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Manakin Skywalker

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Manakin Skywalker last won the day on December 7 2023

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    Octatonic Scale Enthusiast
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  1. Well the other day I saw someone on Reddit complaining that they ordered two and neither contained the map. So hidden in the Disney Emporium warehouse I'd assume.
  2. Looks like they're canonizing Captain EO. Guess this means we get to have a James Horner Star Wars score after all!
  3. Translation after prodding him a bit: He's wondering if that sequencing you mentioned is indeed accurate now that you've worked on the official release and would know for certain, or would recall more freshly (your phrasing of "I think" at the time made him question whether you were remembering correctly or not.)
  4. I haven't viewed this thread until now, but has anyone made a Tony Gilroy coming in for reshoots joke yet?
  5. Here's the number of tracks each of the composers is credited on: Cameron Moody (41) Robert Scott Wallace (29) Miguel Bezanilla (27) Orlando Perez Rosso (12) Pablo Croissier (3) Zhi Pan (2)
  6. Park Road is the company responsible for applying the AI "enhancements" to all these films, and look who's listed as the "Post House" here.
  7. Not sure if this is true, but I had heard a while back that Skeleton Crew is supposed to be Christmas-adjacent (Life Day themed?) and when it was delayed to February they just decided to wait another year to release it at the right time. Jon Favreau did say a couple years prior that he wanted to do his own Holiday Special.
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