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About brenn

  • Birthday 04/04/1988


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About Me

I can't quite say for certain which I thought about and loved more when I was a child... the movie, or the music in the movie! I remembered often almost exclusively watching a movie just so I could listen to the music. I would watch Hook and Pan duel their way right up against that giant crocodile's belly and my ears were inseparably fixated on one of Williams' greatest climactic cues. I tried to listen to the building and ticking and pounding of the orchestra - knowing the Captain's fate (having seen it a hundred times prior...) - through all the sound effects and dialogue. I listened to the chilling, intense climax piece articulating the terror of the lurking, lunging, biting raptors. Yet another one of Johnny's best climactic pieces. I watched those films (and many others) all the way through the ending credits sequences. I could sit through the title sequences and get to listen to the music without dialogue or sound effects... just music. It wasn't until I got older that I realized that the majority of my favorite movies were directed by Steven Spielberg... and just as important, that all of those films were scored by the same magnificent composer. I've been able to enjoy their collaboration right up to the latest and arguably the greatest product of their filmmaking relationship, "Lincoln".

I'm thankful for all the joy John Williams' scores have given me. He is the greatest film composer. I've always been fascinated by music. Mostly probably inspired by him. Unfortunately I never took lessons in anything although I wish so much that I could have. But I have played by ear for many years and have done a few recordings. (If at all you were interested, feel free to listen at: Imago Dei Scores). My passion is for filmmaking and I am going to pursue a career as a director. I'm thankful to both Steven and Williams in how their work has influenced how I see films and the standards I hold myself to in them.

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