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  1. I’m hoping they announce something of interest to me! It’s been a while since any of the labels put out anything that got me excited enough to buy. At the same time, a lack of new purchases has given me the opportunity to go back and appreciate the wonderful scores I already own (and save a lot of money!).
  2. Forgive me for asking, but why does 2 instruments playing the same line an octave apart bother you so?
  3. Always sounded like "Let's go!" to me... Maybe one of the drummers called it out during the session?
  4. Nice pick up! It's Williams doing his best pastoral Ralph Vaughan Williams impression. Some of my favourite stuff from him!
  5. I do wonder if Double Trouble is meant to represent Hogwarts castle to some extent, given that it is first heard when they arrive at school, features prominently during the opening act (all taking place within the school), and isn't heard again after Quidditch, Third Year, at which point we venture outside of Hogwarts to Hogsmeade, and the story and world expands beyond the in-class/school grounds adventures of the trio.
  6. I think I honestly prefer the AOTC version. The percussion and interludes between the orchestral tutti frenzy add a lot. While I do agree that orchestration of the main frenzy motif is more intense in HP, the bridging material isn't as interesting to my ears (partly due to the fact that The Chase Through Coruscant is a sustained 10 minute action setpiece, so JW can return to certain rhythms and vary them, making it a more unified and interesting musical sequence overall).
  7. Thank you so much! I've made a playlist for my own listening based on your work. Only 1 question: Where does Volume 2 Track 35 "Captain Seven" fit in? I think you might have missed it! Easy to do, as there's a track on Volume 2 called "Commander Seven"!
  8. I know I would still buy new expanded editions of these scores, but this collection has a special place in my heart: the artwork, the presentation, its place in history (I hope I’m not exaggerating), my own personal experience back when I bought it, and the countless times I’ve had the privilege of listening to it.
  9. That one is in close second place! Followed by A.I.
  10. Pretty random question, but why is track 18 on Azkaban Disc 2 called "Window to the Past", and not "A Window to the Past" like on the OST? I've been revisiting this box set and have concluded that it is the best expansion I've ever purchased. If I had to get rid of every expansion I've ever bought and only keep one, this would be it. This music is so damn good, all 8 hours of it.
  11. This is really excellent work! Clearly a lot of effort went into this piece. You should be really proud of it.
  12. I'm so thankful you've keep the references and in-jokes to this one thread and haven't derailed any others.
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