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Thor last won the day on May 26

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    Oslo, Norway

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  1. This is a common cognitive disconnect/logical fallacy I see time and again, i.e. someone's popularity measured from your own personal experience, one's own little bubble ("my daughter loves this, so everybody loves it", "I like it, hence it's popular"). As if there is a need to confirm one's own bias by creating a common consensus. Assessing something's or someone's popularity requires a whole other set of research (both quantitative and qualitative). One can speculate and base it upon reasonable assumptions, that's fine, but it doesn't mean it's the facit. I'm sure Rick Beato (who?) has his own solid arguments for why he thinks Williams is the "most well-known musical history in all of history", but I find the notion ludicrous and just that -- his own personal assessment.
  2. Or he could just reuse his old composition "Satellite Celebration" (later renamed "Song for World Peace"). An old-school Spielberg sci fi about flying saucers sounds interesting, regardless of who the composer is.
  3. I think it was someone else's. It's a fairly popular score, and I try to focus on the less-talked-about (while everyone else posts about the mainstream classics!), but this one seems to ignite the community. On to: Insanely long at 70+ minutes, but it highlights different episodes, so it's alright. Super classy, as always with the late Gunning, and the main theme brings me back to my childhood when everyone watched this Friday evenings.
  4. Awesome! Good to see you finally make a post. Hope you stay and post for a while, we're not that many Norwegians.
  5. Zimmer's MAN OF STEEL is bloody brilliant! One of his very best scores in the last 20 years.
  6. One of the finest western-eastern merge scores in the last 20 years, leave it to the always reliable Gordon to lush things up!
  7. I'm not sure what you're referring to, as I can't remember any Williams talking on my FSM CD, but maybe you're referring to the newer release? That being said, if you are the "Hvidsten" I think you are, then welcome to the board! It's been a while since we met now.
  8. Don't mind me breaking up the Goldsmith fest! This is one of my favourite Franke scores. Not for everyone - plenty of el guitars and more pop/rock licks than Tangerine Dream sequencers, but enormously entertaining, funky and melodic. And VERY 90s.
  9. Cool, blurry photos. Wasn't aware Vangelis jammed with the entire band, just Jon.
  10. Damn! 90 is very good innings, so not gonna complain about that, but he was one of my dad's musical heroes. I listened to some of the Bluesbreakers albums via him, and dug it. RIP.
  11. Thread's getting heavy to load now with all the YT clips. Any chance for putting them in spoiler tags?
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