is the same guy we saw in Raiders. It ties the series together. It might annoy critics or those who love to analyze. If you don't want to find out more about the characters (their past, present, or future), you have no business watching a sequel.

    For me, The Last Crusade is more "Indiana Jones" than Raiders is. Indiana was still developing as a character in Raiders and TOD. He was still finding out who he was just as much as we were. But then Raiders came out before I was born, so I don't have the emotional attachment some of you do if you watched it in theaters. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Raiders and TOD, but TLC is my favorite.

  2. Kind of off topic but more on topic than much we have discussed in this thread:

    Have Lucas or Spielberg ever given any indication that they intended Mutt to have a spinoff movie? I've heard grumblings that this would be an outrage, but I was under the impression that there was never any intent to make an Indiana Jones without Harrison Ford.

    When I saw the closing scene of KOTCS, I watched Mutt pick up the hat, and I was thinking "NOOOO!!" and then Harrison Ford snatches it and puts it on his own head. I was instantly relieved, and I understood that Lucas and Spielberg were just teasing us - they knew as well as we did that no one could ever take the place of Harrison Ford in the Indiana Jones movies - he IS Indiana Jones. But other viewers seem to have gotten the impression that Spielberg was foreshadowing, and that there really might be a Mutt movie. Anyone have a definitive answer?

  3. KOTCS still ranks above Temple of Doom out of the four films in my book.

    That's a good way to start a fight around here. I for one have issues with KOTCS, but nothing huge that will prevent me from being able to enjoy it. However, never in a million years would I put it above any of the previous Indy films.

    Shia was too hard on himself but it's not real professional to say, "I think I did a great job in the movie but everyone else screwed it up."

    I'm glad I got some shock out of some of you at my statement. In my defense, I don't think KOTCS was a better film than TOD, I just enjoy KOTCS more. It might have something to do with my mortal fear of large insects, chilled monkey brains, and hearts being ripped out. (If the ants in KOTCS weren't so fake my rankings might have been different - kind of ironic.)

  4. When you’re making films about aliens and robots, about a giant shark or the search for the Lost Ark, there is really one big challenge: MAKE THE AUDIENCE BELIEVE THIS SHIT. Special effects can help, but there is another extremely important facet that must be respected: PLAUSIBLE REALISM. (I know this is not an official term, but I hope the description below clarifies what I’m referring to).

    I disagree with your conclusion, but I think you may be on to something. As you said, implausible things happen in every movie. The filmmakers must make it all believable. But I don't think it matters HOW implausible the scenario is. It's all in the execution. Special effects can help , but they can also hurt, because the most effective way to make the audience believe that what is happening on the screen is real is to have the actors sell it. For example, Jabba is nothing more than a giant rubber puppet, but Carrie Fisher strangles him with such convincing disgust that we are willing to go along with it and accept that he is real. Mark Hamill's astonishment when Yoda raises the X-wing accomplishes a similar purpose. I could go on but you get the idea.

    In fact, I think that may be why some people dislike the prequel Star Wars trilogy - Lucas relied too heavily on CGI (OK that's not a new idea, but keep reading), leaving the actors out of the picture (in some cases even replacing the actors with CGI), so no one is there to help us connect to the reality of the fantasy we are seeing. And even when real actors are on screen, they are often interacting with a blue screen, making it very difficult for them to bring the scene to life. It's much more difficult for Ewan MacGregor to make us believe Jar Jar is real (though thankfully he is not) than for Mark Hamill to make us believe Yoda is.

  5. I don't think this is the case. Firstly, it WAS a box office success--$317 million domestic is nothing to sneeze at. If it was a simple matter of "80's style doesn't work today," then that still wouldn't be the issue. It was definitely a far more old school film than is common today, but I think the stuff that made Raiders great still stands today, and if they released a film of that caliber, you'd still have the odd snarky person trying to be cool by dissing it.

    But in reality they didn't hit it on the head. Even disregarding the stylistic misses (there could have been still less CG than there was, and the cinematography still was on the glossy side at times--the "shooting on the surface of the sun" look of some daylight scenes didn't help either), there is a main flaw in that it didn't take itself quite seriously enough. It didn't strike the emotional balance that the previous films did to allow the danger and the poignancy along with the fun. The waterfall scene is actually the biggest offender for me. I laughed at it in the theater, but really, they should've played it straight--when they first neared the falls I was thinking, "Oh crap! How are they going to get out of this one?!" (That's right, the fridge scene didn't destroy that for me), but then the scene plays out and it's like, "Oh...okay. No problem." The family angle also needed to have some more serious moments. There are a couple of really good moments ("A damn good, really good life" and the exchange of looks leading to "What're you looking at, Daddy-O?"), but the big beats it needs to hit are really lacking. The reconnection with Indy and Marion needed to be better developed, and "I don't know, Dad. Why didn't you?" needed to have a serious answer. We didn't get a zeppelin conversation in this film, we didn't get a cliffside reunion in this film, we didn't get an "Indiana...Indiana, let it go" in this film--and it needed something like that.

    All of that said, I really enjoy a lot of it, and I like a lot of the vibe that's there--in fact, I think the section from the college scenes all the way up through the night camp scene is pretty dang solid, and I'm glad to have this film for the good that's in it. But they took the whole "Not taking yourself too seriously" thing a bit too far. That's really the problem--a lack of balance.

    Your analysis is pretty close to the way I feel. As I said in my post, I enjoyed the film - I try not to analyze it too much while I'm watching so that I don't spoil it for myself (I'm a very forgiving viewer). But I think you're right about what was missing (i.e., the emotional connection). Those moments are the reason Last Crusade is my favorite of the four.

  6. I think people are much too critical of KOTCS. Expectations were too high - viewers need to be more realistic. I for one was satisfied - I felt like I was along for the ride again with Indiana Jones on one of his trademark adventures; that's all anyone could really ask for. The only scene that I really didn't like was the the monkey vine scene. I'm not a fan of Shia LaBeouf in general but he did a decent job (going into it I was afraid he would ruin the movie for me since he kind of gets on my nerves). All of the Indy movies incorporate supernatural elements, and since this one took place in the 50's it was only logical that aliens would be involved. Nothing was too far off from the canon. The opening sequence with the nuke was classic. KOTCS still ranks above Temple of Doom out of the four films in my book.

  7. I'm new here and I thought this would be an interesting way to introduce myself to the group.

    A bit of background on how I chose these: I have a fairly solid primary education in music, but I'm by no means an expert. I'm particularly lacking in my knowledge of music history. I have a general knowledge of composers and their greatest works, genres, instrumentation, etc. Also, I should say up front that I haven't listened to even a quarter of JW's scores.

    My choices below are my "favorite" JW scores as far as listening enjoyment. There is a big difference between "appreciating" a score on an intellectual level and "enjoying" a score, which is based primarily on emotion (highly subjective). So with that caveat, here are my top 5 JW scores:

    1) The Empire Strikes Back - By far my favorite of the Star Wars trilogy, I love every minute of the score, from the militaristic theme on Hoth (apparently dropped from the film if I remember correctly), to the Asteroid Field, Attacking a Star Destroyer, and even Lando's Palace. My favorite moment (musically) in the entire saga is Yoda lifting the X-wing from the swamp. I adore everything beginning at the light saber duel until the statement of Vader's theme at the end of the credits. The escape sequence with the agitated strings, the "ESP" coversation between Vader and Luke, and the jump to hyperspace carry the weight of these moments. I love the original Star Wars soundtrack as well, but I prefer the romantic style of ESB to the primal style (reminiscent of Rite of Spring in some parts) in ANH.

    2) Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - This one owes its main theme to Raiders, but, as Spielberg said, the score "matured" along with the audience for the third installment. There are so many moments I like, including the Young Indiana scene, Scherzo for Motorcycle, No Ticket, the father-son theme, the Keeper of the Grail, and the entire finale / end credits. Nothing will get you in the mood for an adventure like Raiders march - it is absolutely brilliant, especially as it's used in Crusade. Last Crusade also happens to be my favorite movie of all time, which may have nudged the score up a slot or two on my list. It's a miracle that there is so much new material, as the third movie in what was the trilogy; other composers might have relied more heavily on previous themes. I'm glad JW didn't phone it in.

    3) Jurassic Park - Like many others who have posted, this was the album that introduced me to JW. In fact, it was the first album I ever owned (on cassette tape). Perhaps the reason I love it so much is the sentamentality attached to it, as I first saw the movie when I was 11, the prime age for obsession with dinosaurs. The score perfectly captures every mood: the sense of excitement in Journey to the Island, the humility of seeing the creatures for the first time as the main theme is played, the childlike endearment when Grant meets the triceratops (like a boy and his dog), the Hammond's nostalgia in Remembering Petticoat Lane (my favorite moment in the film and the score), and Grant's reflection in A Tree for My Bed. All of these moments, thanks in large part to the score, bring the emotion that makes Jurassic Park better than the run-of-the-mill action movie. But JW also delivers in the action sequences. It still scares me if I listen to Dennis Steals the Embryo while driving in the rain. The sense of urgency is perfectly captured when the Sattler and Muldoon take the jeep to look for the others. And of course, the triumphant T-Rex rescue is amazing. I'm surprised at how many of you have expressed a loss of appreciation for this score over the years. I must have listened to it at least a hundred times and it still brings me back to those 11-yr-old fantasies of seeing live dinosaurs every time I hear it. Whatever you all are doing to lose your infatuation with JP, I hope it never happens to me.

    4) E.T. - My favorite part of the score ironically comes after the movie is over - the cascading piano with the supporting French Horn in the End Credits. The last quarter of the movie is scored brilliantly with the iconic flying theme, the good-bye music, and all the punctuations throughout the chase. And then there's the moment in "E.T. is Dying" with the harp playing that plucks at the heartstrings (pun intended).

    5) Sabrina - The last one on the list is always the hardest to choose. If I had made this list next Thursday, Harry Potter might have been number five. In the end, what may have tipped the scales for Sabrina is that it is so different from everything else. I love to play the piano and Theme from Sabrina is up there with Claire de Lune as one of my favorites to play. And even though JW didn't write the melody, the rendition of La Vie en Rose in the film is the best anywhere. In contrast to all the bombastic, melancholy, or agitated music Williams writes, it's nice every now and then to relax to the gentle, graceful sounds of Sabrina.

    It pains me to stop at 5 (I don't know why I am - this was my idea), especially when I have to leave Harry Potter, Hook, Empire of the Sun, and every other Star Wars soundtrack off the list. But maybe I can express my gratitude to John some other time for the rest of the amazing music he has written.

    So if you had to choose just five scores, which would they be?

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