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  1. Do we have any idea when and what the next title could be? We know something is being released shortly
  2. Does anyone have an idea how long it takes to deliver for JPC to the UK? Had shipping notice on the 10th and still nothing 🧐
  3. Just got shopping confirmation from JPC. Cannot wait to see if the Blu-ray is only audio or video as well 😅
  4. They played tracks 23 and 24. What a piece "the final ride" is 😳. Can't wait to put my hands on this historical release 🥹
  5. The world Premiere will be broadcast by ClassicFM in 25 minute 😳 https://www.classicfm.com/composers/williams/original-score-spielberg-first-film-sugarland-express/
  6. Ordering from Europe on LLL makes a total of $40 so not sure what the benefit of ordering elsewhere is on this occasion 🧐
  7. Does anybody know when the next LLL release announcement is due? I usually wait for a few title to order together to save on shipping costs so if it's a matter of a few weeks I can wait before I order this. I wouldn't like to have another nice title announced a short time after ordering this 🫣.
  8. I still don't get it. I mean, you know you are holding a vinyl, you don't need someone to tell you that it's Analog
  9. I always wondered why they needed those codes to be in three letters when the final "D" is obviously unneeded.
  10. Can anyone figure out who did this version as played in this Italian TV program? I spent several hours on YouTube but have been unable to find it... https://www.la7.it/propagandalive/video/il-cartoon-del-genio-makkox-pianeta-terra-terra-11-05-2024-541718
  11. Wondering who could approve such a stupid marketing choice. Glad I have time to cancel the order before shipping.
  12. I was in the process of ordering this then I realized it mentions Bluray audio: I thought the bluray would include the full concert video. Does anybody know for sure?
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