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Found 2 results

  1. This is a question that I keep coming back to with the Star Wars sequel trilogy: Will John WIlliams ever record another Star Wars score with the London Symphony Orchestra (LSO) again? While I enjoyed the score for The Force Awakens, I couldn't help but notice that there was just something different about it or missing. Part of it could have been the recording techniques, digital vs. analog, or a host of different variables, but one element I feel that supersedes all of that was the absence of the LSO. Yes, the musicians used to record the score on The Force Awakens I'm sure are world class and likely some of the best in the world, but there is something to be said when comparing a group of musicians that have been put together in a very short amount of time with very little time playing together as a group to record a film score, as opposed to a world class orchestra that has been playing together for years. I also realize that even the musicians in the LSO change over the years, but as a unit, I would bet they have spent much more time playing together than any group of musicians put together to perform on one film score. For me personally, I felt that overall, The Force Awakens score was amazing and the playing was good, but I felt that the cohesion and crispness experienced with the LSO at least on the prequel scores, was lacking. I just wanted to get everyone's opinion on this. With the recent news that Williams will be recording the score for Episode VIII on and off now and into early next year, does this signal Williams official departure from the LSO on Star Wars? Do you think we'll ever get another Star Wars score composed and conducted by John Williams with the London Symphony Orchestra? Fingers crossed, I'm hoping we get just one more with the LSO, but of course, I am thankful that we still have John to bless us with new material for Star Wars regardless.
  2. 16 Aug 2015 "The legendary London Symphony Orchestra, who you will remember recorded all previous episodes of the saga soundtracks but not the hotly anticipated forthcoming soundtrack for The Force Awakens, are still very much involved in matters relating to the galaxy far, far away. Yesterday Disney's Portfolio Creative Executive Scott Trowbridge revealed that the LSO have recorded the music for Season of the Force, to be heard in Disney Parks." More here: http://www.jedinews.co.uk/news/news.aspx?newsID=22991
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