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Posts posted by Diego

  1. My guess is he can wait a bit to see if FP is released, at 10 000 I don't think it's selling out so fast, even BTTF is still available and that seems to be limited to 10 000 too and I'd say that was more anticipated than Black Sunday.

  2. Well, I have doubts Lucas would listen to a petition, not to mention that I believe I'm a minority in this subject, just as I said that the average SW fan doesn't care too much about expanded scores, I do believe most fans like the changes and want even more changes to make the OT look more like the prequels, and of course I shiver just thinking about it.

    I remember reading a topic on a SW forum and some guys were making a list of changes they wanted to see, shit like Yoda reacting to Alderaan's destruction. Just imagine it: Tarkin says his "We'll deal with your Rebel friends soon enough", Leia goes "Noooo", the Death Star shoots, Alderaan gets destroyed and we cut to Dagobah (a planet not yet seen in the whole saga btw), we get a close up of Yoda doing a "what the hell was that?" face and then we cut to the Falcon to see Luke training and Obi-Wan's reaction. And we never see Yoda in the movie again. Yeah, great addition.

  3. As far as the first Batman film is concerned, there are a few statements of the Batman theme I would like to have on the CD. The moment he comes through the ceiling in the art gallery and rescues Basinger and some of the cut music from the Batwing sequence would be nice.

    Plus the disc could use some remastering. It's mixed too low.

    My main wish is for a score release for Batman & Robin.

    That part where Batman comes trough the ceiling is awesome, even my brother likes it. I remember when I bought the CD, which was my first non-Williams purchase, my brother asked: "Put that part where he comes from the ceiling, put that part where he comes from the ceiling!". And of course, normal people don't understand that not all the music is included in most soundtracks, so he just gave me this look like "why would you buy it, then?"

    Being recorded in England and with interest from LLL and good disposition from Warner I am hopeful though.

  4. Well, they are already cheaper here.

    Cheaper than a CD?

    For some reason, everyone thinks they can charge more for media in the UK. Some 'economic factors' bullcrap.

    Yes, cheaper than a CD, to give you two recent examples, Avatar is $220 (about 16.8 dollars) on CD and is $110 (about 8.4 dollars) on iTunes. Sherlock Holmes is $190 (14.5 dollars) on CD and $120 (9.2 dollars) on iTunes.

    And those examples are for national releases, with import CDs there's no comparison. Although I want the CD, I'm seriously considering downloading "The Wolfman" for about 9.2 dollars, as the import, (based on what I paid for Star Trek, another Varese release) will probably end up costing around 27 dollars in stores.

    There is a dark side to digital downloads in Mexico however as many CDs that are on iTunes US are not on the mexican iTunes, for example, Disney stuff, which is why I object to download only releases.

  5. Elfman by far, he's one of my favorites composers. I only have a couple of Zimmer's scores, unlike others I don't really have anything against him and if I like something from him I would probably buy it but normally his scores just don't do it for me.

    In terms of actual scores, my favorite Elfman is Nightmare with Batman a close second. From Zimmer I only have The Simpsons and Sherlock and I have heard some other stuff from him, but there's no comparison really

  6. So they're making Ghostbusters 3, nice! Now we only need:

    Back To The Future 4. Mad Dog steals that (completely unnecesary) time travelling train and goes to, you guessed it, 1955.

    Gremlins, the prequel. About how the Gremlins created chaos in WW II

    And of course, E.T. 2, E.T. returned to his home planet but he lost his wallet on Earth! Now there are creditors after him and they'll break Elliot's legs unless E.T. pays them.

  7. Why keep old un-remastered mono rips? Just convert the remastered stereo cds into mono mp3s

    The mono mixes are completely different from the stereo ones, not just reduction mixes, one obvious example in one of the early albums is the song "Please Please Me", in the stereo version John Lennon very notoriously gets the lyrics wrong and then almost laughs (it starts at 01:27), the mono version on the other hand is a perfect take and doesn't have this mistake. So there's good reason to keep the mono mixes and good reason to buy the mono boxset (Sgt. Pepper is better in mono).

  8. Sounds nice, but I just can't take anymore... geez, I've said it before, but someone should tell the labels that if we spend all our money on scores and don't buy food we'll die and then we can't buy anymore CDs.

    Also I would like it if they stopped with these surprise announcements and make a schedule, so we could do a bit of planning, maybe a budget...

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