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Bespin last won the day on February 15

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About Bespin

  • Birthday 08/03/1974

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    Serial discographist 🏳️‍🌈
  • Location
    CANADA (Québec)

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  1. Today's program, three great scores of the 90s by Al Silvestri.
  2. I'm late to the party, as I stopped to archive concert broadcasts in 2021. Please answer my message in pv, thanks!
  3. Wrong yellow for the DG logo (printed in the Czech Republic? Meh...), but it's nice to add to the collection!
  4. Please help me check the Wiki article from time to time. A weirdo calculated that John Williams released 366 soundtrack albums. This makes no sense at all... Even if you add the studio albums, the Soundtracks and the Expanded reissues, it makes 206 (40 + 110 + 56). We can't count the soundtracks where JW is an instrumentist nor share the composition with others, they appear in the "collab" section. Anyway, I corrected it. Note: The recent expansions are not there yet, the listing stops in 2022.
  5. Rewatched it again and again. I love that series. The fact that John Williams composed a theme for it is also exceptional.
  6. I noticed the score in the show, yes, and that's the face I made during a sabre duel:
  7. I would buy a bluray collection of this TV show where John Williams conducted the Boston Pops.
  8. I'm not yet wealthy enough to afford Swedish audiophile equipment, sorry!
  9. The Jedi are not evil; they just became a bit... incompetent. This series should end well before Palpatine enters the scene and even before Sifo Dyas orders the clone army; we are still 100 years before the events of 'The Phantom Menace'... Nevertheless, they are setting the stage for a future series that, in my opinion, will have even more material. Plagueis's moment of glory has not yet arrived...
  10. His first error? Fuck with Yaddle.
  11. His last error was thinking he could defeat Palpatine alone; he failed lamentably. The downfall of the Jedi was obviously a team effort, but led by a group of individuals even more arrogant than their disciples.
  12. What is 'recent' when you have 874 years old? Some of you seem to complain that, again and again, this timeline doesn't depict the Jedi in their golden years. Of course, it doesn't. This is the beginning of their fall. They are already starting to lose control over the dark side, and they no longer have a consensus in the Senate because their functioning is opaque to the Republic.
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