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John last won the day on June 1 2019

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About John

  • Birthday December 26


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    Retired JWFan
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  1. Coming out of retirement briefly to share a few words about Daft Punk. Growing up, they were easily among my favorite musical artists and are probably still in my top five. Their sound and style influenced my music tastes more than any other group. Really would’ve loved to see them dabble more in the realm of film scoring; their work on TRON: Legacy is nothing short of remarkable. Gonna miss them a lot. One more time...
  2. I think my time here has come to an end. Life as of late has been very busy and I just don’t have the time anymore to devote to contributing to these boards. For those reading this, I wish you well, and sincerely hope that your love for the art of film scoring that brought you to this site never fades. 

    Long live John Williams!

    1. Cerebral Cortex

      Cerebral Cortex

      I will miss seeing your presence and contributions on the board. I wish you nothing but happiness in all your future endeavors, and I feel fortunate that our shared musical loves were able to bring us together.

  3. I rewatched the trilogy recently and there’s no doubt in my mind that FOTR is the best of the three. Darn near perfect movie.
  4. I enjoyed Bumblebee a lot overall. I liked the Iron Giant-esque direction they took the story, though the parts that stood out to me most were the scenes set on Cybertron. The entire opening sequence is just brilliantly animated and executed. Why couldn't we have gotten this in 2007?
  5. Only the 2007 movie, Dark of the Moon, and Bumblebee are worth taking a look.
  6. Groundhog Day (1993) This is actually the first time I’ve seen this movie, and I enjoyed it quite a lot! Very sweet and clever script with plenty of laughs. I’m not the biggest fan of Bill Murray, but I really enjoyed his performance here; he brings the perfect balance of snark and sincerity to the role. The movie probably would’ve not worked with any other actor but him. **** out of *****
  7. I thought this had been confirmed for some time already?
  8. Jojo Rabbit A decently pleasant diversion. Story felt a bit thin at times, and it often felt like it was aping the style of Wes Anderson, but it had some charms of its own, along with some unexpectedly poignant moments. Really enjoyed Roman Griffin Davis’ central performance; the relationship between his character and his mother gave the movie a lot of heart. *** and 1/2 out of *****
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