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JNHFan2000 last won the day on March 7

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About JNHFan2000

  • Birthday May 4

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  1. If you think after the first Joker film that this version of the Joker is a crimimal mastermind, that's fully on you. Nothing in that first film points to that. He's a confused and in a way innocent (not in the way that he doesn't do bad things) person that sometimes sort of let's loose. But nothing what he does is a plan. He wasn't planning on shooting De Niro point blank in the face, he was going there to kill himself. I kinda feel, based on the last trailer, that Harley is the one who sort of controls him and brings him on a path of destruction and madness
  2. No, but I'm happy with Kris Bowers. He's a very talented composer and the right project brings spectacular stuff out of him.
  3. New featurette on Dreamworks' The Wild Robot. Looks absolutely stunning.
  4. It's both. There is an orchestra present as are the electronics and some beats. Themes from past films present are Silvestri's Avengers theme & Beltrami's Main Titles from Logan
  5. Finished season 1 and thought it was outstanding!! The 4 leads are fantastic. All giving great storylines, character development and juice material to play with. Writing is also done really well. Each episode having it sort of its own thematic core, while as a whole having one arc and it works brilliant. Daniel Hart's score also adds a lot to the score. It's beautiful romantic, dark, gothic and just stunning. Happy I don't have to wait for season 2!!
  6. I thought it has some really interesting ideas, but not all excuted well. The film looks beautiful and when the action is there it's strong, but there's not enough of it and I feel the film chose to highlight the wrong Eternals. There are 10 Eternals and they focuse of 3 mostly which is a shame. But it's still a very solid film in my opinion.
  7. I like this!! Their score for X-Men 97 is fantastic so I'm hoping they'll do something cool with Paesano's theme.
  8. There are some points I agree with there, the plot is indeed on the simple side, but there are so many fantastic films with a simple plot: Jurassic Park, Die Hard among others. What I thought was so great about this film was the character work on both Deadpool and Wolverine. Each of them has a good arc with ups and downs. It really works. You have all the nostalgia stuff surrounding it and the cameos (which honestly are more supporting roles. These characters are around for quite a while and also have a real meaning to them), but if you take all that away still have a really great buddy road trip film so to speak with excellent action etc that just happens to feature these 2 comic book characters. I don't think a lot more is expected and needed from a film that features Deadpool. That was more the point I was trying to make. Some critics are looking at it like it should be the new awards frontrunner and judging it that way, which makes no sense to me. If it's not for you, that's of course completely fine. This film is made with a clear purpose: to entertain! And it does so in spades.
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