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Smeltington last won the day on August 21 2023

Smeltington had the most liked content!


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    a bigger JWFan than you

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  1. It's not like 50K is the magic number that will save the hall or whatever. But it's a nice round number, so I hope they make it.
  2. And this is in Salt Lake, which from the times I've visited, seems to have surprisingly little appetite for historic preservation, even for a US city. At least it's heartening to see people are fighting back against it. I hope they'll succeed.
  3. That looks like my copy from back in the 70s!
  4. She's a longtime lurker, but is waiting a few more years to post until the reaction to her new Jedi order film dies down.
  5. Love it! She showed up for another one of these, even though Williams wasn't there... she's one of us! Funny to see her goofing off with the cheapo lightsaber too. Need a fourth Spidey for the Trade Federation march!
  6. Well sheeeit. Although Franco was probably seen as appropriate for that project due to her background, with Powell providing "A-lister" advice. Kinda like Giacchino helping on Captain Marvel. But I guess it could go either way in this case.
  7. The film will need a score, and it would be strange if Powell was involved, but NOT with the actual scoring. Assuming he does write the score, it could be a lot of fun to hear him use song melodies as themes and play around with them in his own style.
  8. I think their only hope would be finding someone to invest or donate most of the money for the recording, and asking for only a $15,000 contribution from Kickstarter. Otherwise a third try would probably have the same result.
  9. So, who will tell us where the Imperial March is hidden in the opening of ESB?
  10. I love when stuff like this is hiding in plain sight, for us to find years later! There's a lot to reward repeated listens. Williams may indeed have amused himself with this, and it also reminds me of this Jim Steinman quote: Plus I would suggest that our subconscious might have already heard it!
  11. Great find! That cue is pretty dense, with a lot going on. It probably deserves a closer look than I've given it. A thousand times yes!
  12. Yes lol! Except you mustn't say they're shit because John Williams and the Boston Pops did a nice one!
  13. At least two... and that's just the ones we know about!
  14. Let's each record ourselves singing it, in any key and tempo we like, and then overlay them all, to create a JWFan tribute version.
  15. Where else would she be? Hans IS German culture!
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